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General Informations

The faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science is one of the important faculties of the University of Bucharest, being well-known and unanimously apreciated abroad.

The faculty has 180 staff members, many of them with a high reputation. All the staff members (starting with the lecturers), have the scientific title of doctor in mathematics, and all assistant lecturers and preparators are candidates for a doctor's degree. Five of the active or consultant professors are members or corresponding members of the Romanian Academy. The majority of the teaching staff are fellows of some prestigious scientific societies in the country or abroad. Many renowned professors of mathematics and computer science from prestigious universities all around the world are romanian at origins and started their careers at our faculty.

Our professors were and are frequently invited to hold cicles of lessons or lectureships at universities abroad.

All of the 2000 students are getting basic computer science knowledges. The faculty has modern laboratories with Internet connections. The Internet access is allowed to all students.

The Curriculum Offer

In the Faculty of Mathematics are several departments which prepare teaching staff for mathematics or mathematics-computer science. Many graduates of the faculty become universitary staff or research workers in different theoretical or applied fields.


After the 3 years of studies, graduates can become gymnasium math teachers or can do a Master or PhD.

Students can have Socrates-Erasmus scolarships and can be part of research teams with grants.

After one year, students can pursue the following directions:

  1. Mathematics
  2. Mathematics-computer science
  3. Applied mathematics

Graduates can do a Master in: Algebra and number theory, Mathematical Analysis, Stochastic calculus, applied statistics and optimization, Geometry, Complex geometry, topology and computational algebra, Fluid and solid mechanics.

Computer Science

After graduation, students will be able to:

Also, graduates will obtain theoretical knowledge by taking math and foundations of computer science courses.

Graduates can do a Master in Applied computer science and Theoretical computer science.

Material Resources

Besides the modern laboratories of informatics, numerical analysis or mechanics, the faculty has two libraries which contains collections of magazines, manuals and specialized treatises: one is the Faculty Library, modern and informatised, subsidiary of the Central Universitary Library, and the other is The Mathematical Institute Library of the Romanian Academy. The faculty has a lecture room with multimedia means which allows actions with didactic and scientific character to take place at the same level as in the big universities all around the world.

We invite the young high-school graduates with talent, aptitudes and call for mathematics to come to our faculty , to benefit from the didactic and scientific experience of our teaching staff. The faculty also offers accomodation in students' hostels and free medical aid.