English Version

Prof.dr. Enachescu Denis


Prof.dr. Enachescu Denis

Adresa servici

Facultatea de Matematica-Informatica
str. Academiei 14,
010014 Bucuresti
Tel.: (40-21-) 314 3508
Fax: (40-21-) 315 6990
E-mail: denaches  fmi.unibuc.ro

Informatii Personale:

Status marital: Casatorit
Cetatenia: Roman
Data Nasterii: 14 Septembrie 1952
Locul Nasterii: Bucharest, ROMANIA


   University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics, Department of Informatics

  • Licentiate in Mathematics, specialty Informatics

   University of Bucharest

  • Ph.D. with the thesis Statistic study of the stochastic processes. Computing aspects to the parabolic equation,

Apartenenta la societati profesionale:

  • 1991 -- member of the International Association for Statistical Computing - IASC
  • 1991 -- member of the Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik – GAMM
  • 1994 -- elected ordinary member of the International Statistical Institute - ISI – (ISI members)
  • 1997 -- founding member of the Romanian Society of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
  • 1999 -- member of the Association of Balkan Statisticians - ABS
  • 2001 -- member of International Biometric Society - IBS
  • 2002 -- member of International Society for Clinical Biostatistics - ISCB

Premii, citari biografice, profesor invitat:

  • 1980 -- the first prize at the V-th Mathematical Balcaniad for students and young researchers, Ankara, Turkey
  • 1985 -- the Gheorghe Lazar prize of the Mathematical Department of the Romanian Academy
  • 1994 -- invited professor at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers - CNAM - Paris, chair of Applied Statistics;
  • 2003 -- invited professor at Universita degli Studi di Padova, Italy, “Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche”
  • 2004 -- invited professor at Universita degli Studi di Padova, Italy, “Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche”
  • 2005 -- invited speaker at “The 70th ICB Seminar –Statistics and Clinical Practice-“, Warsaw, Poland, June
  • 2005 -- member of the Scientific Committee of The 26th Annual Conference of the ISCB, Szeged, Hungary,
  • 2005 -- reviewer at International Society for Clinical Biostatistics News (till now)
  • 2006 -- Associate Chief Editor of the “Annals of the University of Bucharest for Computer Science” (till now) (http://old.fmi.unibuc.ro/ro/analele_universitatii_bucuresti/analele_univ_informatica)
  • 2007 -- plenary lecturer at Trends and Challenges in Applied Mathematics, Bucharest, Romania
  • 2007 -- the Conference Award for Scientists of “The 28th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, Alexandroupolis, Greece
  • 2008 -- member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics (
  • 2009 -- member of the Scientific Committee and Co-organizer of the Computational Intelligence Section of the Romanian-German Symposium on Mathematics and Its Applications, Sibiu, Romania


  • Manager of different research project;
  • Head of the Mathematical Computation Department of the Computing Center of the University of Bucharest;
  • Involved in the research management and strategy activities of the University of Bucharest
  • Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (from 2008 till now)

Istoric de lucru:



Years attended







University of Bucharest

The Computing Centre - CCUB












Senior researcher






Head of the Mathematical
Computation Department


University of Bucharest Faculty of Mathematics Chair of Probab. & Stat.






Senior Lecturer

University « Ovidius », Constanţa Faculty of Mathematics & Informatics Chair of Informatics & Num. Meth.



Associate Professor





Associate Professor
(part time)

University of Bucharest
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer
Chair of Computer Science / Dep. of
Comp. Sci.






Associate Professor




Till now



Romanian Academy
Institute of Math. Stat. & Applied Math.




Till now


Senior Researcher gr. II (part time)

Domenii de interes:

  • Simulation methods, especially the Monte Carlo method;
  • Data Mining methods, especially factorial methods, cluster and discriminant analysis;
  • Artificial Intelligence, neuronal networks and support vector machines for supervised and unsupervised statistical learning;
  • Biostatistics, especially statistical methods for bioavailability and bioequivalence.

Limbi straine:

  • French
  • English
  • German

Activitate stiintifica, didactica si de cercetare pe baza de contract

  • since 1975 till today, 87 scientific papers published;
  • since 1975 till today, 2 books published by Foreign Publishing Houses, 6 books published by National / University Publishing Houses,
  • since 1982 till today, delivered conferences at 11 Foreign Universities;
  • since 2003 till today, member in 10 boards for confering the scientific title of doctor in mathematics;
  • since 1996 till today, taken part in 6 international and 21 national research grants;
  • since 1979 till 1990, project manager for 29 contracts with industrial applications;
  • since 1993 till today, 20 different courses and seminaries;
  • since 1979 till today, participated with communications at, approximately, 60 national and 21 international scientific meetings.

Titluri Relevante

  • 1992 - [1. 1] D.Enachescu, E.Ursianu (1992) Tables of Critical Values for simultaneous Tests, Biom. J., 34, 8, p.945-960
  • 1994 - [1. 2] M.Dumitrescu, D.Enachescu, Fl.Hristea (1994) On the performances of an outlier test in the case of the exponential distribution, Comp. Stat. & Data Analysis, 17, p.119-27
  • 1998 - [1. 3] C.Mircioiu, A.Perju, E.Griu, G.Calin, A.Neagu, D.Enachescu (1998) Pharmacokinetics of progesterone in postmenopausal women. 1. Pharmacokinetics following intravaginal administration, European Jour. of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, 23(3), p.391-396
  • 1998 - [1. 4] C.Mircioiu, A.Perju, E.Griu, G.Calin, A.Neagu, D.Enachescu, D.S. Miron (1998) Pharmacokinetics of progesterone in postmenopausal women. 2. Pharmacokinetics following percutaneous administration, European Jour. of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, 23(3), p.397-402
  • 2002 - [1. 5] D.Enachescu, C.Enachescu (2002) Estimation of Pr(Y<X) in the case of the Luceno Distribution, Rev. Roumaine de Math.Pure et Appl., 47, 2, p.171-177
  • 2002 - [1. 6] D.Enachescu, C.Enachescu (2002) Change-Point Models of Reliability and the Occam’s Razor, Math. Reports, 54, 4, p.63-70
  • 2002 - [1. 7] D.Enachescu, C.Enachescu (2002) Principal Components Analysis. Application to the Study of Risk-Factors for Social Dissociation on Territorial Level in Romania, Austrian Journal of Statistics, 31(2&3), p.123-130
  • 2004 - [1. 8] D.Enachescu (2004) A Multilayer Perceptron Model for Prostate Cancer Prediction, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 81(4), p.407-415
  • 2005 - [1. 9] D.Enachescu, C.Enachescu (2005) Estimating an Endpoint of a Distribution in the presence of Observation Errors using Support Vector Machines, Rev. Roumaine Math.Pures Appl., 50, 4, p.343-55
  • 2006 - [1.10] D.Enachescu, R.Vernic (2006) Approximating the distribution of a randomly weighted sum of random variables using kernel and neural network methods, Math. Reports, vol.8(58), no.1, 37-47
  • 2009 - [1.11] D.Enachescu C. Enachescu (2009) Clustering and Spatial Variation in Risk, Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 29(2), p. 19-30
  • 2010 - [1.12] D.Enachescu (2010) Exploratory Data Analysis Methods for Comparision of Drug Dissolution Profiles , Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 30(4), p. 17-29

List 3 - Articole stiintifice publicate in reviste de specialitate, in proceedings-uri cu referenti ale unor conferinte nationale si internationale

  • 1997 - [3. 9] D.Enachescu, V.Preda (1997) Autoregressive models with mixed double- exponentially distributed noise, Proc. of MMR'97, Bucharest, p.44-50, printed at GSCI-CIDE
  • 1997 - [3.10] C.Enachescu, D.Enachescu (1997) Neural Networks in Outliers Tests, Proc. of MMR'97 Bucharest, Part II, p.297-301, printed at GSCI-CIDE
  • 1999 - [3.12] C.Enachescu, D.Enachescu (1999) An Iterative Algorithm for Learning by Support Vector Machine Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis - Quantitative Methods in Business and Industry Society, Ed. H. Bacelar-Nicolau, E. Costa Nicolau, J. Janssen, pp.293-99, Instituto Nacional de Estatistica, Portugal
  • 2000 - [3.17] D.Enachescu, C.Enachescu (2000) Factors of Risk for Social Dissociation on Territorial Level in Romania, 22nd Conference on Regional and Urban Statistics and Research, SCORUS’2000, Shenzhen, China, p. 216-222
  • 2002 - [3.18] D. Enachescu, C. Enachescu (2002) Comparision Techniques in Reliability Modelling, Proc. of the MMR’2002, June 17-20, 2002, Trondheim, Norway, NTNU, p.231-234
  • 2005 - [3.20] D.Enachescu , C.Enachescu (2005) Learning Vector Quantization for Breast Cancer Prediction, Proceedings 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Covilha, Portugal, 2005, Eds. Bento C., Cardoso A., Dias G., p.177-180, ISBN: 0-7803-9366-X
  • 2007 - [3.23] D.Enachescu, L.P. Dinu (2007), Languages Similarity. Measuring and Testing, Recent Advances in Stochastic Modelling, Ed. Ch. H. Skiadas, ISBN 978-981-270-968-4, World Scientific, p.512-521
  • 2007 - [3.24] D.Enachescu, L.P. Dinu (2007), On clustering Romance Languages, Recent Advances in Stochastic Modelling, Ed. Ch. H. Skiadas, ISBN 978-981-270-968-4, World Scientific, p.521-529
  • 2007 - [3.26] C.Enachescu, D.Enachescu, (2007) Nonstandard techniques for smart clustering. Application to the recommender systems for libraries, Proceedings of the Workshop Services and Software Architectures, Infrastructures and Engineering for enhancing EU Citizen’s Quality of Life, Romanian Academy Library, ISBN 978-973-0-04939-8, p.176-184
  • 2009 - [3.32] C.Enachescu, D.Enachescu, (2009) Autoregressive systems with double- exponentially distributed noise, in “Systems Theory Modeling, Analysis and Control”, eds. A.El Jai, L.Afifi, E.Zerrik, Fes, Morocco, p.433-440, Presses Universitaires de Perpignan, ISBN 978-2-35412-043-6
  • 2009 - [3.33] D.Enachescu, C.Enachescu (2009) A new approach for outlying records in bioequivalence trials, in Selected papers of „The XIIIth International Conference- Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis”, eds. L. Sakalauskas, C.Skiadas, E.K.Zavadskas, Vilnius, Lithuania, p. 250-257, VGTU Press „Technika”, ISBN978-9955-28-463-5

List 5 - Carti / capitole din carti publicate in edituri din strainatate

  • [5.2] D.Enachescu (2003) Elements of Statistical Learning. Applications in DataMining, Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Università di Padova, Padova, Italia, ISBN 88-7178-951-2, pp.168
  • [5.3] D.Enachescu (2004) Unsupervised Statistical Learning and data Mining, Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Università di Padova, Padova, 2004, ISBN 88- 7178-948-2, pp.175
  • [5.4] D.Enachescu (2005) Mixed Models Analysis. Applications to the Medical Data, chapter in: Lecture Notes of the International Centre of Biocybernetics Seminar –Statistics and Clinical Practice-, Warsaw, Poland, 2005, p.25-31, PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers, ISBN 978-83-01-15935-9

List 6 - Lista cartilor si monografiilor publicate in edituri din tara

  • [6.1] M.Albu, D.Enachescu (1985) Nonsteady processes of energy redistribution in the terrestrial crust, (in romanian) Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, pp.285
  • [6.2] M.Albu, A.Guran, L.Albu, C.Radulescu, D.Enachescu, M.Palcu (1989) World resources of coals (in romanian), Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, pp.250, ISBN 973-31-0083-8
  • [6.3] Fl.Hristea, D.Enachescu, R.Balint (1994) The Norton World: Norton Commander v.4.0, Norton Utilities v.7.0 (in romanian), Technical Publishing House, Bucharest. pp.400, pp.430, ISBN 973-31-0658-5
  • [6.4] D.Enachescu (First Edition in 2003, Second in 2004, Third in 2005) Statistical Data Mining Technics (in romanian), The University of Bucharest Publishing House, ISBN 973-575-814-8, pp. 160

List 7 - Granturi de cercetare internationale

  • 2005 - 2006 - [7.2] Scan-statistics. Applications in medicine, with University Lille 2, France, within the PAI „Brâncuşi”, member of the research team, Link.
  • 2006 - 2008 - [7.3] Data exploration and statistical modeling with applications in medical decision support, Polish-Romanian Joint Research Project, under the agreement on Scientific cooperation between the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Romanian Academy member of the research team
  • 2009 - 2011 - [7.4] Prognostic models and their applications in medical screening procedures, Polish-Romanian Joint Research Project, under the agreement on Scientific cooperation between the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Romanian Academy member of the research team
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  • 2009 - 2013 - [7.5] Cognitive Radio and Networking for Cooperative Coexistence of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, COST Action I0902, member in the Management Committee, Link
  • 2009 - 2013 - [7.6] Knowledge Discovery from Moving Objects (MOVE), COST Action I0903 member in the Management Committee, Link

Ultima actualizare: 09 iulie 2012

2002 - 2015 -- Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti
Str. Academiei nr. 14, sector 1, C.P. 010014, Bucuresti, Romania
Tel: (4-021) 314 2863, Fax: (4-021) 315 6990, secretariat  fmi.unibuc.ro