English Version

Prof.dr. Vaduva Ion

Data si locul nasterii: 25 noiembrie 1936, Com.Otesani, Jud. Valcea;
Data si locul absolvirii facultatii: 1960, Facultatea de Matematica, Universitatea Bucuresti;
Titlul tezei si data obtinerii doctoratului: "Contributii la teoria estimatiilor statistice ale densitatilor de repartitie si aplicatii", 1968, Universitatea Bucuresti;

Adresa: Str.Tudor Stefan 50-52, Sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania
Tel/Fax: (004021) 2311872; Mobil: 0741 379 324
EMail: vaduva@fmi.unibuc.ro

Alte diplome si premii: - Master of Science in Automatic Computation la Universitatea din Manchester (Anglia) din 1969 cu teza: "Computer generation of random variables for queueing systems, illustrated by a machine interference problem." (Acest titlu a fost obtinut in cadrul unui stagiu de specializare de 10 luni la University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology - UMIST); - Premiul "Simion Stoilov" al Academiei Romane in 1977; - Titlul de "Doctor Honoris Causa" al Universitatii din Craiova, 17 noiembrie, 2015

Prof.dr. Vaduva Ion

Pozitii academice: la Universitatea Bucuresti, Facultatea de Matematica: februarie 1970-februarie 1991 conferentiar; din februarie 1991 profesor; din octombrie 2007 profesor consultant.

Alte activitati:
--- 1960-1964: cercetator stiintific la Institutul de Matematica al Academiei;
--- 1964-1970: cercetator principal si apoi sef de sector la Centrul de Statistica Matematica al Academiei;
--- februarie 1970 - mai 1993 director tehnic si apoi director la Centrul de calcul al Universitatii (functii detinute in paralel cu functia didactica);
--- Conducator de doctorat din anul 1971 (a condus 63 teze de doctorat). A fost referent la peste 150 teze de doctorat din care una la Neuchatel (Elvetia) si doua la TU-Delft (Olanda).
--- mai 1993 - 2007 Directorul Centrului de cercetari in informatica al Catedrei de Informatica din Facultatea de Matematica;
--- 2000-2004 prodecan al Facultatii de Matematica si Informatica.

Cursuri predate:

Prof.dr. Vaduva Ion

--- Analiza statistica multidimensionala;
--- Simulare si metoda Monte-Carlo;
--- Sisteme informatice;
--- Modele stochastice de cercetare operationala;
--- Bazele informaticii;
--- Informatica;
--- Modelare si simulare;
--- Modele stochastice computerizate;
--- Fiabilitatea sistemelor software;

Domenii de interes: Statistica matematica; Statistica computationala; Simulare; Metoda Monte-Carlo; Modelare stochastica; Fiabilitate si reinnoire, fiabilitatea programelor; Sisteme inteligente bazate pe cunostinte incerte si imprecise; Sisteme informatice pentru management; Modelare Fuzzy; MADM; Scan Statistics.

Invitatii: Stagii de "Visiting Research Worker" la: GMD-Bonn (3 luni in 1974 si o luna in 1976);
Sheffield Hallam University (U.K., 2 luni in 1992); TH-Darmstadt (Germania, 3 luni 1993);
Calatorii stiintifice scurte (participari cu comunicari la manifestari stiintifice si/sau tinere de conferinte): Stockholm (1966);
Cambridge si Sheffield-U.K. (1969); Lancaster-U.K. (1971);
Berlin, Leipzig, Rostok, Magdeburg, Dresden, Bonn, AAchen, Karlsruhe, Hamburg, Darmstadt-Germania (1963, 1964, 1966, 1971, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1990, 1993, 1998, 2003);
Austria-Bad Tanzmansdorf (1983), Cehia-Praga (1984);
Bulgaria-Sofia (1963, 1995, 1999); Rusia (1971, 1988);
Polonia-Varsovia (1984); Ungaria-Budapesta, Debrecen, Szeged (1967, 1978, 1979);
Italia-Padova (1996, 1999, 2002); Spania-Salamanca (2001); Grecia-Patras (1999); Franta-Paris (2001); Belgia-Leuven (2001); Olanda-Delft (2002);
Elvetia-Zurich (2005); Franta-Lille (2005, 2006); 6th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 9-13 Sept. 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia;
Congreso Internacional de Matematica Aplicada, 4-6 nov. 2009, Toluca, Mexico (prezentat Conferinta cu nr. 111 din lista de lucrari);
Vizita la UPVT (Mexico), 1-25 nov. 2009.
Participarea la doua comisii de doctorat la TU-Delft (Olanda) in anii 2009 si 2010;

- Membru, recenzent: - Membru al American Mathematical Society - din 1980;
- Membru al International Association for Statistical Computing-din 1992;
- Membru al Biometric Society - din 1966;
- Membru al Association for Computing Machinery-din 1995;
- Membru al Colegiului de redactie al revistei STATISTICS din Berlin intre 1976-1992 (pana la reorganizarea acesteia);
- Membru al Colegiului de redactie la ANALELE UNIV. BUC.-INFORMATICA;
- Membru in Consiliul profesoral al Facultatii de Matematica (anii 1971-1990, 1992-2004);
- Membru al Senatului Universitatii (1990-2004);
- Membru al Comisiei 5 (Informatica) a MCT pentru avizarea cercetarilor de informatica (1993 - prezent);
- Membru al Consiliului stiintific al ICI (1995-prezent)
- Membru al Comisiei de Monitorizare INFOSOC
- Membru fondator al SPSR (Societatea de Probabilitati si Statistica din Romania)
- A publicat 116 lucrari stiintifice in reviste si 21 carti (monografii sau manuale). Lucrarile stiintifice sunt citate in peste 40 lucrari ale unor autori straini.
- Organizeaza de peste 39 de ani seminarul stiintific "Modelare stochastica si simulare" (vezi http://www.ssmss.ro/category/seminarii/).
- Membru fondator si Presedinte de onoare al Societatii Romane de Econometrie, din iunie 2012 (www.res.ase.ro)

Pagina personala

Carti si manuale

  1. I. Vaduva "Analiza dispersionala", Ed.Tehnica, Bucuresti,1970, 260 p.
  2. I. Vaduva, N. Popoviciu "Introducere programarea automata cu aplicatii la cercetarea stiintifica" Ed. Did. Ped., Bucuresti, 1973, 220 p.;
  3. I. Vaduva "Dictionar statistic economic" (Capitolul de statistica matematica), 1969, Editat de DCS;
  4. I. Vaduva, C. Dinescu, B. Savulescu "Metode matematice de organizarea si conducerea productiei, (Partea I)", Ed.Did.Ped., Bucuresti, 1973, 318 p.;
  5. I. Vaduva, C. Dinescu, B. Savulescu "Metode matematice de organizarea si conducerea productiei, (Partea II)", Ed. Did. Ped., Bucuresti, 1974, 280 p.;
  6. I. Vaduva "Modele de simulare (cu Appendix RAVAGE)", Centrul Mult. Univ., Bucuresti, 1976, 173 p.;
  7. I. Vaduva "Modele de simulare cu calculatorul", Ed.Tehnica, Bucuresti, 1977, 358 p.;
  8. I. Vaduva "Tehnici de analiza si proiectarea sistemelor informatice. Tabele de decizie", Centrul Mult. Univ., Bucuresti, 1978, 80 p.;
  9. I. Vaduva "Sisteme informatice", Centrul Mult. Univ. Buc., 1981, 370 p.;
  10. I. Vaduva, I. Odagescu, M. Stoica "Simularea proceselor economice", Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti, 1983, 284 p.;
  11. I. Vaduva, M.Lovin, M.Bogdan, D.Panaite "Limbajul SIMUB, manual de referinta", Centrul Mult.Univ., Bucuresti, 1982, 286 p.;
  12. I. Vaduva, Il.Popescu, St.Stefanescu, Gh.Petrescu, V.Stoica "Exercitii si probleme de simulare" Centrul Mult. Univ., Bucuresti, 1983, 370 p.;
  13. I. Vaduva, E. Perjeriu "Indrumar pentru lucrari de laborator la cursul de BAZELE INFORMATICII, anul I", Centrul Mult. Univ., Bucuresti, 1986, 252 p.;
  14. I. Vaduva, T.Balanescu, H.Georgescu, S.Gavrila, M.Gheorghe, L.Sofonea "Concepte moderne de programare in limbajul PASCAL", Ed. 1 si 2, Centrul Mult. Univ., Bucuresti, 1979, 189 p.;
  15. I. Vaduva, M.Popa "Culegere de exercitii de sisteme informatice" Centrul Mult.Univ., Bucuresti, 1984, 374p.;
  16. I. Vaduva, T. Balanescu, H. Georgescu, S.Gavrila, M. Gheorghe L.Sofonea "Pascal si turbo Pascal, Vol 1, Limbajul Pascal, Concepte fundamentale", Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti, 1992, 256 p.;
  17. I. Vaduva, T. Balanescu, H. Georgescu, S.Gavrila, M.Gheorghe, L.Sofonea "Pascal si Turbo Pascal, Vol 2, Limbajul turbo Pascal" Ed.Tehnica, Bucuresti, 1992, 575 p.;
  18. I. Vaduva, "Bazele Informaticii", Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti, 1997, 260p. (cu Gh. Barbu si M. Bolosteanu)
  19. I. Vaduva, "Fiabilitatea programelor", Bucuresti, Ed.Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2003, 160 p., ISBN: 973-575-717-6.
  20. I. Vaduva, "Introducere in modelarea Fuzzy", Bucuresti, Ed.Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2004, 160 p., ISBN: 973-575-833-4. Co-autor Grigore Albeanu.
  21. I. Vaduva, "Modele de simulare", Bucuresti, Ed.Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2004, 190 p.
  22. I. Vaduva, "Fiabilitatea si calitatea produselor IT. Note de curs", Ed.Matrix, 2017

Articole stiintifice

  1. I. Vaduva, V.Istratescu "Produse de spatii metrice statistice", St.Cerc. Mat., No 2, Anno XII, (1961), 567-574;
  2. "Asupra spatiilor cu conexiune afina constanta, asociate unor algebre reale", St.Cerc. Mat., No 2, Anno XII, (1961), 535-541;
  3. "Unele aplicatii ale statisticii matematice in industrie", Studii de statistica, Lucrarile Consfatuirii Directiei Centrale de Statistica, Nov.1962, p.1961-1970;
  4. "Teste secventiale pentru familii exponentiale" (Rusa), Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., Tom VII, No 4 (1962) 706-716;
  5. "Suprafete de raspuns", Studii de Statistica. Lucrarile Consfatuirii Directiei Centrale de Statistica, Dec.1962, 109-122;
  6. I. Vaduva, A.Samboan "Suprafete de raspuns si teoria regresiei", St.si Cercet.Mat.,No 2, Anno XIV (1963) 307-314;
  7. "Estimatia unei densitati de probabilitate k-dimensionala", St.Cerc. Mat., Anno XIV, 4 (1963), 653-660;
  8. "Asupra estimatiei densitatii de probabilitate a unei sume de variabile independente", Com.Acad.Rom.,Tom XII, 7 (1963),583-588;
  9. "Asupra estimatiei modulului unui vector aleator", Studii de statistica. Lucrarile celei de-a treia consfatuiri stiintifice a DCS, Dec.1963, 173-178;
  10. "Asupra aproximarii repartitiilor c2 si F necentrate", Rev. Statist., 7 (1964), 44-47;
  11. "Metode functionale in estimatia densitatii de repartitie a unui vector aleator", Studii de statistica (IV). Lucrarile consfatuirii stiintifice a DCS, Dec.1964, 173-168;
  12. I. Vaduva, R.Theodorescu "Statistische Qualitätscontrolle bei Mehrerer Gleichzeitigen Merkmalen II, Analogen der Kalibermethode mit Verengten Grenzen", Wiss.Z.K.Marks Univ.Leipzig, 15 Jahrgang,Mat.Nat.Wiss.R. 2 (1965), 279-280;
  13. I. Vaduva, G.Dbreja, D.Stoica "Estimatia statistica a cresterii rulmentilor ca rezultat al tratamentului termic", Studii de statistica. Lucrarile consfatuirii stiintifice a DCS, Dec. 1965, 648-657;
  14. I. Vaduva, R.Theodorescu "On Multivariate Sampling Inspection Plans", Bull.Math.Soc.Sci.Math. RSR, Tom 9(57), 3 (1965), 235-245;
  15. "Asupra testarii normalitatii multidimensionale", Studii de statistica. Lucr. consf. st. a DCS, Dec. 1965, 277-282;
  16. I. Vaduva, G.Stanculescu, M.Ionescu "Studiul statistic al unor proprietati ale betoanelor", St. Cerc. Mec. Apl., Tom 23, 5 (1966), 1181-1201;
  17. I. Vaduva, R.Theodorescu "Control statistic multidimensional, metoda amplitudinii", St. Cerc. Calc. Econ. Cibern. Econ., 3 (1966), 105-120.;
  18. I. Vaduva, G.Stanculescu, M.Ionescu "Statistical analysis of the crack widths in reinforced concrete flexural members", Rev.Roum.Sci.Techn.Mechan.Appl., Tom 11, 2 (1966), 1045-1065;
  19. I. Vaduva, R.Theodorescu "Statistische Quqlitätscontrolle bei Mehreren Gleichzeitigen Merkmahlen, ein Analogen für Kalibermethode mit Verengten Grenzen", Mathematik u. Wirthschaft, Band 3, Verla Wirtsch., Berlin 1966, 159-175;
  20. I. Vaduva, R.Theodorescu "Le contrôle statistique de la qualité ŕ plusieurs caractéres simultaneés, I. La méthode de la moyenne et la méthode de la variance généralisée", Bull. Inst. Math. Acad.Bulg. Sci., Tom IX, 1967, 201-217;
  21. I. Vaduva, R.Theodorescu "Multivariate Statistical Quality Control", Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., Tom XII, 2 (1967), 238-265;
  22. "On estimation of the probability density function of a weak stochastic process", St. Cerc. Mat., 3, Tom 19, p. 455-460;
  23. I. Vaduva, R.Theodorescu "Statistische qualitätskontrolle bei mehreren merkmahlen, spanweite methode", Wiss. Z. Humboldt Univ. Berlin Nat K. XVI, 1967, Heft 1, 105-110;
  24. "On a mathematical model concerning the endemy of tuberculosis", Abn. Deutsche Akad.Wiss., Berlin, 1968, Math. Phys. Tech., 183-188;
  25. "On the estimation of non-liniar regression", Bull. Math., 2 (1968), 133-139;
  26. I. Vaduva, R.Theodorescu "Ein demographisch-mathematisches modell des fachleute dynamic", Bull. Math., 4 (1968), 227-237;
  27. "Contributii la teoria estimatiilor statistice ale densitatilor de repartitie si aplicatii", St. Cerc. Mat., 8 (1968), 1027-1076 (teza de doctorat);
  28. I. Vaduva, M.Oprisan "Aplicatii ale controlului statistic al calitatii in fabricile de mobila", Industria Lemnului, 2 (1968), 41-47;
  29. I. Vaduva, C.Ivan "Asupra repartitiei coeficientului empiric de variabilitate", St. Cerc. Mat. 7, Tom 21, (1969), 1047-1062;
  30. "Computer generation of random variables for queueing problems illustrated by a machine interference problem", M.Sc. Thesis, Univ. Manchester, Inst. Sci. and Technol., Oct. 1969., 110 p;
  31. I. Vaduva, R.Theodorescu "Le contrôle statistique de la qualité à plusieurs charactčres", Rev. Statist. Appl., Paris, Vol. XVII, No 3, 5-29;
  32. "Simulation of the machine interference problem", Bull.Math., Tom 13 (61), 4 (1969), 509-521;
  33. I. Vaduva, Gh.Serbanescu, V.Sanda, Gh.Popescu "Analiza anatomica si biometrica a celulelor epidermice si interpretarea statistica a fructelor in taxonomia unor plante din Romania", St. Cerc. Biol., Ser. Botanique, 2 (1970), 101-109;
  34. I. Vaduva, D.Petroniu "Un model de simulare pentru calcularea resurselor umane in sistemul educational", Organiz., Planif. si Prospectiv. Invatamantului (CIDI), Vol.1, 3 (1971), 129-145;
  35. "On computer generation of conditional data", Math. in the Archeological and Hystorical Sciences, Edinburgh Uni. Press, 1971, 154-258;
  36. "Computer simulation in education planning", Proc. ORS Conf., Lancaster Univ, 19-22 Sept., 1971, 17 p;
  37. "Computer generation of random variables and vectors related to PERT problems", Proc. Fourth Conf.Probab.Theory, Brasov, 12-18 Sept. 1971, 381-395;
  38. "Fundamental problems in systems simulation theory", Lecture presented in Advanced Summer Institute of Information Processing Systems, Constanta-Mamaia, 1971, 15 p.(Preprint);
  39. "Aplicarea simularii in rezolvarea problemelor PERT cu resurse", Anal. Univ. Bucuresti, 1 (1972), 109-128;
  40. I. Vaduva, O.Vaduva "Statistica matematica, un instrument de cercetare in Etnologie", Rev. Etnogr.Folcl., tom 17, 1 (1972), 31-40 (cu O. Vaduva).
  41. "Metoda Monte-Carlo", Culegere Tematica, Matematica-Mecanica, Vol. I, 2, CIDI, (1972), 131-188;
  42. I. Vaduva, G.Ciobanu "The duration resource relation in PERT-type problems with resources", Econ. Comp. Econ. Cybern. Studies and Res., 1 (1973), 61-78;
  43. "RAVAGE. A Soubroutine Library for Computer Generation of Random Variables, Random Vectors and Stochastic Processes", GMD Mitteilungen No 39, GMD-Bonn, 1976, 62 p;
  44. "Computer generation of random variables and vectors used in reliability" Econ. Comp. Econ. Cyb. St. and Res., 4 (1976), 13-23;
  45. "Computer generation of gamma random variables by rejection and composition procedures", Math. Oper. Forsch. u. Statist. Ser. Statist., Vol. 8, 4 (1977), 545-576 (Berlin);
  46. "On computer generation of gamma random variables by rejection and composition procedures", Proc Fifth Conf. Probab. Theory, Brasov, 1974, Ed. Acad. Rom., 1977, 131-142;
  47. "Some statistical considerations concerning the reliability nalysis in the multivariate case", Econ. Comp. Econ. Cyb. St. and Res., 3 (1978), 75-86;
  48. I. Vaduva, N.Popviciu c2 test of goodness of fit for multivariate normal distribution. Specified case", Econ. Comp. Econ. Cyb. St. and Res., 2 (1979), p. 93-109;
  49. "Some elementary consideretions on mathematical modelling", Colloques. L'adequation des modeles dane la recherche linguistique et littéraire, 2 (1979), Tipogr. Univ. Buc., 29-34;
  50. I. Vaduva, N.Popoviciu "c2 test of goodness of fit for multivariate normal distribution. Unspecified case", Econ. Comp. Econ. Cyb. St. and Res., 1 (1980), 33-42;
  51. I. Vaduva, L.A.Perez-Gonzales "On a multivariate central limit theorem with application to reliability", Proc. Sixth Conf. Probab. Theory, Brasov, 1979, Ed. Acad. Rom., 1980, 367-377;
  52. "Tabele de decizie. Conversia tabelelor de decizie in programe", Metodologii si tehnici moderne de scriere a programelor, Centrul de multiplicare al Universitatii Buc., 1981, 67-140;
  53. "Computer generation of random vectors based on transformation of uniform distributed vectors", Proc Seventh Conf. Probab. Theory, Brasov, 29 Aug.-5 Sept. 1982, 589-597;
  54. I. Vaduva, L.Spircu "On convergence of Monte-Carlo method for optimization", Proc. Symp. Economik Cybernetik, Rostock, 1981, 14p. mycrofilm;
  55. "Un model de simulare pentru studiul estimatiilor dispersiilor in modele de analiza de varianta cu experiente neechilibrate", Lucr. Coloc. Nat. Teor. Probab si Cerc. Oper., Craiova, 5-6 nov. 1983, 206-217;
  56. "Metode rapide pentru generarea cu calculatorul a vectorilor aleatori", Lucr. V-lea Simp. "Modelarea cibernetica a proceselor de productie", ASE Buc., 14-15 iunie 1984, 1-5;
  57. "Asupra unei formalizari a sistemelor informatice", Lucr. Coloc. INFO-Iasi 1983, 379-388;
  58. "Modele pentru studiul fiabilitatii programelor", Lucr. Coloc.INFO-Iasi 1985, 135-151;
  59. I. Vaduva, St.Stefanescu "Asupra unor modele de analiza fiabilitatii programelor", Lucr. Coloc. INFO-Iasi 1985, 152-162;
  60. I. Vaduva, M.Bogdan, V.Panaite, M.Lovin, D.Panaite, St.Stefanescu "Limbajul de simulare SIMPATIC", Econ Comp. Econ.Cyb. St. and Res., 1985, 81-84;
  61. I. Vaduva, St.Stefanescu "Constructia de algoritmi rapizi pentru generarea de siruri de vectori aleatori", Buletin. Rom. Inf., 1 (1985), 7-13;
  62. "Limbaje de simulare", Lucr. Simp. "Modelare si simulare", Acad Rom., 31 Oct. 1986;
  63. I. Vaduva, St.Stefanescu "Cativa algoritmi rapizi pentru generarea variabilelor normale", Bul. Sinteze, ASE Buc., 1986, 146-152;
  64. "A computer simulation model for estimating the optimum renewal moment of an equipment", Econ. Comp. Econ. Cyb. Studies and Res., 4 (1986), 13-21;
  65. "Homogeneous measures of a statistical collectivity", Econ. Comp. Econ. Cyb. Studies and Res., Vol. XXII, 2 (1987), 81-90;
  66. I. Vaduva, St.Stefanescu "On computer generation of random vectors by transformations of uniformly distributed vectors", Computing, 39 (1987), 141-153;
  67. I. Vaduva, St.Stefanescu "Generarea unui proces stationar gaussian cu o functie spectrala particulara", Lucr. Ses. St. CCUB, Buc., 20-21 Febr. 1987, 288-289;
  68. "Asupra generarii unei selectii aleatoare cu aplicatie in planificarea experientelor", Lucr. Ses. st. CCUB, Buc., 20-21 Febr. 1987, 301-306;
  69. I. Vaduva, M.Lovin, M.Bogdan, D.Panaite "Limbajele de simulare SIMUB si SIMPATIC si aplicatiile lor", Lucr. Ses. st. CCUB, 20-21 Febr. 1987, 307-311;
  70. "On a regular estimation of a multivariate reliability function", Wiss. Z. Techn. Hochschule Otto von Guericke Magdeburg, 13(1969), p. 319-321.
  71. I. Vaduva, R.Theodorescu, "Optimale prüfpläne für Statistiche Qualitätscontrolle bei mehreren gleichzeitigvorhezenden Merkmalen", Wiss. Z. Techn. Hochschule Otto von Guericke Magdeburg, 13(1969), p. 311-315.
  72. I. Vaduva, N.Theodorescu, "Les principales étapes dans l'evolution d'Informatique en Roumanie", Noesis I, Travaux Colloque Comité Roumaine d"Histoire Philos. Sci. Bucharest, 1973, Académie Roumaine, Bucharest, p. 311-321.
  73. "Utilizarea tabelelor de decizie in programare", Lucr. INFOTEC'88, No 1, 467-470;
  74. "On computer simulation of some particular random variables", Ann. Univ. Buc. XXXVIII, 2, 81-89;
  75. "On probability distribution of values of a probability density function", Econ. Comp. Econ. Cyb. Studies and Res., 2-3 (1989), 63-68;
  76. I. Vaduva, I.Popescu "An optimum plan of reliability control", Computing, 44 (1990), 158-168;
  77. I. Vaduva, I.Popescu "A survey on computer generation of some classes of stochastic processes", Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 33 (1991), 223-242;
  78. "Fast algorithms for computer generation of random vectors used in reliability and applications", Preprint-Nr.1603, TH Darmstadt, FB. Mathematik, Jan.1994;
  79. "Bootstrap method in density estimation", St.Cerc.Mat., Tom 46, 3 (1994), 397-406;
  80. "On computer simulation of multivariate normal distribution", Ann. Univ. Buc. XLII-XLIII, 1993-1994, 32-40;
  81. I. Vaduva, I.Popescu "A survey on simulating Beta distribution". Proceedings ROSYCS'96, Eds.T. Jucan et al, May 1996.", Ed. Univ. Al. I. Cuza -Iasi, 205-214;
  82. I. Vaduva, I.Popescu "Rejection method for simulating Lomax distribution" Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., Tome XLI, No 9-10, 1996, 687-695;
  83. I. Vaduva, I.Popescu "On simulation of Multivariate Loomax distribution." Econ. Comp. and Econ. Cyb. Studies and Research, XXIX, 1-4, 1995, 5-11;
  84. "On Simulation of System Reliability". Proc. First. Internat. Conf. Mathematical Methods in Reliability, 16-19 Sept., Bucharest, Romania, p. 313-321.
  85. I. Vaduva, C.Dumitru, M.Pascu, "On Failure-Rate Estimation - Parametric Model for the Bathtub", Proc. First. Internat. Conf. Mathematical Methods in Reliability, 16-19 Sept., Bucharest, Romania, p. 332-338.
  86. I. Vaduva, R.Trandafir, "O generalizare a urnei Onicescu-Mihoc", Studii si cercetaro socio-umane, Nr. 3, 1998, INI, p. 239-246.
  87. "On some Bayesian models for software reliability", (presented at "The annual meeting of the Mathematical Society of Romania", Craiova, 27-3- May 1999), Anal. Univ. Bucuresti, Matem-Inform, Anul XLVIII-1999, Nr. 2, p. 41-50.
  88. "Introduction to decision tables and their use", Restructuring of the (re)training of the school teachers in computer science. Computer Libris. Agora, 1999.
  89. "Algoritmi pentru prelucrari statistice simple", Restructuring of the (re)training of the school teachers in computer science. Computer Libris. Agora, 1999.
  90. "Simulation of systems reliability", Proc. IEPM '99 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Glasgow, July 12-15, 1999, Book 1, p. 201-210.
  91. "Statistical Simulation and Numerical Procedures" (33 pag.), Sectiunea din Enciclopedia of Life Support Systems, editata de UNESCO, aparuta in EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, 2003.
  92. "Nonparametric Estimates of the Hazard Rate: a Survey", Revue Roumaine Math.Pures Appl., 2003, Tome XLVIII, No.2, p.173-191 (colab. Mihai Pascu)
  93. "Simulation of some Multivariate Distributions", Analele Univ. Bucuresti, seria Informatica, Ano LII, No.1, 2003, p.127-140.
  94. "Alife of about a century", Ann. Univ. Buc. Matem., 47, Nr.2, 1998, p.127-130 (colab. prof. Valter Olaru).
  95. "Multivariate Statistical Quality Control", 10-th EOQC Conference, Section B-C, Stockholm, 6-9 June 1966, p.257-261 (colab. R. Theodorescu).
  96. "On Some Reliability Models Based on Censored Data", SIMPEC 2004 (Proc. 5-th Biennial International Symposium, 14-15 May 2004, Brasov, Romania) vol.I, Informarket Printing House, 2004, p.18-25.
  97. "On Simulation of a Multivariate Normal Distribution", Anal.Univ.Buc., Ano L, Nr.1, 2001, p.97-104 (colab. Jesus Lopez Fidalgo, Salamanca).
  98. "On Simulation of Poisson Processes to be used for Analyzing a Bivariate Scan Statistic" (colab. Fl. Suter, B. Alexe), Analele Stiintifice ale Univ. "Al. I. Cuza", Sectia Informatica, Tom XV, 2006, p. 23–35.
  99. "On Simulation of a Bivariate Uniform Binomial Process to be used for Analyzing Scan Statistic" (colab. B. Alexe), Analele Univ. Bucuresti, Matematica-Informatica, ANO LV, 2006, p. 153–164.
  100. "Bi-variate Scan Statistics Test Based on Simulation", Analele Universitatii Hyperion, Matematica-Informatica, Editura VICTOR, Bucuresti, 2007, p. 43–48.
  101. "Multi-Atribute Decision Making. Complex Simulation of the Field", Revista Romana de Automatica, Vol. XIX, No. 2, 2006, p. 25–31 (Colab. C. Resteanu, M. Andreica)
  102. "On Maintainance Program's Optimality of a Production System", The 12-th International Conference on Machine Design and Production-UMTIK06, 05–08 September, 2006, Kusadasi, Turkey, p. 5–8. (Colab. C. Resteanu)
  103. "On Maintenance Program's Optimality of A prodcution System", in Romanian Automation Review, ISSN1454-9077, Vol. XIX, No. 3, 2006, p. 20–30 (Colab. C. Resteanu)
  104. "Monte Carlo Simulation for Reliability Centered Maintenance Management", Proc. LSSC' 07, June 5–9, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2007 (A Book of Abstracts), B55–56 (Colab. C. Resteanu, M. Andreica)
  105. "Multiple Attribute Decision Making, One Subject for Lifelong Learning", in Revista Romana de Informatica si Automatica, ISSN1220-1758, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2006, p. 147–154 (Colab. C. Resteanu, M. Andreica)
  106. "On Simulation of a Bivariate Uniform Binomial Process and its Use to Scan Statistics", Proc. 6-th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 9–13 September 2007, Ljubljana, Vol. 1 Book of Abstracts, p. 112.
  107. "Solving MADM problems by parallel computing with OPTCHOICE software". Conference Excellence Research - A way to E.R.A., Eds. N. Vasiliu and L. Sabolcs, October 24–226 2007, Brasov, ISSN:1843-5904, p. 27-1-27-6 (Colab. C Resteanu. M Andreica.)
  108. "On the Exams of Multi-Attribute Decision Making e-Course", Analele Universitatii Timisoara, Seria Matematica-Informatica, Year 2008, Vol. XLVI, Issue 2, pp 133–148. (Colab. C. Resteanu, Marius Somodi)
  109. "On Solving Stochastic MADM Problems", Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, YU ISSN0354-0243, Vol. 19, Number 1, 2009, p. 75–84. (Colab. C. Resteanu)
  110. Solving Some Types of Multiple Attribute Decision Making Problems. Proc. Congreso Internacional de Matematica Aplicada, 4-6 Nov. 2009, Universidad Politehnica del Valle de Toluca (UPVT), Estado de Mexico, p.1-24.
  111. Stochastic Simulation:Monte Carlo Methods and Applications. (Lectures presented at Congreso Internacional de Matematica Aplicada, 4-6 Nov. 2009, Toluca, Mexico, 96 p.)
  112. Monte Carlo and Quasi Monte Carlo for Diverse Applications. On the Exams of Multi Attribute Decision Making Electronic Course. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007 (4310) p.173-180. (Colab.C. Resteanu, M. Somodi).
  113. Monte Carlo Simulation for Reliability Centered Management.Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2008 (4818) p.148-156. (Colab. C.Resteanu, M. Andreica).
  114. Simulation of Some Mixed Lifetime Distrubutions, Analele Univ. Buc. Seria Informatica, Anul 2011, p.10-19. (Colab. Luis Antonio Perez Gonzalez).
  115. On Solving Some Types of Multiple Attribute Decision Making Problems. The Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, Vol 15, Issue 1, 2012, p. 41-61.
  116. On Simulation of Some Uniform Discrete Stochastic Processes and Their Use to Scan Statistics. 12-th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Communications. October 5-7, 2012, Orsova, (18 pag. in Proceed- ings), Organized by University Of Craiova.
  117. "Multivariate Statistical Quality Control". 10-th EOQC, Section B-C, Stokholm, 6-9 June 1966, p.267-271, (Colab. Radu Theodorescu).
  118. "Centrul de Calcul al Universitatii din Bucuresti, creatie a lui Grigore C. Moisil". (In Vol. "Grigore C. Moisil ¸si Continuatorii sai", Ed. Academiei Romane, 2007), pp.514-519.
  119. "On Simulation of Some Lifetime Distributions". Analele Univ. "Spiru Haret", Vol IX, Nr. 1, 2013, pp.5-16.
  120. "Computing Center of the University of Bucharest, an Important Step in the History of Computer Science in Romania". Proceedings of the 9-th International Conference on Virtual Learning, October 24-25, 2014, Bucharest, Romania, Eds. Marin Vlada, Grigore Albeanu, Dorin Mircea Popovici, pp.23-31.
  121. "Applying Multiple Attribute Decision Making, to arrange a Garbage Grave", in Selected Issues in Macroeconomic and Regional Modeling: Romania as an Emerging Country in the EU, Chapter 18 (22p), Nova Science Publishers, 2016 (Colab. Romica Trandafir).
  122. "Centrul de calcul al Universitatii din Bucuresti, creatie a lui Grigore C. Moisil". In Volumul Moisil 110, Biblioteca Revistei Curtea de Arges, nr 6, 2016, Ed. Gheorghe Paun, (Partea a doua, pp. 514- 519).
  123. "On a Particular Lifetime Distribution", Revue of the Air Force Academy, Vol. XV, No 2(34), 2017, p.5-14.

Lucrari diverse

  1. Proiecte de cercetare (coordonator si / sau executant): Baza de date a personalului din invatamant; Metodologie pentru analiza si omologarea medicamentelor; proiectarea si implementarea limbajelor de simulare SIMUB si GASP-SIMPATIC;
  2. Diverse aplicatii ale simularii in organizarea si conducerea productiei;
  3. Diverse aplicatii ale informaticii inclusiv in activitatea administrativa din Universitate.
  4. Realizarea unor granturi (dupa 1990) privind simularea unor sisteme de productie, modelarea si controlul fuzzy, metoda Monte-Carlo, prelucrarea limbajului natural.
  5. Realizarea unui proiect de dezvoltare a programelor de master si doctorat in informatica si statistica aplicata.
  6. Abordarea (incepand cu anul 2005) a unor cercetari de "Scan Statistics si aplicatii" in cadrul programului "Brancusi" (colaborare Romano-Franceza).
  7. Proiect CEEX "Luarea deciziei multiatribut" (MADM), Grant pe perioada 2005-2008.

--- LISTA doctoranzilor indrumati de Ion Vaduva, care si-au sustinut tezele .

Actualizat: 25 februarie 2018

Prof.dr. Mitrana Victor


Data si locul nasterii: 26 iunie 1958, Bucuresti.

Educatia: Absolvent al Facultatii de Matematica, Universitatea Bucuresti, 1986.

Teza de doctorat: 1993, "Sisteme distribuite de gramatici", Cond. stiintific: Dr. Gheorghe Paun.

 Pozitii academice:
   - Asistent 1991-1994,
   - Lector 1994-1999,
   - Conferentiar 1999-2002,
   - Profesor din 2002
   - Conducator de doctorat din 2005

 Cursuri predate:
   - Sisteme de gramatici,
   - L sisteme si aplicatii in generarea imaginilor,
   - Informatica,
   - Notiuni introductive de bioinformatica,
   - Bazele informaticii,
   - Algoritmica,
   - Tehnici de programare,
   - Limbaje formale si automate,
   - Calculabilitate si complexitate,
   - Algoritmica secventelor,
   - Structuri de date,
   - Algoritmi si programare,
   - Tehnici de programare,
   - Modele de calcul neconventional

 Domenii de interes stiintific: Limbaje formale si automate, complexitatea algoritmilor, modele de calcul inspirat din biologie, combinatorica pe cuvinte si secvente infinite, calculabilitate si decidabilitate.

 Premii si distinctii:
   - Premiul "Gheorghe Lazar" al Academiei Romane pe anul 1997
   - Bursa "Alexander von Humboldt" obtinuta prin competitie internationala
   - Bursa "Ramon y Cajal" obtinuta prin competitie internationala
   - Bursa NATO obtinuta prin competitie internationala
   - Pozitie de profesor invitat la Universitatea din Pisa pentru un an, obtinuta prin competitie internationala (declinata)
   - Bursa a guvernului spaniol obtinuta prin competitie internationala

 Membru in comisii, asociatii, colective de redactie:
   - Editor asociat la International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
   - Editor la Journal of Universal Computer Science
   - Editor la Journal of Computer Science
   - Editor la International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Engineering Sciences
   - Editor la Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, seria Informatica
   - Membru in comisia din MEC privind acreditarea titlurilor de doctor, calitatii de conducator de doctorat, IOSUD
   - Membru in PC la cateva conferinte academice internationale: (ICWLC'2000, ECAI 2004 - Workshop on Symbolic Networks, DCFS 2004, IWINAC 2005, CIAA 2005, DCFS 2006, IWINAC 2007, LATA 2007, DCFS 2007).

 Activitate stiintifica:
   - Autor a doua carti in limba romana si o carte in limba engleza
   - Co-editor la patru carti publicate la Kluwer Academic, Taylor and Francis si Springer-Verlag (2).
   - Autor sau co-autor la 157 de lucrari publicate in jurnale, lucrari ale unor conferinte, carti colective
   - 55 articole in publicatii ISI
   - 89 articole in publicatii recenzate MathSciNet
   - 96 articole in publicatii recenzate Zentrallblatt Math
   - 86 artocole in publicatii recenzate DBLP
   - autor unic pentru 31 lucrari
   - 41 co-autori
   - 289 citari in 181 lucrari cu 135 autori

- Conferinte la universitati din Germania (Magdeburg, Frankfurt, Hamburg), Finlanda (Turku), Japonia (Kyoto, Tokyo), Italia (Rome, Pisa), Spania (Tarragona, Madrid, Valencia, Sevilia), Ungaria (Budapesta, Szeged), Belgia (Ghent, Bruxelles), Cehia (Praga, Opava), Olanda (Leiden), Austria (Viena), Turcia (Istanbul).


  1. V. Mitrana: Provocarea algoritmilor. Editura Agni, Bucuresti, 1995, 160 pagini.
  2. V. Mitrana: Bioinformatica. Editura L&S Infomat, Bucuresti, 1998, 196 pagini.
  3. V. Mitrana: New Developments in Formal Language Theory Inspired from Biology, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2001, 215 pagini.

Capitole in carti colective:

  1. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Networks of Evolutionary Processors: Results and Perspectives. In Molecular Computational Models: Unconventional Approaches, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, 2005, 78-114.

Carti editate:

  1. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Where Do Mathematics, Computer Science, Linguistics and Biology Meet, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 2000, 448 pagini.
  2. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Grammars and Automata for String Processing. From Mathematics and Computer Science to Biology and Back, Taylor and Francis, London, 2003, 422 pagini.
  3. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana, G. Paun: Formal Languages and Applications, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2003, 624 pagini.
  4. Z. Esik, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Recent Advances in Formal Languages and Applications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006, 351 pagini.

Numere speciale de jurnale ca editor invitat:

  1. V. Mitrana, Special Issue on the 1st International PhD School on Formal Languages and Applications, GRAMMARS vol.7 (2004).

Articole in jurnale:

  1. A. Atanasiu, V. Mitrana: The modular grammars. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 30 (1989), 17-35.
  2. V. Mitrana: Grammar-gsm pairs. Annals of the University of Bucharest, Series Mathematics-Informatics, 3 (1990-1991), 64-71.
  3. V. Mitrana: Valence grammars on a free generated group. Bulletin of the EATCS, 47 (1992), 174-179.
  4. V. Mitrana: On languages satisfying the "interchange lemma". R.A.I.R.O./ Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 27, 1 (1993), 71-79.
  5. V. Mitrana: Some remarks on Paun-Salomaa sequences. Bulletin of the EATCS, 49 (1993), 175-178.
  6. V. Mitrana: Cooperating/distributed grammar systems with total activation. Studii Cercetari Matematice, 45, 1 (1993), 31-37.
  7. V. Mitrana: Hybrid cooperating/distributed grammar systems. Computers and Artificial Intelligence, 12, 1 (1993), 83-88.
  8. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana, Gh. Paun: Szilard languages associated to a cooperating distributed grammar system. Studii Cercetari Matematice, 45, 5 (1993), 403-413.
  9. E. Csuhaj-Varju, J. Dassow, V. Mitrana, Gh. Paun: Cooperation in grammar systems: universality, similarity, timing. Cybernetica, 36, 4 (1993), 271-286.
  10. A. Atanasiu, V. Mitrana: Parallel substitution on words and languages. Annals of the University Al.I.Cuza, Iasi, Inf., 2 (1993), 37-43.
  11. A. Mateescu, V. Mitrana, A. Salomaa: Dynamical teams in cooperating distributed grammar systems. Annals of the University of Bucharest, (1993-1994), 3-14.
  12. V. Mitrana, Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg: Structuring grammar systems by priority and hierarchies. Acta Cybernetica, 11, 3 (1994), 189-204.
  13. V. Mitrana: Similarity in grammar systems. Fundamenta Informaticae, 24 (1995), 3, 251-257.
  14. V. Mitrana: Distributed catenation versus shuffle. Bulletin of the EATCS, 58 (1996), 163-167.
  15. V. Mitrana, Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa: Pattern systems. Theoretical Computer Science, 154, 2 (1996), 183-201.
  16. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana: Splicing grammar systems, Computers and Artificial Intelligence, 15 (1996), 2-3, 109-122.
  17. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana, Gh. Paun, S. Vicolov: On determinism in cooperating distributed grammar systems. Publicationes Mathematicae, 48 (1996), 3-4, 217-231.
  18. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana: "Call by name" and "call by value" strategies in grammar systems. Annals of the University of Bucharest, 1 (1996), 29-40.
  19. L.Ilie, V. Mitrana: Binary self-adding languages and sequences. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 62 (1996), 171-181.
  20. V. Mitrana: Iterated pattern languages. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 1 (1996), 4, 305-311.
  21. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana: Fairness in grammar systems. Acta Cybernetica 12 (1996), 331-345.
  22. V. Mitrana: On the interdependence between shuffle and crossing-over operations. Acta Informatica, 34 (1997), 257-267.
  23. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana: Cooperation in context-free grammar, Theoretical Computer Science, 180 (1997) 353-361.
  24. V. Mitrana: Some remarks on morphisms and primitivity. Bulletin of the EATCS, 62 (1997), 213-216.
  25. V. Mitrana: Crossover systems. A generalization of splicing systems. Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 2 (1997), 3, 151-160.
  26. V. Mitrana: Primitive morphisms. Information Processing Letters, 64 (1997) 277-281.
  27. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana, A. Salomaa: Context-free evolutionary grammars and the structural language of nucleic acids. BioSystems, 4 (1997) 169-177.
  28. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana: On the leftmost derivations in cooperating grammar systems. Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, 43, 3-4 (1998), 361-374.
  29. V. Mitrana: Parallelism in contextual grammars. Fundamenta Informaticae, 33 (1998), 281-294.
  30. V. Mitrana: Chomsky-Schutzenberger type characterizations based on contextual languages, GRAMMARS, 1 (1988), 167-176.
  31. A. Atanasiu, V. Mitrana: On the error-tolerant closure of languages, Annals of the University of Bucharest, Mathematics-Informatics Series, 47 (1998) 5-14.
  32. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Cooperation in contextual grammars, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 3 (1998) 231-241.
  33. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana: Stack cooperation in multi-stack pushdown automata, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 58 (1999), 611-621.
  34. V. Mitrana, G. Rozenberg: Some properties of duplication grammars. Acta Cybernetica, 14, 1 (1999), 165-177.
  35. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana: D0L-pattern systems, Publicationes Mathematicae, 54 (1999), 653-666.
  36. V. Mitrana: Patterns and languages: An overview, GRAMMARS, 2, 2 (1999), 149-173.
  37. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana, Gh. Paun: On the regularity of duplication closure, Bulletin of the EATCS, 69 (1999), 133-137.
  38. E. Csuhaj-Varju, V. Mitrana: Evolutionary systems: A language generating device inspired by evolving communities of cells, Acta Informatica, 36, 11 (2000), 913-926.
  39. V. Mitrana: On the degree of communication in parallel communicating finite automata, Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 5, 3 (2000), 301-314.
  40. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana: Finite automata over the free generated groups, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 10, 6 (2000), 725-738.
  41. E. Csuhaj-Varju, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana, G. Vaszil: Parallel communicating pushdown automata systems, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 11, 4 (2000), 633-650.
  42. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Parallel communicating automata systems. A survey. Invited article in Korean Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. An International Journal, 7 (2), 2000, 237-257.
  43. J. Kelemen, A. Kelemenova, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Colonies with limited activation of components, Theoretical Computer Science, 244, 1-2 (2000), 289-298.
  44. E. Csuhaj-Varju, V. Mitrana: Dynamical teams in eco-grammar systems. Fundamenta Informaticae, 44, 1-2 (2000), 83-94.
  45. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Uniquely parsable CD grammar systems, Journal of Universal Computer Science, 6, 9 (2000), 850-861.
  46. V. Mitrana, R. Stiebe: Extended finite automata over groups. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 108, 3 (2001), 247-260.
  47. S. Kobayashi, V.Mitrana, Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg: Formal properties of PA-Matching, Theoretical Computer Science, 262, 1-2 (2001), 117-131.
  48. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Some undecidable problems for parallel communicating finite automata systems, Information Processing Letters, 77, 5-6 (2001), 239-245.
  49. A. Kelemenova, J. Kelemen, V. Mitrana: Towards Biolinguistics. New developments in formal language theory inspired from biology, GRAMMARS, 4, 3 (2001), 187-203.
  50. M. Ito, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Group weighted finite transducers, Acta Informatica, 38 (2001), 117-129.
  51. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana, Gh. Paun: On the power of valuations in P systems, Computacion y Sistemas, 5,2 (2001), 120-128.
  52. M. Kudlek, V. Mitrana: Closure properties of multiset languages, Fundamenta Informaticae, 49, 1-3 (2001), 191-203.
  53. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana, A. Salomaa: Operations and language generating devices suggested by the genome evolution, Theoretical Computer Science, 270, 1-2 (2002), 701-738.
  54. R. Freund, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: On some operations suggested by gene assembly in ciliates. New Generation Computing, 20, 3 (2002), 279-293.
  55. C. Martin-Vide, A. Mateescu, V. Mitrana: Parallel finite automata systems communicating by states, International Journal of Foundation of Computer Science, 13, 5 (2002), 733-749.
  56. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Grammars with bounded-life resources, Journal of Automata, Languages, and Combinatorics, 7, 4 (2002), 561-570.
  57. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana, R. Stiebe: Weighted grammars and automata with threshold interpretation, Journal of Automata, Languages, and Combinatorics, 8, 2 (2003), 303-318.
  58. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Networks of evolutionary processors: a survey, Theoria, 18 (2003), no.46, 59-70.
  59. M. Kudlek, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Multiple pattern interpretations, GRAMMARS, 5 (2002), 223-238.
  60. J. Castellanos, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana, J. Sempere: Networks of evolutionary processors, Acta Informatica, 39 (2003), 517-529.
  61. V. Mitrana, K.G. Subramanian, M. Tataram: Pictural Networks of Evolutionary Processors, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 6 (2003), no.1-2, 189-199.
  62. A. Atanasiu, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: On the sentence valuation in a semiring. Information Sciences, 151 (2003), 107-124.
  63. M. Kudlek, C. Martin-Vide, A. Mateescu, V. Mitrana: Contexts and the concept of mild context-sensitivity, Linguistics and Philosophy, 26, 6 (2003), 703-725.
  64. M. ter Beek, E. Csuhaj-Varju, V. Mitrana: Teams of pushdown automata, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 81, 2 (2004), 141-156.
  65. I. Ardelean, M. Gheorghe, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: A computational model for cell differentiation, BioSystems, 76(2004), 1-3, 169-176.
  66. M. Gheorghe, V. Mitrana: A formal language based approach in biology, Comparative and Functional Genomics 5 (2004), 91-94.
  67. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana, G. Paun, R. Stiebe: On functions and related languages of context-free grammars, RAIRO/Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 38 (2004), 257-267.
  68. J. Castellanos, P. Leupold, V. Mitrana: On the size complexity of hybrid networks of evolutionary processors, Theoretical Computer Science, 330, 2 (2005) 205-220.
  69. P. Bottoni, A. Labella, V. Manca, V. Mitrana: Superposition Based on Watson-Cricklike complementarity, Theory of Computing Systems, 39, 4 (2006), 503-524.
  70. P. Leupold, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Uniformly bounded duplication languages, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 146, 3 (2005), 301-310.
  71. V. Mitrana: Marcus external contextual grammars: from one to many dimensions, Fundamenta Informaticae, 54, 1-4 (2005), 307-316.
  72. E. Csuhaj-Varju, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Hybrid NEPs are computationally complete, Acta Informatica, 41, 4-5 (2005), 257-272.
  73. M. ter Beek, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Synchronized shuffles, Theoretical Computer Science, 341 (2005), 263-275.
  74. M. A. Grando, V. Mitrana: A possible connection between two theories: grammar systems and concurrent programming, Fundamenta Informatica, 76, 3 (2007), 325-336.
  75. F. Manea, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Accepting networks of splicing processors: complexity results, Theoretical Computer Science, 371(2007), 72-82.
  76. F. Manea, V. Mitrana, D.C. Voinescu: Synchronized shuffle on backbones, Fundamenta Informaticae, 73, 1-2 (2006), 191-202.
  77. A. Choundary, K. Krithivasan, V. Mitrana: Returning and non-returning PCFA are equivalent, RAIRO/Theoretical Informatics and Applications, in press.
  78. F. Manea, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: On the size complexity of universal accepting hybrid networks of evolutionary processors, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, in press.
  79. R. Loos, V. Mitrana: Non-preserving splicing with delay, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, in press.
  80. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Remarks on multiple pattern interpretations, Information Processing Letters, 101, 5 (2007), 209-214.
  81. P. Leupold, V. Mitrana: Uniformly bounded duplication codes, RAIRO Theoretical Informatics and Applications, in press.
  82. F. Manea, V. Mitrana: All NP-problems can be solved in polynomial time by accepting hybrid networks of evolutionary processors of constant size, Information Processing Letters, in press.

Articole in lucrarile unor conferinte academice

  1. A. Atanasiu, V. Mitrana: O structura de convergenta pe spatiul seriilor formale de puteri, Proc. of the 6th National Symp. "Info-Iasi", Iasi, Romania, 1987, 41-49.
  2. A. Atanasiu, V. Mitrana: Queue automata. Decisions problems. Proc. of the Second Colloquium on Logics, Languages, Math. Linguistics, Brasov, Romania, 1988, 1-6.
  3. A. Atanasiu, V. Mitrana: Modular grammars. Generative power and properties of closure. Proc. of the Second Colloquium on Logics, Languages, Math. Linguistics, Brasov, Romania, 1988, 161-168.
  4. V. Mitrana: Leftmost derivation in modular grammars, Proc. of the 7th National Symp. "Info-Iasi", Iasi, Romania, 1989, 83-88.
  5. V. Mitrana: On grammatical interpretattion. Proc. of the Third Colloquium on Logics, Languages, Math. Linguistics, Brasov, Romania, 1991, 86-93.
  6. V. Mitrana: On grammatical similarity. Proc.of "Salodays in Computer Science", Hyperion Press, Bucharest, l993, 126-134.
  7. A. Atanasiu, V. Mitrana: Parallel substitution on words and languages. Proc. of the 9th ROSYCS '93, Iasi, 1993, 24-30.
  8. V. Mitrana: On some classes of grammar systems. Developments in Theoretical Computer Science, Proc. of the 7th IMYCS '92, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1994, 153-162.
  9. A. Atanasiu, V. Mitrana: Substitution on words and languages. in Developments in language theory. At the Crossroads of Mathematics, Computer Science and Biology (A.Salomaa, G.Rozenberg, eds.), World Scientific Publishing, 1994, 51-60.
  10. A. Atanasiu, V. Mitrana: Formal cryptation systems. Proc. of COMP-Sec '94, Technical Military Academy of Romania, 1995, 29-36.
  11. V. Mitrana: Binary self-adding sequences. Developments in Language Theory. At the Crossroads of Mathematics, Computer Science and Biology, World Scientific Publishing, 1996, 62-68.
  12. L.Ilie, V. Mitrana: Crossing-over on languages. A formal representation of the recombination of genes in a chromosome. German Conference on Bioinformatics GCB '96, Leipzig, Germany, 1996, 87-93.
  13. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana: Evolutionary grammars: a grammatical model for genome evolution. Bioinformatics. Proceedings of GCB '96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1278, Springer-Verlag, 1997, 199-209.
  14. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana: On some operations suggested by the genome evolution. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing '97, Hawaii, 1997, 97-108.
  15. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana: The degree of parallelism in contextual grammars with the strategy of minimal competence. In Mathematical and Computational Analysys of Natural Language, Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics 45, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 1998, 3-16.
  16. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana, G. Paun: Point mutations in context-free languages. Proc. of DLT '97, 1997, 429-446.
  17. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Cooperation in contextual grammars. In MFCS '98 Workshop on Grammar Systems. Proceedings, Silesian University, Institute of Computer Science, 1998, 289-302.
  18. A. Atanasiu, V. Mitrana: Distributed encryption systems. In Proc. of ROSYCS '98, 1998, 47-56.
  19. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: An algebraic model of synonymy. In MFCS '98 Workshop on Mathematical Linguisitics. Proceedings, University of Hamburg, Fachbereich Informatik, Bericht 213/1998, 107-115.
  20. V. Mitrana: On the degree of communication in parallel communicating finite automata, Workshop on Descriptional Complexity of Automata, Grammars and Related Structures, Otto-von-Guericke Universitat, 155-165, 1999.
  21. V. Mitrana, R. Stiebe: Extended finite automata over groups. Proc. of the 1st Conference on Semigroups and Algebraic Engineering, Aizu, World Scientific, 1999, 317-329.
  22. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Uniquely parsable CD grammar systems, Sixth Intern. Workshop on Parsing Technologies IWPT 2000, 2000, 313-315.
  23. V. Mitrana: Parsability approaches in CD grammar systems, Proceedings of the Workshop in Grammar Systems, Bad Ischl, 2000, 165-185.
  24. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: P Systems with valuations, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Unconventional Models of Computation UMC '2K, Springer Verlag, London, 2000, 154-166.
  25. V. Mitrana: Parallel communicating finite automata systems, Proc. of Algebraic Systems, Formal Languages and Computations, RIMS Kokyuroku, 2000, 178-191.
  26. J. Castellanos, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana, J. Sempere: Solving NP-complete problems with networks of evolutionary processors, Proc. of the 6th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, IWANN 2001, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2048, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2001, 621-628.
  27. E. Csuhaj-Varju, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Multiset automata, Multiset Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2235, 2001, 69-84.
  28. M. Ito, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Chomsky-Schutzenberger type characterizations of poly-slender and Parikh slender context-free languages, Proceedings of Formal Grammars/Mathematics of Languages FGMOL '01, 2001, 104-112.
  29. M. Kudlek, V. Mitrana: Normal forms for multiset grammars, Multiset Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2235, 2001, 135-146.
  30. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Grammars with bounded-life resources, Proc. Descriptional Complexity of Automata, Grammars and Related Structures, DCAGRS '01, 2001, 214-222.
  31. S. Marcus, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana, Gh. Paun: A new-old class of linguistically motivated regulated grammars, 7th International Conference on Computational Linguistics in Netherlands, CLIN 2001, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 2001, 111-125.
  32. M. Kudlek, V. Mitrana: Closure properties of multiset languages, Workshop on Membrane Computing, WMC2001, Curtea de Arges, August 20-25, 2001, 157-168.
  33. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana, R. Stiebe: Weighted grammars and automata with maximum interpretation, Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications 2002, TUD-FI 20-02, 32-35.
  34. M. Kudlek, V. Mitrana: Considerations on a multiset model for membrane computing, Proc. Workshop in Membrane Computing (WMC 2002), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2597, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2003, 352-358.
  35. A. Atanasiu, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: On the sentence valuations in a semiring, (Invited lecture) Proc. International Conference Words, Languages and Combinatorics III, World Scientific, Singapore, 2003, 22-39.
  36. E. Csuhaj-Varju, V. Mitrana, G. Vaszil: Distributed automata systems: computational power, Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2710, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2003, 218-229.
  37. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana, M.J. Perez-Jimenez, F. Sancho-Caparrini: Hybrid networks of evolutionary processors, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2723, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2003,401-412.
  38. M. Gheorghe, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana, M.J. Perez-Jimenez: An agent based approach of collective foraging, International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks (IWANN 2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2686, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2003, 638-645.
  39. M. ter Beek, E. Csuhaj-Varju, V. Mitrana: Teams of pushdown automata, International Conference on Perspectives of System Informatics (PSI 2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2890, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003, 329-337.
  40. I. Ardelean, M. Gheorghe, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: A computational model for cell differentiation, Workshop Pre-Proceedings, IPCAT2003, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2003, 275-287.
  41. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Some remarks on multiple pattern interpretations, Proceeding of Mathematics of Languages (MOL 8), 2003, 105-117.
  42. V. Mitrana: Some complexity aspects of hybrid networks of evolutionary processors, Proc. Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems (DCFS 2003) (Invited plenary lecture), 2003, 5-20.
  43. E. Csuhaj-Varju, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Parallel communicating finite transducer systems, Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN 2002), Language and Computers: Studies in Practical Linguistics, Rodopi, Amsterdam-NY, 2003, 9-24.
  44. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: A new uniform translocation distance, Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition SSPR 2004, LNCS 3138 (2004).
  45. M. Margenstern, V. Mitrana, M. Perez-Jimenez: Accepting hybrid networks of evolutionary systems, Proc. DNA Based Computers DNA 10, LNCS 3384 (2005), 235-246.
  46. M. A. Grando, V. Mitrana: Can PC grammar systems benefit from concurrent programming?, Grammar System Week, Budapest, 2004, 200-211.
  47. F. Manea, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Solving 3CNF-SAT in linear time with WWW, Machines, Computability, Universality, MCU 2004, LNCS 3354, 2005, 269-280.
  48. F. Manea, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Accepting networks of splicing processors, Computation in Europe CiE 2005, LNCS 3526 (2005) , 300-309.
  49. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Contextual information systems, CONTEXT '05, LNAI 3554, 2005, 304-315.
  50. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Remarks on multiple pattern interpretations, Automata and Formal Languages AFL05, 2005, 200-212.
  51. R. Loos, V. Mitrana: Non-preserving splicing with delay, DNA Based Computers DNA11, 2005, 237-249.
  52. F. Manea, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: A universal accepting hybrid network of evolutionary processors, First International Workshop on Developments in Computational Models, DCM '05, ENTCS 93 (2006), 15-24.
  53. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Further properties of path-controlled grammars, Formal Grammars/Mathematics of Languages, FG-MOL10, CSLI Publications 2005, 139-150.
  54. D. Cheptea, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: A new operation on words suggested by DNA biochemistry: hairpin completion, Transgressive Computing, 2006, 216-228.
  55. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Descriptional and computational aspects of generating and accepting hybrid networks of evolutionary processors, Proc. Conference on Algebraic Informatics CAI’05, 2005, 207-220.
  56. Florin Manea, Carlos Martin-Vide, Victor Mitrana: All NP-Problems can be solved in polynomial time by ANSP of constant size, DNA Based Computers DNA 12, LNCS 4287, 2006, 47-57.
  57. Remco Loos, Carlos Martin-Vide, Victor Mitrana: Solving SAT and HPP with accepting splicing systems, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature PPSN IX, LNCS 4193, 2006, 771-777.
  58. J. Castellanos, L.F. de Mingo Lopez, V. Mitrana: Solving SAT by accepting networks of splicing processors with filtered connections, 15th International Conference on Computing CIC 2006, IEEE Computer Society, 2006, 260-265.
  59. Florin Manea, Carlos Martin-Vide, Victor Mitrana: On some algorithmic problems regarding the hairpin completion, Optimal Discrete Structures and Algorithms ODSA 2006, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 27 (2006) 7172.
  60. F. Manea, V. Mitrana: Hairpin completion versus hairpin reduction, Computation in Europe CiE 2007, in press.

Articole in carti colective

  1. V Mitrana: Contextual grammars: the strategy of minimal competence. Mathematical Aspects of Natural and Formal Languages, World Scientific Publishing, 1994, 319-331.
  2. V. Mitrana: Contextual insertion and deletion. Mathematical Linguistics and Related Topics, The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 1994, 271-278.
  3. V. Mitrana: Eco-pattern systems. Artificial Life. Grammatical Models., The Black Sea Univ. Press, 1995, 202-209.
  4. V. Mitrana, R. Stiebe: The accepting power of finite automata over groups. New Trends in Formal Languages. Control, Cooperation, Combinatorics. LNCS 1218, Springer, 1997, 39-48.
  5. V. Mihalache, V. Mitrana: Deterministic cooperating distributed grammar systems. New Trends in Formal Languages. Control, Cooperation, Combinatorics. LNCS 1218, Springer, 1997, 137-149.
  6. V. Mitrana: On the degree of cooperation in CD grammar systems. Grammatical Models of Multi-Agent Systems, Gordon and Breach, 1999, 33-40.
  7. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana: Self-crossing-over systems. Computing with Bio-Molecules, Springer-Verlag Singapore, 1998, 283-294.
  8. A. Atanasiu, V. Mitrana: About symbolic encryption. Separable encryption systems. Grammatical Models of Multi-Agent Systems, Gordon and Breach, 1999, 218-225.
  9. C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: On context-free duplications, Recent topics in mathematical and computational linguistics, The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, 2000, 196-206.
  10. J. Kelemen, A. Kelemenova, V. Mitrana: Neo-modularity and colonies, Where Linguistics, Computer Science and Biology Do Meet, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2000, 63-74.
  11. J. Castellanos, V. Mitrana: Some remarks on hairpin and loop languages, Words, Semigroups, and Tranlations, World Scientific, Singapore, 2001 47-59.
  12. L. Ilie, V. Mitrana: Crossing-over on languages. A formal representation of chromosomes recombination. In Grammars and Automata for String Processing. From Mathematics and Computer Science to Biology and Back, Gordon and Breach, 2003, 289-302.
  13. P. Leupold, V. Mitrana, J. Sempere: Formal languages arising from gene repeated duplication. Aspects of Molecular Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2950, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2003, 297-308.
  14. P. Domosi, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Remarks on sublanguages consisting of primitive words of slender regular and context-free languages, Theory Is Forever LNCS 3113, 2004, 60-68.
  15. J. Dassow, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Free generating hybrid networks of evolutionary processors, Formal Models, Languages and Applications Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence vol. 66, 2006, World Scientific, Singapore, 65-78.

Rapoarte tehnice

  1. E. Csuhaj-Varju, J. Dassow, V. Mitrana, Gh. Paun: Cooperation in grammar systems: universality, similarity, timing. Technische Universit¨at "Otto von Guericke" Magdeburg, INF-4-93, 1993.
  2. L.Ilie, V. Mitrana: Crossing-over on languages. A formal representation of the recombination of genes in a chromosome. Turku Centre for Computer Science, TR 32, 1995.
  3. J. Dassow, V. Mitrana, A. Salomaa: Context-free evolutionary grammars and the structural language of nucleic acids. Turku Centre for Computer Science, TR 68, 1996.
  4. V. Mitrana: On morphisms preserving primitive words. Turku Centre for Computer Science, TR 69, 1996.
  5. V. Mitrana, Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa: Pattern systems. Technical Report 94-20 (1994), University of Leiden, The Netherlands.
  6. V. Mitrana, R. Stiebe: The accepting power of finite automata over groups. Turku Centre for Computer Science, TR 70, 1996.
  7. V. Mihalache, V. Mitrana: Deterministic cooperating distributed grammar systems. Turku Centre for Computer Science, TR 63, 1996.
  8. V. Mitrana, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa: On the crossover distance, TUCS Technical Report No 223, 1998.
  9. A. Atanasiu, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: On the sentence valuations in a semiring. An approach to the study of synonymy, TUCS Technical Report No 224, 1998.
  10. M. ter Beek, C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana: Synchronized shuffles, Technical Report 2003-TR-40, Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell 'Informazione, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 2003.

Actualizat: 23 martie 2007

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