English Version

Asist.dr. Florentina SUTER
Universitatea din Bucuresti
Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica
Catedra de Informatica

Str. Academiei, 14
010014 Bucuresti, Romania

e-mail: florentina.suter  fmi.unibuc.ro

Nume precedent: Florentina PETRE


  1994: Univ. din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Matematica, Licenta in Informatica.
Titlul tezei: "Generarea unor vectori aleatori cu aplicatii in fiabilitatea sistemelor";

  1995: Univ. din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Matematica, Diploma de studii aprofundate in Calcul stiintific.
Titlul tezei: "Algoritmi in analiza regresiei liniare";

  2004: Univ. din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Doctor in Matematica, specialitatea Teoria probabilitatilor si Statistica.
Titlul tezei: "Modele si algoritmi in fiabilitatea sistemelor".


2005 - 2006:

  Cursuri: Modelare si simulare, Simulare;
  Seminarii: Modelare si simulare, Fiabilitatea programelor;
  Laboratoare: Modelare si simulare, Simulare, Programare procedurala.

1994 - 2005
Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica:
  Laboratoare: Logica si combinatorica, Bazele informaticii, Modelare si simulare, Teoria simularii stochastice, Algoritmica si programare;
  Seminarii: Logica si combinatorica, Bazele informaticii, Modelare si simulare, Metode de simulare, Teoria simularii stochastice, Fiabilitatea programelor;
  Cursuri: Teoria simularii stochastice;

1996 - 1997
Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti:
  Seminarii si laboratoare de Evaluarea performantelor si fiabilitate;

Universitatea "La Sapienza", Roma, Italia
  Seminarii de Statistica descriptiva;


Domenii de interes:

Fiabilitatea programelor, Modelare si simulare, Evaluarea performantelor sistemelor informatice, Fiabilitate;

Seminarii stiintifice sustinute in afara Universitatii din Bucuresti:

  1. "Dynamic Aspects in the Study of some Reliability Systems", Departamentul de Statistica, Universitatea din Padova, Italia, sept. 1999;
  2. "An Introduction in Queueing Systems", Departamentul de Matematica, Universitatea "La Sapienza", Roma, Italia, mai 2000;
  3. "Modelli di osservazione longitudinale e sequenziale di tempi di guasto", Departamentul de Matematica, Universitatea "La Sapienza", Roma, Italia, feb 2002;


  1. Third International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Trondheim, Norvegia, iunie 2002;

Burse de cercetare:

  1. Bursa NATO-CNR la Departamentul de Statistica, Universitatea din Padova, Italia, 1997;
  2. Bursa "Vasile Parvan" a Guvernului Romaniei la Departamentul de Matematica, Universitatea "La Sapienza", Roma, Italia, 1999-2000;


  1. Probability and Statistics Letters (2002);
  2. Metron - International Journal of Statistics (2003).

Contracte de cercetare:

  1. Sistem de programe pentru calcule stiintifice prin metoda Monte Carlo, contract MCT 474-1996;
  2. Cercetari privind utilizarea multimilor fuzzy in Statistica si Informatica, grant CNCSU-1999;
  3. "Scan Statistics" cu aplicatii in Medicina, proiect in cadrul programului "Brancusi", realizat in colaborare cu Universitatea Lille 2.

Lista de lucrari:

  1. Petre, F. (1996) Note on Simulation of t and F Distributions, Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti, Computer Science Series, 2, 65-70;
  2. Petre, F. (1997) Prediction Analysis and Improvement in Software Reliability, Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti, Special Issue, 179-184;
  3. Popescu, I., Petre, F. (1997) Simulation of Wishart Distribution, Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti, Computer Science Series, 63-69;
  4. Petre, F., Spizzichino, F. (2000) A Relation between Relevation Process and Exchangeable Load-Sharing Models, Technical Report of Department of Mathematics, Universitatea "La Sapienza", Roma;
  5. Shaked, M., Spizzichino, F., Suter, F. (2002) Nonhomogeneous Birth Processes and l-infinity-Spherical Densities with Applications in Reliability Theory, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 16, 271-288.
  6. Suter, F. (2002) Models of Software Reliability Based on Time Lags between Failures and Fault Corrections, Third International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Trondheim, Norway, June 2002, Communications, 615-617;
  7. Shaked, M., Spizzichino, F., Suter, F. (2004) Uniform Order Statistics Property and l-infinity-Spherical Densities, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 18, 275-297.
  8. Suter, F. (2005) Stochastic Simulation of Bivariate Generalized Time Transform Exponential Models, Mathematical Reports, 7(57), 3, 423-251.

Ultima actualizare: 4 noiembrie 2005

Prof.dr. Dascalescu Sorin


Data si locul nasterii: Nascut la 23 Aprilie 1964 in Ploiesti.

Educatia: A absolvit Facultatea de Matematica, Universitatea Bucuresti in 1988.
Functiile didactice: profesor la Liceul Colorom Codlea intre 1988-1990, asistent intre 1990-1995, lector intre 1995-1999, conferentiar intre 1999-2001 iar din 2001 este Profesor la Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea Bucuresti.
Teza de doctorat: A sustinut doctoratul in 1992 cu teza ''Inele Graduate de Suport Finit''.
Cursuri predate: A tinut cursuri Algebre Hopf, Inele graduate si teorie Clifford, Algebra (I si II), Reprezentari de algebre, Algebre si coalgebre.
Domenii de cercetare: Algebre Hopf, Teoria Inelelor, Grupuri Cuantice.

Este recenzent la Zentralblatt fur Mathematik si Mathematical Reviews.
A obtinut Premiul "Gheorghe Lazar" al Academiei Romane, pentru anul 1996.

Carti si manuale

  1. Hopf algebras: an introduction, Monographs in Pure and Applied Mathematics 235(2000), Marcel Dekker, New York, 401 pag (cu C.Nastasescu si S.Raianu)
  2. Algebre Hopf, Editura Universitatii Bucuresti, 1998, 140 pag. (cu C.Nastasescu si S.Raianu).
  3. Probleme de algebra, Editura Universitatii Bucuresti, 1993, 100 pag., (cu C.Baetica).

Articole stiintifice

  1. Graded T-rings, Comm. Algebra, 17, 1989, p.3033-3042 (cu C.Nastasescu).
  2. The equation xn=a in left cancellative monoids, Rivista di Matematica Pura ed. Appl., Udine, 9, 1991, p.95-115 (cu C.Nastasescu).
  3. Some results on graded rings of finite support, Proc. of the Algebra Conf., Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Research Seminars no.1, 1992, p.131-136.
  4. A note on groups with the finite embedding property, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Group Theory, Timisoara, 1992, p.43-45.
  5. Graded semiperfect rings, Bull. de la Soc. Sci. Math. Roumaine, 36, 1992, p.247-255.
  6. Graded T-rings with finite support, Comm. Algebra, 21, 1993, p.3619-3636, (cu A. del Rio).
  7. A Maschke-type theorem for crossed coproducts, Annals of the Ovidius University of Constanta, 2, 1994, p.44-51 (cu S.Caenepeel si S.Raianu).
  8. A note on intermediate normalizing extensions, Bull.of the Austral. Math. Soc., 50, 1994, p.313-316 (cu L. Van Wyk).
  9. A note on graded semilocal rings, Revue Roumaine de Math. Pures et Appl., 40, 1995, p.253-258 (cu M.Beattie si C.Nastasescu).
  10. Graded coalgebras and Morita-Takeuchi contexts, Tsukuba J. Math., 19, 1995, p.395-407 (cu C.Nastasescu, S.Raianu si F. Van Oystaeyen).
  11. Finite Hopf-Galois coextensions, crossed coproducts and duality, J. Algebra 178, 1995, p.400-413 (cu S.Raianu si Y.H. Zhang).
  12. Cosemisimple Hopf algebras coacting on coalgebras, Comm. Algebra, 24, 1996, p.1649-1678 (cu S.Caenepeel si S.Raianu).
  13. Gradings of finite support. Applications to injective objects, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 107, 1996, p.193-206 (cu C.Nastasescu, A. del Rio si F. Van Oystaeyen).
  14. Categories of modules graded by G-sets. Applications, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 107, 1996, p.129-139 (cu M.Beattie).
  15. Do isomorphic structural matrix rings have isomorphic graphs?, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 124, 1996, p.1385-1391 (cu L. Van Wyk).
  16. Crossed coproducts and cleft coextensions, Comm. Algebra 24, 1996, p.1229-1243 (cu G.Militaru si S.Raianu).
  17. Coalgebra deformations of bialgebras by Harrison cocycles, Bull. Belgian Math. Soc. 4(1997), 647-672 (cu S.Caenepeel, G.Militaru si F.Panaite).
  18. Some Remarks on a theorem of H.-J. Schneider, Comm. Algebra 24 (1996), p.4477-4493 (cu S.Raianu si F. Van Oystaeyen).
  19. Comodules graded by G-sets. Applications, Comm. Algebra 25 (1997), p.159-175 (cu C.Nastasescu, B.Torrecillas si F. Van Oystaeyen).
  20. Duality theorems for graded algebras and coalgebras, J. Algebra 192 (1997), p.261-276, (cu C.Nastasescu, B.Torrecillas si F. Van Oystaeyen).
  21. Galois Extensions for Co-Frobenius Hopf Algebras, J. Algebra 198 (1997), p.164-183, (cu M.Beattie si S.Raianu).
  22. Modules Graded By G-Sets. Duality And Finiteness Conditions, J. Algebra 195 (1997), p.624-633, (cu D.Bulacu si L.Grünenfelder).
  23. Comodules graded by G-sets. Applications, Comm. Algebra 25 (1997), p.159-175, (cu C.Nastasescu, B.Torrecillas si F. Van Oystaeyen).
  24. FBN Hopf Module Algebras, Comm. Algebra 25 (1997), p.3521-3529, (cu A.V. Kelarev si B.Torrecillas).
  25. Pointed Hopf algebras of dimension p3, J. Algebra 209 (1998), p.622-634, (cu S.Caenepeel).
  26. Finiteness Conditions, Co-Frobenius Hopf Algebras and Quantum Groups, J. Algebra 200 (1998), p.312-333, (cu M.Beattie, L.Grünenfelder si C.Nastasescu).
  27. On pointed Hopf algebras of dimension 2n, Bull. London Math. Soc. 31 (1999), p.17-24, (cu S.Caenepeel).
  28. On the number of types of finite dimensional Hopf algebras, Inventiones Math. 136 (1999), p.1-7, (cu M.Beattie si L.Grünenfelder).
  29. Classifying pointed Hopf algebras of dimension 16, Comm. Algebra 28 (2000), p.541-568 (cu S.Caenepeel si S.Raianu).
  30. On pointed Hopf algebras of dimension pn, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 128 (2000), p.361-367, (cu M.Beattie si L.Grünenfelder).
  31. Yang-Baxter operators arising from (co)algebra structures, Comm. Algebra 27 (1999), p.5833-5845, (cu F.Nichita).
  32. Group gradings on full matrix rings, J. Algebra 220 (1999), p.709-728 (cu B.Ion, C.Nastasescu si J.Rios).
  33. Pointed Hopf algebras with large coradical, Comm. Algebra 27 (1999), p.4821-4826, (cu S.Dascalescu).
  34. Forms of Hopf algebras, Manuscripta Math. 100 (1999), p.35-53, (cu S.Caenepeel si L. Le Bruyn).
  35. A co-Frobenius Hopf algebra with a separable Galois extension is finite, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 128(2000), 3201-3203 (cu M.Beattie si S.Raianu).
  36. Constructing pointed Hopf algebras by Ore extensions, J. Algebra 225 (2000), p.743-770, (cu M.Beattie si L.Grünenfelder).
  37. Co-Frobenius Hopf algebras: integrals, Doi-Koppinen modules and injective objects, J. Algebra 220 (1999), p.542-560, (cu C.Nastasescu si B.Torrecillas).
  38. The categories of Yetter-Drinfel'd modules, Doi-Hopf modules and two-sided two-cosided Hopf modules, Applied Categorical Structures 6 (1998), p.223-237, (cu M.Beattie, S.Raianu si F. Van Oystaeyen).
  39. Smash (Co)-products from adjunctions, "Rings, Hopf algebras and Brauer Groups", Marcel Dekker Lecture Notes, 197 (1998), p.103-110, (cu S.Raianu si F. Van Oystaeyen).
  40. Strongly graded coalgebras and graded crossed coproducts, ''Abelian groups, module theory, and topology'', editors D. Dikranjan si L. Salce, Proceedings of the conference in honour of A. Orsatti, Padua, Italy, Marcel Dekker Lecture Notes 201 (1998), p.131-142, (cu C.Nastasescu si S.Raianu).
  41. Finiteness conditions for semigroup graded modules, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures. Appl 44 (1999), p.37-50 (cu A.V.Kelarev).
  42. On gradings of matrix algebras by cyclic groups, Comm. Algebra 29 (2001), 5013-5021 (cu C.Boboc).
  43. Homological dimension of coalgebras and crossed coproducts, K-Theory 23 (2001), 53-65 (cu C.Nastasescu si B.Torrecillas).
  44. The recovery of the non-diagonal tile in a tiled triangular matrix ring, Indian J. Math. 42 (2000), 167-173 (cu L.Van Wyk).
  45. Semigroup gradings of upper triangular matrix rings, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 46(2001), 611-615 (cu A.Kelarev si C.Nastasescu).
  46. Semigroup gradings of full matrix rings, Comm. Algebra 29 (2001), 5023-5031 (cu A.Kelarev si L.Van Wyk).
  47. Involutory Hopf algebras with non-zero integral, Bull. London Math. Soc. 34 (2002), 33-36 (cu C.Nastasescu si B.Torrecillas).
  48. On gradings of matrix algebras and descent theory, Comm. Algebra 30 (2002), 5901-5920 (cu S.Caenepeel si C.Nastasescu).
  49. Lifting of Nichols algebras of type B2, Israel J. Math. 132 (2002), 1-28 (cu M.Beattie si S.Raianu).
  50. Co-Frobenius Hopf algebras and the coradical filtration, Mathematische Zeitschrift 243 (2003), 145-154 (cu N.Andruskiewitsch).
  51. Group gradings on M2(k), Bull. Australian Math. Soc. 68 (2003), 285-293 (cu R.Khazal si C.Boboc).
  52. Isomorphism of generalized triangular matrix rings and recovery of tiles, International Journal of Mathematics and Math. Sciences 9 (2003), 533-538 (cu R.Khazal si L.Van Wyk).
  53. Hopf algebras of dimension 14, Journal of the London Math. Soc. 69 (2004), 65-78 (cu M.Beattie).
  54. Quantum lines over non-cocommutative Hopf algebras, J. Algebra 273 (2004), 753-779 (cu C.Calinescu, A.Masuoka si C.Menini).
  55. Some examples of integrals for bialgebras, Hopf algebras, 133-141, Lecture Notes in Pure Appl. Math. 237 (2004), Marcel Dekker.
  56. On associative superalgebras of matrices, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 34 (2004), 585-598 (cu P.Jarvis, A.Kelarev si C.Nastasescu).
  57. Symmetric liftings of quantum linear spaces, Mathematica 46 (69) (2004), 141-147.
  58. Periodic rings with finitely generated underlying group, International Journal of Mathematics and Math. Sciences 36 (2004), 1887-1892 (cu R.Khazal).
  59. Symmetric coalgebras, Journal of Algebra 279 (2004), 326-344 (cu F.Castano Iglesias si C.Nastasescu).
  60. Wide Morita contexts, relative injectivity and equivalence results, Journal of Algebra 284 (2005), 705-736 (cu C.Chifan si C.Nastasescu).
  61. On quantum groups at -1, Algebras and Representation Theory 8 (2005), 11-34 (cu N.Andruskiewitsch).
  62. Good gradings on matrix algebras by finite abelian groups of prime index, Bull. Math. Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie 49 (2006), 5-11 (cu C.Boboc).
  63. Relative regular objects in categories, Applied Categorical Structures 14 (2006), 567-577 (cu C.Nastasescu, A.Tudorache si L.Daus).
  64. On the dimension of the space of integrals for finite dimensional bialgebras, va aparea in Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica.
  65. Group gradings on M3(k), va aparea in Comm. Algebra (cu C.Boboc).

Actualizat: 31 mai 2007

2002 - 2015 -- Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti
Str. Academiei nr. 14, sector 1, C.P. 010014, Bucuresti, Romania
Tel: (4-021) 314 2863, Fax: (4-021) 315 6990, secretariat  fmi.unibuc.ro