English Version

Asist.dr. Florentina SUTER
Universitatea din Bucuresti
Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica
Catedra de Informatica

Str. Academiei, 14
010014 Bucuresti, Romania

e-mail: florentina.suter  fmi.unibuc.ro

Nume precedent: Florentina PETRE


  1994: Univ. din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Matematica, Licenta in Informatica.
Titlul tezei: "Generarea unor vectori aleatori cu aplicatii in fiabilitatea sistemelor";

  1995: Univ. din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Matematica, Diploma de studii aprofundate in Calcul stiintific.
Titlul tezei: "Algoritmi in analiza regresiei liniare";

  2004: Univ. din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Doctor in Matematica, specialitatea Teoria probabilitatilor si Statistica.
Titlul tezei: "Modele si algoritmi in fiabilitatea sistemelor".


2005 - 2006:

  Cursuri: Modelare si simulare, Simulare;
  Seminarii: Modelare si simulare, Fiabilitatea programelor;
  Laboratoare: Modelare si simulare, Simulare, Programare procedurala.

1994 - 2005
Universitatea din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica:
  Laboratoare: Logica si combinatorica, Bazele informaticii, Modelare si simulare, Teoria simularii stochastice, Algoritmica si programare;
  Seminarii: Logica si combinatorica, Bazele informaticii, Modelare si simulare, Metode de simulare, Teoria simularii stochastice, Fiabilitatea programelor;
  Cursuri: Teoria simularii stochastice;

1996 - 1997
Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti:
  Seminarii si laboratoare de Evaluarea performantelor si fiabilitate;

Universitatea "La Sapienza", Roma, Italia
  Seminarii de Statistica descriptiva;


Domenii de interes:

Fiabilitatea programelor, Modelare si simulare, Evaluarea performantelor sistemelor informatice, Fiabilitate;

Seminarii stiintifice sustinute in afara Universitatii din Bucuresti:

  1. "Dynamic Aspects in the Study of some Reliability Systems", Departamentul de Statistica, Universitatea din Padova, Italia, sept. 1999;
  2. "An Introduction in Queueing Systems", Departamentul de Matematica, Universitatea "La Sapienza", Roma, Italia, mai 2000;
  3. "Modelli di osservazione longitudinale e sequenziale di tempi di guasto", Departamentul de Matematica, Universitatea "La Sapienza", Roma, Italia, feb 2002;


  1. Third International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Trondheim, Norvegia, iunie 2002;

Burse de cercetare:

  1. Bursa NATO-CNR la Departamentul de Statistica, Universitatea din Padova, Italia, 1997;
  2. Bursa "Vasile Parvan" a Guvernului Romaniei la Departamentul de Matematica, Universitatea "La Sapienza", Roma, Italia, 1999-2000;


  1. Probability and Statistics Letters (2002);
  2. Metron - International Journal of Statistics (2003).

Contracte de cercetare:

  1. Sistem de programe pentru calcule stiintifice prin metoda Monte Carlo, contract MCT 474-1996;
  2. Cercetari privind utilizarea multimilor fuzzy in Statistica si Informatica, grant CNCSU-1999;
  3. "Scan Statistics" cu aplicatii in Medicina, proiect in cadrul programului "Brancusi", realizat in colaborare cu Universitatea Lille 2.

Lista de lucrari:

  1. Petre, F. (1996) Note on Simulation of t and F Distributions, Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti, Computer Science Series, 2, 65-70;
  2. Petre, F. (1997) Prediction Analysis and Improvement in Software Reliability, Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti, Special Issue, 179-184;
  3. Popescu, I., Petre, F. (1997) Simulation of Wishart Distribution, Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti, Computer Science Series, 63-69;
  4. Petre, F., Spizzichino, F. (2000) A Relation between Relevation Process and Exchangeable Load-Sharing Models, Technical Report of Department of Mathematics, Universitatea "La Sapienza", Roma;
  5. Shaked, M., Spizzichino, F., Suter, F. (2002) Nonhomogeneous Birth Processes and l-infinity-Spherical Densities with Applications in Reliability Theory, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 16, 271-288.
  6. Suter, F. (2002) Models of Software Reliability Based on Time Lags between Failures and Fault Corrections, Third International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Trondheim, Norway, June 2002, Communications, 615-617;
  7. Shaked, M., Spizzichino, F., Suter, F. (2004) Uniform Order Statistics Property and l-infinity-Spherical Densities, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 18, 275-297.
  8. Suter, F. (2005) Stochastic Simulation of Bivariate Generalized Time Transform Exponential Models, Mathematical Reports, 7(57), 3, 423-251.

Ultima actualizare: 4 noiembrie 2005

Annals of the University of Bucharest (Mathematical Series)


Annals of the University of Bucharest (mathematical series), ISSN 2067-9009 is a mathematical research journal, published by the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. This journal continues Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti-Matematica, founded in 1952. Annals of the University of Bucharest (mathematical series) aims at publishing high level original research papers and surveys, in all areas of pure and applied mathematics. The papers published in this journal are abstracted in Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt Math. The journal consists of one yearly volume divided in 2 issues. Contributions should be in English and should be sent to one of the members of the Editorial Board or to one of the Editorial Secretaries.

Information for authors. LaTex template.


Str. Academiei 14
010014 Bucharest, Romania

Contact: annalsub  fmi.unibuc.ro

ISSN 2067-9009

Seria Matematica     Scurt Istoric


CABIRIA ANDREIAN-CAZACU (University of Bucharest, Cabiria.Andreian@imar.ro) • VIOREL BARBU (University of Iasi, vb41@uaic.ro) • LUCIAN BEZNEA ("Simion Stoilow" Inst.of Math., Lucian.Beznea@imar.ro) • HAIM BREZIS (The State University of New Jersey, brezis@math.rutgers.edu) • STEFAAN CAENEPEEL (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, scaenepe@vub.ac.be) • ION CHITESCU (University of Bucharest, ionchitescu@yahoo.com) • PHILIPPE CIARLET (City University of Hong Kong, MAPGC@cityu.edu.hk) • DOINA CIORANESCU (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, cioran@ann.jussieu.fr) • NICOLAIE D. CRISTESCU (University of Bucharest, cristesc@ufl.edu) • ROMULUS CRISTESCU (University of Bucharest, romuluscristescu@yahoo.com) • IOAN CUCULESCU (University of Bucharest, icucul@fmi.unibuc.ro) • NICOLAE DINCULEANU (University of Florida, nd@math.ufl.edu) • VIOREL IFTIMIE(University of Bucharest, viftimie@fmi.unibuc.ro) • GEORGE GEORGESCU (University of Buchares​t, georgescu@fmi.unibuc.ro) •  PALTIN IONESCU (University of Bucharest, Paltin.Ionescu@imar.ro) • MARIUS IOSIFESCU ("Gh. Mihoc-C. Iacob" Inst. of Math. Statist. and Appl. Math, miosifes@acad.ro) • YVON MADAY (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, maday@ann.jussieu.fr) • GERARD MAUGIN (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, gerard.maugin@upmc.fr) • JEAN MAWHIN (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Jean.Mawhin@uclouvain.be) • PETRU MIRONESCU (Université de Lyon, mironescu@math.univ-lyon1.fr) • CONSTANTIN NASTASESCU (University of Bucharest, constantin_nastasescu@yahoo.com) • LIVIU ORNEA (University of Bucharest, lornea@gta.math.unibuc.ro) • DORIN POPESCU (University of Bucharest, Dorin.Popescu@imar.ro) • VASILE PREDA (University of Bucharest, preda@fmi.unibuc.ro) • ROGER TEMAM (Indiana University, temam@indiana.edu) • IOAN TOMESCU (University of Bucharest, ioan@fmi.unibuc.ro)


RADU MICULESCU, University of Bucharest, miculesc@yahoo.com
MIHAI-SORIN STUPARIU, University of Bucharest, stupariu@fmi.unibuc.ro







Volume 6 (LXIV), Nr. 2, 2015


 Oanh Chau - A class of parabolic evolutional inequalities and application to contact problem

 Sanjib Kumar Datta, Tanmay Biswas and Debasmita Dutta - Comparative growth measures of differential monomials and differential polynomials depending on their relative orders

 Giorgio Giorgi - Notes and comments on sufficient first-order optimality conditions in scalar and vector optimization

 Monica Patriche - On the maximal reduction of games

 Vladimir Ryazanov - On Hilbert and Riemann problems. An alternative approach

 Gurucharan Singh Saluja - Convergence of general iteration scheme for total asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in CAT(0) spaces

 Balwant Singh Thakur, Rajshree Dewangan and Mohammad Saeed Khan - Strong convergence of two finite families of asymptotically pseudocontractive mappings

2002 - 2015 -- Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti
Str. Academiei nr. 14, sector 1, C.P. 010014, Bucuresti, Romania
Tel: (4-021) 314 2863, Fax: (4-021) 315 6990, secretariat  fmi.unibuc.ro