English Version

Prof.dr. Bucur Gheorghe


Data si locul nasterii: 26 ianuarie 1939, in comuna Branesti, judetul Dambovita.

Educatia: A absolvit Facultatea de Matematica din Bucuresti in anul 1961.
Pozitii academice: A fost preparator si asistent al profesorului Miron Nicolescu in perioada 1961-1968. In 1968 ocupa prin concurs postul de cercetator principal III la Institutul de Matematica al Academiei Romane. Intre 1968-1993 este membru al Institutului de Matematica al Academiei Romane in functia de cercetator principal III, II, I. I se acorda premiul ''Gheorghe Titeica'' pentru un ciclu de lucrari privind geometria spatiilor Dirichlet. In 1993 ocupa prin concurs postul de profesor la Catedra de Analiza Matematica.

Teza de doctorat: A sustinut doctoratul in 1970 cu teza ''Structuri simpliciale in spatii topologice''.

Este conducator de doctorat la Institutul de Matematica al Academiei Romane. Colaboreaza strans cu Profesorul Nicu Boboc la buna desfasurare a seminarului stiintific de Teoria Potentialului.

Domenii de interes stiintific: Teoria Potentialului, Teoria convexitatii, Spatii ordonate si Teoria masurii.

Este membru in comitetul de redactie la ''Mathematical Reports'' si recenzent la ''Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliques'' si ''Zentralblatt für Mathematik''.
A primit premiul ''Gheorghe Titeica'' al Academiei Romane.

Carti si manuale

  1. Culegere de probleme de analiza matematica, vol.II si III (cu Eugen Campu si Stelian Gaina)- Editura Tehnica si stiintifica, 1966-1967.
  2. Probabilités et Potential (curs multigrafiat), Faculte des Sciences de Tunis, 1993.
  3. Conuri convexe de functii continue pe spatii compacte (cu N.Boboc) - Editura Academiei Romane, 1976.
  4. Masura si capacitate (cu N. Boboc) - Editura stiintifica si enciclopedica, 1985.
  5. Analiza Complexa. Aspecte clasice si moderne (elaborata de un colectiv de specialisti in analiza). Aspecte topologice privind problema Dirichlet in Rn (cu N.Boboc ) - Editura stiintifica si enciclopedica, 1988.
  6. Order and Convexity in Potential Theory: H-cones (cu N.Boboc si A.Cornea) - Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer Verlag, 1981.

Articole stiitifice

  1. Asupra reprezentarilor cvasiconforme - Comunicarile Academiei, 1960.
  2. Cônes convexes ordonnés - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl. 14(3), pag.183-209 (cu N.Boboc), 1969.
  3. Couples normaux de quasi-topologies. Théorčmes de prolongement - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., nr.10, 1969.
  4. Fonctions simplement concaves sur un espace somplicial - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., nr.6, 1970.
  5. Sur le prolongement des des fonctions affines (cu N.Boboc) - Mathematica Scandinavica, nr.26(2), pag.42-50, 1970.
  6. Espaces localement convexes préordonnés. Ensembles saturés et ensembles cosaturés (cu N.Boboc) - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl. 15(7), pag.961-975, 1970.
  7. Espaces localement convexes ordonnés. Espaces simpliciaux et leur duals (cu N.Boboc) - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl.16(4), pag.449-464, 1970.
  8. Cônes convexes de fonctions continues sur un espace compact - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., nr.10, 1971.
  9. Simplicial measure on a compact space (cu N.Boboc) - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl.17(8), pag.1158-1163, 1972.
  10. Cônes convexes de fonctions continues sur un espace compact. Topologies sur la frontiere de Choquet (cu N.Boboc - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl.17(9), pag.1307-1316, 1972.
  11. Cônes of potentials on topological space (cu N.Boboc si A.Cornea) - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl.18(6), pag.815-865, 1973.
  12. H-cones and Potential Theory (cu N.Boboc si A.Cornea ) - Annales de l'Institut Fourier Grenoble 25(3 si 4), pag.71-108, 1975.
  13. Hilbertian and Lattice Theoretical Methods in Potential Theory. Preprint series in Math.14 (1977) INCREST,Bucharest. Proceedings of Romanian-Finish Seminar on Complex-Analysis, Bucahrest 1976; Lectures Notes in Math.743, pag.517-549, Springer Verlag (cu N.Boboc si A.Cornea), 1979.
  14. Natural topologies in H-cones. Weak completness and metrizability. Preprint Series in Math. 12 (1978), INCREST, Bucharest; Rev. Roum.Math. Pures et Appl. 24(7), pag.1013-1026 (cu N.Boboc si A.Cornea), 1979.
  15. Carrier theory and negligible sets on a standard H-cone of functions (cu N.Boboc si A.Cornea) - Preprint Series in Math. 25, 1978 INCREST, Bucharest or Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl.25(2), pag.163-197, 1980.
  16. Standard H-cones and Markov Processes (cu N.Boboc) - Preprint Series in Math. 51, 1979, pag.1-17, INCREST, Bucharest.
  17. Potentials and pures potentials in H-cones (cu N.Boboc) - Preprint Series in Math. 61, 1979 INCREST, Bucharest or Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl.27(5), pag.529-549, 1982.
  18. Potentials in standard H-cones (cu N.Boboc) - Preprint Series in Math. 61, pag.1-21, 1979 INCREST, Bucharest or Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl.10, 1982.
  19. Autodual H-cones I (cu N.Boboc si A.Cornea) - Preprint Series in Math. 2, 1979 INCREST, Bucharest or Lecture Notes in Math., nr.743 , Springer Verlag, 1979.
  20. Autodual H-cones II (cu N.Boboc si A.Cornea ) - Hokkaido Mathematical Jornal vol.10, 1981.
  21. Archimedean measure (cu N.Boboc) – Preprint Series in Math. 33, 1981 INCREST, Bucharest sau Analele Universitatii Craiova, nr.11, pag.21-30, 1983.
  22. Perturbation in excessive structures (cu N.Boboc) - Lecture Notes in Math., nr.1014, pag.155-187 Springer Verlag, 1983.
  23. Balayage, quasi-balayage and fine decomposition properties in standard H-cones of functions (cu W.Hansen) - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., nr.29, 1984.
  24. Stonian stuctures in Potential theory (cu N.Boboc) - Preprint Series in Math. 35, 1985 INCREST, Bucharest; Studii si Cercetari Matematice 38(5), pag.411-437, 1986.
  25. Natural sheaf property in standard H-cones of functions (cu N.Boboc) - Preprint Series in Math. 32, pag.1-53, 1982, INCREST, Bucharest.
  26. Natural localization and natural cheaf property in standard H-cones of functions I (cu N.Boboc) - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl.30, pag.1-26, 1985.
  27. Localzation and sheaf property in standard H- cones of functions II (cu N.Boboc)- Rev. Roum. Math. pures et Appl.30, pag.193-213, 1985.
  28. Potentials and supermedean functions on fine open sets in standard H-cones (cu N.Boboc) - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., nr.31(9), pag.745-775, 1986; Preprint Series in Math.59, 1984, INCREST, Bucharest.
  29. Green potentials on standard H-cones (cu N.Boboc) - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., nr.32(4), pag.193-213, 1987; Preprint Series in Math.35 (1985), INCREST, Bucharest.
  30. Fine Potentials and supermedean function on Standard H-cones (cu N.Boboc) - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., nr.39, pag.881-890, 1987; Preprint Series in Math.47(1986), INCREST, Bucharest.
  31. On a Hunt hypothesis (cu N.Boboc) - Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 26, 1985 or Studii si Cercetari Matematice 39(5), pag.418-421, 1987.
  32. On Frostman property in standard H- cones of functions (cu N.Boboc) - Preprint Series in Math.28, 1987, INCREST, Bucharest; Studii si Cercetari Matematice 40(2), pag.126-136, 1988.
  33. Potentials in Standard H-cones of functions (cu N.Boboc) - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., nr.30 (10), pag.821-836, 1988; Preprint Series in Math.6, 1988, INCREST, Bucharest.
  34. Dualities between Standard H-cones (cu N.Boboc) - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., nr.35(3), pag.187-195, 1990; Preprint Series in Math. 30, 1989, INCREST, Bucharest.
  35. Dilations in H-cones (cu N.Boboc) – Preprint Series in Math. 55, 1990 INCREST, Bucharest.
  36. Green Kernels on topological spaces (cu N.Boboc) - Preprint Series in Math.43, 1989, INCREST, Bucharest; Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl. 36(1-2), pag.21-32, 1991.
  37. Order and convexity in potential theory (cu N.Boboc) - Procedings of the International conference in Potential Theory, Praha, 1987; Lectures Notes in Math. 1344, Springer Verlag, pag.24-41, 1988, Berlin.
  38. Lattice properties in the set of resolvents and subordinations in excessive structures (cu N. Boboc) - Preprint Series in Math. 5, 1990 INCREST, Bucharest, Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl.36 (9-10), pag.595-634, 1991.
  39. Subordination dans les structures excessives (cu N.Boboc) - C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 311, pag.239-241, 1990.
  40. Compression and Dilation operators on Excessives structures (cu N.Boboc) - Preprint Series in Math. 8, 1991, Inst. of Math. of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest.
  41. Subordinations in excessive structures . Compresions in H-cones (cu N.Boboc) - Preprint Series in Math.12, 1990, INCREST, Bucharest; Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl. 37(1), pag.7-42.
  42. Aritmetic and Potential theory (cu N.Boboc) - Preprint Series in Math. 9, 1992; Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl. 40(3-4), pag.259-277, 1995.
  43. Potential theory on finite ordered sets (cu N.Boboc) - Preprint Series in Math. 14, 1992, Inst. of Math. of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest; Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl. 39(6), pag.459-480, 1993.
  44. Pseudodilations in H-cones (cu N.Boboc) - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., nr.37 (2), pag.115-132, 1992.
  45. Natural compression operators and subordinations in excessive structures (cu N.Boboc) - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., nr.37(6), 1992; Preprint Series in Math, 12, 1990, INCREST, Bucharest.
  46. Recurrence and transiencein excessive structures (cu N.Boboc) - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., nr.38 (2), pag.101-117, 1993; Preprint Series in Math., Inst. of Roumanian Academy, 9, 1991.
  47. Espaces de Dirichlet recurents (cu A.Boukrida) - Studii si Cercetari Matematice 45, 1993.
  48. Theorie du Potential pour les systemes semi-dynamiques (cu M.Bezzarga) - Preprint Series in Math. 11, 1993, Inst. of Math. of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest or Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 1994.
  49. Excessive and supermedian functions with respect to subordination resolvents of kernels (cu N.Boboc) - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 39(9), pag.1.29, 1994; Preprint Series in Math. 45, 1990, INCREST, Bucharest.
  50. Dilations operators in excessive structures. Existence and unicite (cu N.Boboc) - Preprint Series in Math. 9, 1994, Inst. of Math. of the Romanian Academy 1-41; Proceedings of conference on Potential Theory (Kouty, Czech Republic), pag.1-29, 1994.
  51. Inductive and projective limits of H-cones. Application to the theory of excessive measures (cu V.Grecea si N.Zeddini) - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 39, pag.457-478, 1994.
  52. Represantion de Stone pour les s-H-cones (cu Ammar Kauther si Ben Salah Chedlia) - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 39, 1994.
  53. Duality for semi-dynamical systems (cu M.Bezzarga) - Proceedings of the International Conference on Potential Theory, Praha, 1994; Potential Theory ICPT 1994, Walter de Gruyter & Co, Berlin-Network, pag.275-286, 1996.
  54. Characterisation of Dirichlet forms by their excessive and co-excessive elements (cu N.Boboc) - Preprint Series of Inst. Math. of Roum. Acad. 11, 1995.
  55. On the characterization of Dirichlet forms by their excessive and co-excessive elements (cu N.Boboc) - Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl.6, 2000.
  56. Potential Theory on Ordered Sets (cu N.Boboc) - Analysis and Topology, editori Cabiria Andreian Cazacu, O.Lehto si M.Rassias, World Scientific, pag.165-191, 1998.
  57. Theorie de Choquet pour les contractions - Seminaire d'espaces lineaires ordonnes topologiques 16, 1997, Editura Universitatii Bucuresti.
  58. Contractions in ordered spaces - Seminaire d'espaces lineaires ordonnes topologiques 17, 1998, Editura Universtatii Bucuresti.
  59. Potential Theory on Ordered sets. Totally increasing functions (cu N.Boboc)- Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl. 43(3-4), pag.277-298, 1998.
  60. Exact totally increasing functions (cu N.Boboc)- Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl. 43(7-8), pag.685-720, 1998.

2002 - 2015 -- Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti
Str. Academiei nr. 14, sector 1, C.P. 010014, Bucuresti, Romania
Tel: (4-021) 314 2863, Fax: (4-021) 315 6990, secretariat  fmi.unibuc.ro