English Version

Prof.dr. Boboc Nicu


Data si locul nasterii: 16 aprilie 1933, in comuna Oprisanesti, judetul Braila.

Educatia: A absolvit Facultatea de Matematica din Bucuresti in anul 1955.
Pozitii academice: A fost preparator in perioada 1955 - 1957, asistent in perioada 1957 - 1959, lector in perioada 1959 - 1969, conferentiar in perioada 1969-1973 si profesor din 1973.
Teza de doctorat: A sustinut doctoratul in 1961 cu teza ''Teoria potentialului pe varietati riemanniene''. Doctor docent in stiinte in anul 1972.
Cursuri predate: Tine cursuri de Analiza Reala, Analiza convexa, Teoria masurii, Analiza complexa si Teoria potentialului.
Domenii de interes stiintific: Teoria potentialului, Teoria convexitatii, Teoria suprafetelor Riemanniene.

A primit premiul "'S. Stoilov"' al Academiei Romane in 1967.
Este recenzent la "Mathemathical reviews" si conduce seminarul stiintific de Teoria potentialului.
Este membru in colectivul de redactie la revista Revue Roum. Math. Pures et Appl.

Carti si manuale

  1. Teoria potentialului pe suprafete riemanniene (Seminar S.Stoilow 1959-1960) (cu C.Constantinescu si A.Cornea), Ed. Academiei Romane, 1962, 160 pag.
  2. Espaces harmoniques associées aux operateurs différentiels linéaires du second ordre de type elliptique - Lectures Notes in Math., 68 Springer-Verlag, 1968, 95 pag. (cu P.Mustata).
  3. Functii complexe - Editura didactica 1970, 349 pag.
  4. Conuri convexe de functii continue pe spatii compacte, Editura Academiei Romane 1975 (cu Gh.Bucur), 198 pag.
  5. Elemente de analiza matematica - Editura didactica 1980 (cu I.Colojoara), 182 pag.
  6. Order and convexity in Potential theory: H-Cones - Lectures Notes in Math., 853, 1981 Springer-Verlag, (cu Gh.Bucur, A.Cornea), 286 pag.
  7. Masura si capacitate - Editura stiintifica si enciclopedica, Bucuresti 1985 (cu Gh.Bucur), 588 pag.
  8. Analiza matematica I - Tipografia Universitatii Bucuresti, 1988; editie noua 1999, 261 pag.
  9. Analiza matematica II - Tipografia Universitatii Bucuresti, 1993; editie noua 2000, 182 pag.
  10. Potential Theory and Right Processes, Kluwer Academic Publishers 2004 (cu L.Beznea).

Articole stiitifice

  1. Un exemplu de functie continua Darboux discontinua peste tot - Com. Acad. R.P.R. IV. 5-6, 1954, pag.199-200.
  2. Asupra unei teoreme de tip Sturm si aplicatii la problema separarii zerourilor functiilor proprii ale operatoruliui Ñ - Bull. stiintific Acad. R.P.R. VII, 3, 1955, pag.723-729.
  3. Sur la caraterisation des variétés différentielles a base dénombrable - Rend. Dell. Acad. Naz. dei Lincei XXIV, 4, 1958, pag.391-395.
  4. Sur la détérmination d'une fonction par les valeurs prises sur un certain ensemble - Ann. Ec. Norm. LXXVI, 3, 1958, pag.151-159 (cu S.Marcus).
  5. Sur l'existance de la fonction de Green pour les equations de type elliptique sur des variétés différentiables - C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris bf 246, 23, 1958, pag.3204-3207 (cu N.Radu).
  6. Une classe de fonctions définies sur des variétés topologique triangulables. Mesures associées. Fonction de Green associées - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 3(2), 1958, pag.309-323, (cu N.Radu).
  7. Asupra perioadelor unui vector armonic definit pe o varietate riemanniana - Com. Acad. R.P.R. IX, 29, 1959, pag.893-898.
  8. Certains principes dans la theorie du potential des varietes riemannienes - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 6(3), 1961, pag.493-500.
  9. Asupra proprietatii (N) a lui Mensov - Com. Acad. R.P.R. XI, 7, 1961, pag.749-753. (cu Gh.Mocanu).
  10. Sur la notion de metrique harmonique sur une surface riemanniene hyperbolique - Bull. Math. Soc. Math. et Phys. R.P.R. 4 (1-2), 1961, pag.3-21, (cu Gh.Mocanu).
  11. Asupra invariantei prin reprezentari cvasiconforme a punctelor de efilare ale unei multimi - Com. Acad. R.P.R. XII, 2, 1962, pag.161-165.
  12. Sur la compactification d'un espace topologique - Bull. Math. Soc. Math. et Phys. R.P.R. 5(3-4), 1961, pag.155-165, (cu Gh.Siretchi).
  13. Asupra notiunii de convergenta unghiulara in punctele frontiera ale unei suprafete riemanniene. Generalizarea teoremei lui Lindelöf - Ann. Univ. Timisoara I, 1963, pag.47-50.
  14. Sur le probleme de Dirichlet dans l'axiomatique des fonctions harmoniques - C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 256, 1963, pag.2754-2757 (cu C.Constantinescu, A.Cornea).
  15. On the Dirichlet problem in the axiomatic theory of harmonic functions - Nagoya Math. Journal, 23, 1963, pag.73-96 (cu C.Constantinescu, A.Cornea).
  16. Axiomatic theory of harmonic functions. Non-negative superharmonic functions - Ann. Inst. Fourier 15 (1), 1965, pag.285-312 (cu C.Constantinescu, A.Cornea).
  17. Axiomatic theory of harmonic fonctions Balayage - Ann. Inst. Fourier 15(2), 1965, pag.37-70, (cu C.Constantinescu, A.Cornea).
  18. Sur les espaces des fonctions Lipschitz - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 10(7), 1965, pag.1045-1049.
  19. Cones de fonctins continues sur un espace compact - C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 261, 1965, pag.2564-2567 (cu A.Cornea).
  20. Remark on the existence of solutions of Dirichlet problem for strongly eliptic linear operators of second order - Bull. Math. Soc. Math. Roum. 10(12), 1966, pag.75-85, (cu P.Mustata).
  21. Convex cones of lower semicontinuos functions on compact spaces - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 12(4), 1967, pag.471-525 (cu A.Cornea).
  22. Behaviour of harmonic functions at a non regular boundary point - Bull. Math. Soc. Math. Roum. 10(1-2), 1966, pag.63-74, (cu A.Cornea).
  23. Sur un probleme concernant les domaines d'unicité pour le probleme de Dirichlet associé a un operateur elliptique - Acad. Naz. Lincei, XLII, 2, 1967, pag.181-186 (cu P.Mustata).
  24. Semigroup of transitions on harmonic spaces - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 12(6), 1967, pag.763-805, (cu A.Cornea si C.Constantinescu).
  25. Comportement des solutions du probleme de Dirichlet aux points irreguliers - C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 264, 1967, pag.995-997, (cu A.Cornea).
  26. Non-negative hyperarmonic functions. Balayages and naturel order - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 13(15), 1968, pag.609-618, (cu A.Cornea).
  27. Balayages des mesures par rapport aun cone de functions inférieurement semicontinues sur un espace localement compact - Seminaire Brelot-Choquet Deny 22, 1966/1967, pag.1-11 (cu A.Cornea).
  28. Espace harmonique. Axiom D et théoreme de convergence - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 13(7), 1968, pag.933-947 (cu A.Cornea).
  29. Sur l'équicontinuité des certains familles des fonctions continues - C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 266, 16, 1968, pag.802-804, (cu P.Mustata).
  30. Considérations sur l'espaces harmoniques associés aux opérateurs linéaires elliptiques à coeficients continues - Bull. Math. Soc. Math. Roum. 11(59), 4, 1967, pag.11-17 (cu P.Mustata).
  31. Cones convexes ordonés - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 14(3), 1969, pag.183-309, (cu Gh.Bucur).
  32. Sur le noyaux sur un espace mesurable. Principe de domination - C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 267, 26, 1968, pag.983-985.
  33. Sur le noyaux sur un espace mesurable. Principe de domination - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 14(6), 1969, pag.733-752.
  34. Cones convexes de fonctions continues sur un espace compact - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 14(7), 1969, pag.937-948.
  35. Sur les domaines d'unicité dans les espaces harmoniques - Elliptische Differential gleichungen Bd 2, Kolloquium Berlin 1969, Acad Verlag 1971, pag.97-107 (cu P.Mustata).
  36. Espaces localement convexes préordonnés (I). Ensembles saturés et ensembles cosaturés - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 15(7), 1970, pag.961-975 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  37. Espaces localement convexes préordonnés (II). Espaces simpliciaux et leur duals - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 16(4), 1970, pag.449-464 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  38. Cones convexes ordonnés. H-cones et adjoints de H-cones - C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 270, 1970, pag.596-599 (cu A.Cornea).
  39. Cones convexes ordonnés. H-cones et biadjoints de H-cones - C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 270, 1970, pag.1679-1682 (cu A.Cornea).
  40. Cones convexes ordonnés. H-cones et représentation integrales - C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 271, 1970, pag.880-883, (cu A.Cornea).
  41. Sur le prolongement des fonctions affines - Math. Scand. 26(2), 1970, pag.42-50 (cu Gh.Bucur ).
  42. Considérations axiomatiques sur les fonctions polysurharmoniques - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 16(8), 1971, pag.1167-1184 (cu P.Mustata).
  43. Simplicial measures on a compact space - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 17(8), 1972, pag.1155-1163 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  44. Cones convexes de fonctions continues sur un espace compact. Topologies sur la frontiere de Choquet - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 17(9), 1972, pag.1307-1316 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  45. Cones of potentials on topological spaces - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 18(6), 1973, pag.815-865 (cu Gh.Bucur si A.Cornea).
  46. Contribution de l'ecole roumaine de mathematique à la théorie du potentiel - Noesis I, Acad. R.S.R., 1973, pag.307-310.
  47. H-cones and Potential Theory - Ann. Inst. Fourier 25 (3 et 4), 1975, pag.71-108 (cu Gh.Bucur si A.Cornea).
  48. Apriori evaluations for the Dirichlet problem associated with a linear elliptic operator - Math. Nach., 60, 1974, pag.131-135, (cu G.Albinus si P.Mustata).
  49. Fonctions poly-surharmoniques associées aux opérateurs differentiels linéaires - Ann. Fac. Sci. de Kinshasa, Zaire Section Math. Phys 1(1), 1975, pag.26-45 (cu P.Mustata).
  50. Fonctions complement surharmoniques associées aux opérateurs differentiels de second ordre du type elliptique - Ann. Fac. Sci. de Kinshasa, Zaire Section Math. Phys 1(2), 1975, pag.249-281 (cu P.Mustata).
  51. Elements completement excessives par rapport à une résolvante - Ann. Fac. Sci. de Kinshasa, Zaire Section Math. Phys 2(1), 1976, pag.1-30 (cu Nkomba-Tshola).
  52. Asupra prelungirii aplicatiilor armonice - Ann. Univ. Craiova Math. IV, 1978, pag.31-36.
  53. Hilbertian and lattice theoretical methods in potential theory - Preprint Series in Math. 14, 1977, INCREST, Bucharest; Proceedings of Roum. Finish Seminar an Complex-Analysys, Bucharest, 1976; Lectures Notes in Math. 743, 1979, pag.517-549 (cu Gh.Bucur si A.Cornea).
  54. Natural topologies in H-cones. Weak completennes - Preprint Series in Math. 12, 1978, INCREST, Bucharest; Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 24(7), 1979, pag.1013-1026, (cu Gh.Bucur si A.Cornea).
  55. Standard H-cones and Markov processes - Preprint Series in Math. 51, 1979, INCREST, pag.1-17, Bucharest.
  56. Carrier theory and neglible sets on a standard H-cone of functions - Preprint Series in Math. 25, 1978, INCREST, Bucharest; Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 25(2), 1980, pag.163-197, (cu Gh.Bucur si A.Cornea).
  57. Autodual H-cones - Preprint Series in Math. 22, 1979, INCREST, Bucharest; Hokkaido Math. Journal 10, 1981, pag.37-67, (cu Gh.Bucur si A.Cornea).
  58. Archimedian measures - Preprint Series in Math. 33, 1981, INCREST, Bucharest; Ann. Univ. Craiova Math. XI, 1983, pag.21-30, (cu Gh.Bucur).
  59. Perturbation in excessive structures - Preprint Series in Math. 33, 1981, INCREST, Bucharest; Complex-Analysys - Fifth Roum - Finnish Seminar (2); Lectures Notes in Math. 1014, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1983, pag.155-187, (cu Gh.Bucur).
  60. Potentials in standard H-cones - Preprint Series in Math. 61, 1979, pag.1-21,INCREST, Bucharest, (cu Gh.Bucur).
  61. Potentials and pure potentials in H-cones - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 27(5), 1982, pag.529-549, (cu Gh.Bucur).
  62. Natural sheaf property in standard H-cones of functions – Preprint Series in Math. 32, 1982, pag.1-53, INCREST, Bucharest, (cu Gh.Bucur).
  63. Natural localization and natural sheaf property in standard H-cones of functions - Preprint Series in Math. 32, 1982, pag.1-53, INCREST, Bucharest, Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 30(2,3), 1985, pag.1-26, 193-213, (cu Gh.Bucur).
  64. Green potentials on standard H-cones - Preprint Series in Math. 35, 1985, INCREST, Bucharest, Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 32(4), 1987, pag.1-28, 193-213, (cu Gh.Bucur).
  65. Stonian structures in potential theory - Preprint Series in Math. 35, 1985, INCREST, Bucharest, Studii si Cercetari Matematice 38(5), 1986, pag.411-437, (cu Gh.Bucur).
  66. Asupra aproximarii functiilor excesive - Seminar de procese Markov 1983-1984, INCREST Bucuresti 1, 1985, pag.1-5 (cu V.Bally si L.Stoica).
  67. Sur un hypotese de G.A.Hunt - C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 302, 20, 1968, pag.701-703, (cu Gh.Bucur).
  68. Potentials and supermedian functions on fine open sets in standard H-cones - Preprint Series in Math. 59, 1984, INCREST, Bucharest; Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 31(9), 1986, pag.745-775, (cu Gh.Bucur)
  69. Fine potentials and supermedian functions on H-cones of functions - Preprint Series in Math. 47, 1986, INCREST, Bucharest; Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 32 1987, pag.881-890 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  70. On Frostman property in standard H-cones of functions - Preprint Series in Math. 28, 1987, INCREST, Bucharest, Studii si Cercetari Matematice 40(2), 1988, pag. 126-136, (cu Gh.Bucur).
  71. Order and convexity in potential theory - Proceedings of the Conference on Potential Theory Prague 1987, Lectures Notes in Math. 1344, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1988, pag.24-41, (cu Gh.Bucur).
  72. On a Hunt hypothesis - Studii si Cercetari Matematice 39(5), 1987, pag.418-421, (cu Gh.Bucur).
  73. Green Kernels on topological spaces - Preprint Series in Math. 43, 1989, INCREST, Bucharest, Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 36(1-2) 1991, pag.21-32, (cu Gh.Bucur).
  74. Dualites between standard H-cones - Preprint Series in Math. 30, 1989, INCREST, Bucharest, Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 35(3) 1990, pag.187-195 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  75. Potentials in standard H-cones of functions - Preprint Series in Math. 6, 1988, INCREST, Bucharest, Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 30(10) 1988, pag.821-836 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  76. On the analicity of real functions - Analele Univ. Bucuresti 38(1), 1989, pag.9-11.
  77. Lattice properties in the set of resolvents and subordinations in excessive structures - Preprint Series in Math. 5, 1990, pag.1-61, INCREST, Bucharest, Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 36(9-10) 1991, pag.595-634 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  78. Subordonations dans les structures excessives - C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. 1 311, 1990, pag.239-241 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  79. Subordonations in excessive structures. Compressions in H-cones - Preprint Series in Math. 12, 1990, INCREST, Bucharest, Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 37(1), 1992, pag.7-42 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  80. Natural compression operators and subordonations in excessive structures - Preprint Series in Math. 12, 1990, INCREST, Bucharest, Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 37(6), 1992, p.465-473 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  81. Absorbent, parabolic, elliptic and quasielliptic balayages in H-cones (I) - Preprint Series of Inst. Math. Roum. Acad. 10, 1991, Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 38(3), 1993, pag.197-234 (cu L.Beznea).
  82. Absorbent, parabolic, eliptic and quasielliptic balayages in H-cones - The relation with the Green function - Preprint Series of Inst. Math. Roum. Acad. 10, 1991, Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl., 39(3), 1994, pag.197-210 (cu L.Beznea).
  83. Absorbent, parabolic, eliptic and quasielliptic balayages in Potential theory (II). Relations with the Green function - Potential Analysis 4(2), 1995, pag.101-117 (cu L.Beznea).
  84. Pseudo-dilations in H-cones - Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures et Appl., 37(2), 1992, pag.115-132 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  85. Compression and dilations operators in excessive structures – Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures et Appl., 38(4), 1993 (cu Gh. Bucur).
  86. Balayages absorbants, paraboliques, elliptiques et quasi-elliptiques dans la theorie de potentiel; relations avec la fonction de Green - C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 315, 1992, pag.685-688 (cu L.Beznea).
  87. Recurence and transience in excessive structures - Preprint Series of Inst. Math. 9,1991; Revue Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., 38(2), 1993, pag.101-117 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  88. Potential theory on finite ordered sets - Revue Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., 39(6), 1993, pag.459-480 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  89. Arithmetic and Potential theory - Preprint Series of Inst. Math. 9,1992; Revue Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., 40(3-4), 1995, pag.259-277 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  90. Duality and biduality for excessive measures - Preprint Series of Inst. Math. 15,1992; Revue Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., 39(5), 1994, pag.419-438 (cu L.Beznea).
  91. Fine behoviour of balayages in Potential theory - Preprint Series of Inst. Math. 4,1993; Proceedings of Conferences of Potential theory (Chateau de Bonas, France) 1993 (Classical and modern potential theory and applications), Kluwer Acad. Publishers 1994, NATO ASI Series math. and Phys. Sci. 430, pag.113-123
  92. Excessive functions and excessive measures: Hunt's theorem on balayages, quasicontinuity - Preprint series Katolische Univ. EICHSTAT., Mathematik 93-010, 1993, Proceedings of Conferences of Potential theory (Chateau de Bonas, France) 1993 (Classical and modern potential theory and applications), Kluwer Acad. Publishers 1994, NATO ASI Series math. and Phys. Sci. 430, pag.77-92 (cu L.Beznea).
  93. On the integral representation for excessive measures - Preprint series Katolische Univ. EICHSTAT., Mathematik 94-004, 1994; Revue Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., 40(9-10), 1995, pag.725-734 (cu L.Beznea).
  94. Once more about the semipolar sets and regular excessive functions - Preprint series Katolische Univ. EICHSTAT., Mathematik 94-005, Proceedings of Conferences of Potential theory (Kouty, Czech Republic) 1994 , pag.1-22 (cu L.Beznea).
  95. Quasi-boundedness and subtractivity; applications to excessive measures - Preprint Series of Inst. Math. of Roum. Acad. 3,1994, pag. 1-17; Potential Analysys 5, 1996, p.467-485 (cu L.Beznea).
  96. Dilation operators in excessive structures ; existence and uniqueness - Preprint Series of Inst. Math. of Roum. Acad. 9, 1994, pag.1-41, Proceedings of Conferences of Potential theory (Kouty, Czech Republic) 1994, pag.1-29 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  97. Excessive and supermedian functions with respect to subordinated resolvents of kernels - Preprint Series in Math. 45, 1990, pag.1-10, INCREST, Bucharest, Revue Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., 39(9), 1994, pag.875-878 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  98. Kuran's regularity criterion and localization in excessive structures - Preprint Series of Inst. Math. of Roum. Acad. 5, 1994, pag.1-10, Bull. London Math. Soc. 28(1996), pag.273-282 (cu L.Beznea).
  99. Condensation points for the fine topology - Preprint series Katolische Univ. EICHSTAT., Mathematik 95-011; Analysis, nr.17, 1997, pag.13-23 (cu L.Beznea).
  100. Balayages on excessive measures their representation and the quasi-Lindelöf property - Preprint Series in Math. Institutul de Matematica al Academiei 23, 1995; Potential Analysis, nr.7, 1997, pag.805-825 (cu L.Beznea).
  101. Représentation des balayages sur les mesures excessives et versions de la propriété de Lindelöf - C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 322, 1996, pag.1033-1036 (cu L.Beznea).
  102. Feyel's tehnics on the supermedian functionals and strongly supermedian functions - Potential Analysis, nr.10, pag.347-372, 1999 (cu L.Beznea).
  103. Characterisation of Dirichlet forms by their excessive and co-excessive elements - Preprint Series of Inst. Math. of Roum. Acad. 11, 1995; Potential Analysis, nr.8, pag.345-357, 1998 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  104. Potential theory on ordered sets (I). Totally increasing functions - Preprint Series in Math, Institutul de Matematica al Academiei 32, 1996; Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl.(43), 3-4, 1998, pag.277-298 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  105. Potential theory on ordered sets (II). Exact totally increasing functions - Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl.(43), 7-8, 1998, pag.685-7208 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  106. Noyaux fortement supermedians et measures de Revuz - C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 327(I), 1998, pag.139-142 (cu L.Beznea).
  107. Excessive kernels and Revuz measures - Prob. Theory Relat. Fields 117, 2000, pag.267-288 (cu L.Beznea).
  108. Analytic functions on real Banach spaces - Rev. Roum. Math Pures et Appl.(44), 4, 1999, pag.555-564.
  109. Smooth measures and regular strongly supermedian kernels generating sub-markovian resolvents - Proceedings I.C.P.A, 1998, Potential Analysis 15, 2001, p.77-87 (cu L.Beznea).
  110. The adjoints of dilation operators on H-cones - Potential Analysis 14, 2001, p.275-288 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  111. Aspects of Number Theory in terms of Potential Theory - Potential Analysis 14, 2001, p.31-51 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  112. Strongly supermedian kernels and Revuz measures - Annals of Prob. 29 (1), 2001, p.418-436 (cu L.Beznea).
  113. One more on characterisation of Dirichlet forms by their excessive and coexcessive elements - Revue Roum. Math. Pures et Appl. 46 (1), 2001, p.13-17 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  114. Dilation operators on the Dirichlet spaces - Revue Roum. Math. Pures et Appl. 47 (5-6), 2002, p.571-597 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  115. aspects of Number Theory in terms of Potential Theory - Advances in Math. Research vol.2, 2003, p.115-149, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.New-York (cu Gh.Bucur).
  116. Submarkovian resolvents under weak duality hypothesis - Prob. Theory Relat. Fields 126, 2003, p.339-363 (cu L.Beznea).
  117. Fine densities for excessive measures and the Revuz correspondence - Potential Analysis 20, 2004, p.61-83 (cu L.Beznea).
  118. On the strongly supermedian functions and Kernels - Potential Analysis 27, 2005, p.127-132 (cu L.Beznea).
  119. On the tightness of capacities associated with submarkovian resolvents - Bull. London Math. Soc. 37, 2005, p.899-907 (cu L.Beznea).
  120. Hitting distributions domination and subordinate resolvents; an analytic approach - Central European Journal of Math. 4(1), 2006, p.138-162 (cu Gh.Bucur).
  121. Weak duality and the dual process for a semi-Dirichlet form - Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probabilities and Related Topics 9(1), 2006, p.27-46 (cu L.Beznea).
  122. Quasi-regular Dirichlet forms and Lp-resolvents on measurable spaces - Potential Analysis 25, 2006, p.269-282 (cu L.Beznea si M.Rockner).
  123. Markov processes associated with Lp-resolvents and applications to stochastic differential equations on Hilbert space - Journal of Evolution Equations 6, 2006, p.745-772 (cu L.Beznea si M.Rockner).
  124. Uniqueness problem for subordinations operators in Potential Theory - Potential Analysis, 2006 (cu Gh.Bucur).

Actualizat: 22 mai 2007

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