English Version

Prof.dr. Tomescu Ioan

Prof.dr.univ. Tomescu Ioan

Data si locul nasterii: 5 noiembrie, 1942, Ploiesti, Romania.

Studii universitare in matematica, specializarea informatica (1960-1965), la Universitatea din Bucuresti, Romania.
Doctor in Matematica (1971) cu teza “Metode combinatorii in teoria automatelor finite” sub conducerea Acad.Prof. Gr.C.Moisil.

Pozitii academice:
- Profesor, Catedra de Informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti, Romania (din octombrie 1990);
- Visiting professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, GCU University, Lahore, Pakistan (martie 2006 si 2007, noiembrie-decembrie 2005 si 2006);
- Visiting Senior Research Fellow,National University of Singapore, School of Computing (august-septembrie 2002);
- Visiting Professor, Department of Computer Science, Auckland University, New Zealand (februarie-iunie 1995);
- Lector, Catedra de informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti, Romania (februarie 1972 - octombrie 1990);
- Visiting Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, Universitatea din Tirana, Albania (martie-iunie 1974);
- Asistent, Catedra de informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti, Romania (octombrie 1968 - februarie 1972);
- Preparator, Catedra de informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti, Romania (decembrie 1965 - octombrie 1968).

Pozitii de cercetare:
- Cercetator, Departamentul de Matematica, INCREST, Bucuresti, Romania (februarie-iunie 1983).
- este seful catedrei de Informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti (din martie 1990).
- a fost secretar stiintific, Facultatea de Matematica, Universitatea din Bucuresti (noiembrie 1984 - martie 1990).
- Este conducator de doctorat, membru in Comisia de punctaje si promovari, Universitatea din Bucuresti, Romania (din septembrie 1990), membru in comisia de atestarea conducatorilor de doctorat, Universitatea din Bucuresti, Romania (din aprilie 1990).
- Membru in Comisia Nationala de atestare a titlurilor, diplomelor si certificatelor universitare a Ministerului Educatiei Nationale (1996-2005).
- Membru in Comisia de matematica si stiintele naturii a CNCSIS (2003-2005).
- Secretar al Comisiei de stiinte exacte I a CNEAA (1994-2005).
- a fost conducatorul echipei Romaniei la Olimpiada Internationala de Matematica in perioadele iulie 1983 - iulie 1986 si iulie 1990 - iulie 1994 si conducatorul echipei Romaniei la Balcaniada de Matematica in perioada mai 1990 - mai 1994.
- a fost Presedinte al Comisiei Nationale de Matematica, Ministerul Educatiei Nationale, Bucuresti, Romania (1983 - 1994);
- a fost Presedinte al juriului Balcaniadei de Matematica, Bacau, Romania, aprilie 1996 si Presedinte al juriului olimpiadei Internationale de Matematica, Bucuresti, 1999;
- Vicepresedinte, Societatea de Stiinte Matematice din Romania (1996 - 1999; din 2001 - in prezent).

Este membru in comitetele de redactie ale unor reviste:
- Mathematica Balkanica, Sofia, Bulgaria (din 2005);
- Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Bucuresti (din 1998);
- Matematički Vesnik, Belgrad, Iugoslavia (din 1996);
- Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, Bucuresti (din 1986);
- Bulletin Mathématique de la Soc. des Sci. Math. de la Roumanie (N.S.), Bucuresti (din 1982);
- Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, Matematica, Bucuresti (din 1978);
- Gazeta Matematica, Bucuresti (din 1971).
- a organizat conferinta Semester of Combinatorics, Stefan Banach Mathematical Center, Warszaw, Poland, September-December, 1987.

Ca evaluator extern este referent pentru:
- Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées;
- Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de la Roumanie;
- Studii si Cercetari Matematice - Mathematical Reports;
- Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, Gazeta Matematica (Bucuresti);
- Journal of Graph Theory;
- Discrete Mathematics;
- Discrete Applied Mathematics;
- Random Structures and Algorithms;
- Electronic Journal of Combinatorics;
- Communications in Mathematical Chemistry (MATCH);
- Graphs and Combinatorics;
- Australasian Journal of Combinatorics;
- Mathematical Inequalities and Applications.
- a fost referent pentru “National Colloquium Info-Iasi”, Iasi [1983], ROSYCS, Iasi [1996], CITTI”2000 (Constanta).
Este recenzent pentru Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt für Mathematik si referent pentru editurile Academiei, Stiintifica, Didactica si Pedagogica, Tehnica, Bucuresti [din 1967].

Este membru corespondent al Academiei Romane.

Este membru in societati profesionale: Association for Computing Machinery (1995-1998); American Mathematical Society; Societatea de Stiinte Matematice din Romania.

A obtinut urmatoarele premii:
- Premiul Gheorghe Titeica in matematica, (Academia Romana, 1975);
- Premiul pentru matematici aplicate (First Balkan Mathematics Competition for Students and Young Researchers, Bucuresti, 1971);
- Premiul intai si Premiul al doilea, la Olimpiada Nationala de Matematica pentru Studenti, Bucuresti, 1961 si 1962.

A predat: Structuri de date; Introducere in programare; Algoritmi numerici si nenumerici; Programare liniara; Metode numerice in informatica; Calcul paralel, Algoritmi combinatoriali; Combinatorica si teoria grafurilor; Teoria grafurilor si aplicatii; Teoria automatelor (la Facultatea de Matematica) precum si cursurile: Numerical and Nonnumerical Programming Techniques (International Graduate UNESCO Courses, 1978-1982); Graphs and Operations Research (International Graduate UNESCO Courses, 1978-1982); Data structures (1995, la Department of Computer Science, Auckland University, New Zealand), Sorting and Searching si Applications of Graph Theory to Operations Research (1974, Department of Applied Mathematics, The University of Tirana, Albania).

A tinut conferinte la universitati din Romania, Germania, Franta, Noua Zeelanda, Ungaria, Albania si Singapore.

Carti si manuale

  1. Introducere in Combinatorica, Ed. Tehnica, Bucuresti, 1972, 250pp.; Versiunea engleza publicata de Colette's, London and Wellingborough, 1975, 249pp.; Versiunea maghiara publicata de Müszaki Könyvkiado, Budapesta, 1978, 270pp.
  2. Matematica. Manual pentru clasa a X-a, profilul M1, Ed. Teora, Bucuresti, 2000, 344pp (cu M.Becheanu, B.Enescu si A.Vernescu).
  3. Matematica. Manual pentru clasa a X-a, profilul M2, Ed. Teora, Bucuresti, 2000, 248 pp. (cu M.Becheanu, B.Enescu si A.Vernescu)
  4. Introducere in Informatica, Ed. didactica si pedagogica, Bucuresti, 1994, 96pp.
  5. Probleme propuse la olimpiadele de matematica pentru licee in Romania (1950-1990), Ed. stiintifica, Bucuresti, 1992, 583pp (cu D.M.Batinetu-Giurgiu, V.Ghiorghita, I.V.Maftei si Florica Vornicescu).
  6. Ce este teoria grafurilor?, Ed. stiintifica si enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1982, 148pp.
  7. Probleme de combinatorica si teoria grafurilor, Ed. didactica si pedagogica, Bucuresti, 1981, 270pp.; Versiunea engleza publicata de John Wiley in Wiley-Interscience Series in Discrete Mathematics, New York, 1985, 335pp.
  8. Matematica aplicata in tehnica de calcul, Ed. didactica si pedagogica, Bucuresti, 1980, 132pp (cu A.Leu).
  9. Teoria grafurilor, C. Iacob(ed.). Matematici clasice si moderne, Vol.I, Ed. tehnica, Bucuresti, 1978, 193-308.
  10. Combinatorica si teoria grafurilor, N.Teodorescu (ed.). Probleme de matematica aplicata, Soc. St. Mat. Rom., Bucuresti, 1976, 11-65.
  11. Grafuri si programare liniara (O introducere elementara), Ed. didactica si pedagogica, Bucuresti, 1975, 132pp.
  12. Data Structures, Bucharest University Press, Bucharest, 1997 si 2004, 206pp.
  13. Combinatorica si teoria grafurilor, Tipografia Universitatii din Bucuresti, 1978, 267pp.
  14. Graphs and Operations Research, Bucharest University, Bucharest, 1978, 56pp.
  15. Applications of Graph Theory to Operations Research, University of Tirana, Albania, 1974, 273pp (in Albanian).

Editor de volume

  1. C.Calude, I.Tomescu, (eds.). Lucrarile stiintifice publicate de cadrele didactice din Facultatea de Matematica, Universitatea din Bucuresti, 1988, 474pp.

Articole stiintifice

  1. On the chromaticity of sunflower hypergraphs SH(n, p, h), Discrete Mathematics, vol.307, 6 (2007), 781-786.
  2. On the ratio between the partition dimension and the metric dimension of a connected graph, An. Univ. Bucuresti, Mat.-Inf. (2006).
  3. The Ramsey numbers of large cycles versus wheels, Discrete Mathematics, vol.306, 24(2006), 3334-3337 (cu Surahmat, E. T. Baskoro).
  4. A characterization of the words occurring as factors in a minimum number of words, Theoretical Computer Science, 352, 1-3 (2006), 329-331.
  5. Extremal and asymptotic properties of irreducible coverings of graphs by cliques, The Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, vol.1, no.1 (2005), 101-110.
  6. Almost all graphs and h-hypergraphs have small diameter, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, vol.31 (2005), 313-323.
  7. Asymptotic properties of the factors of words over a finite alphabet, Fundamenta Informaticae, 64, 1-4 (2005), 463-470.
  8. Sunflower hypergraphs are chromatically unique, Discrete Mathematics, 285 (2004), 355-357.
  9. On the number of occurrences of all short factors in almost all words, Theoretical Computer Science, 290 (2003), 2031-2035.
  10. Maximal sigma-polynomials of connected 3-chromatic graphs, J.Graph Theory, 43 (2003), 210-222.
  11. On the number of occurrences of all short factors in almost all words, Theoretical Computer Science, 290 (2003), 2031-2035.
  12. On the chromatic coefficients of graphs with dense neighborhoods, Mathematical Reports, 4(54), 3 (2002), 295-299.
  13. On the number of h-connected graphs with a fixed diameter, Discrete Mathematics, 252 (2002), 279-285.
  14. On the maximum number of irreducible coverings of an n-vertex graph by n-3 cliques, Computing and Combinatorics, Proceedings, 8th Annual Int.Conf., COCOON 2002, Singapore, August 2002, Oscar H.Ibarra, Louxin Zhang (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2387, Springer Verlag (2002), 544-553.
  15. Irreducible coverings by cliques and Sperner's theorem, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol.9(1)(2002), paper N11 (4 pag.).
  16. On an integer sequence related to a product of trigonometric functions, and its combinatorial relevance, Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol.5(2002), article 02.2.4 (8 pag.)(in colaborare cu D.Andrica).
  17. On the number of graphs and digraphs with a fixed diameter and connectivity, Combinatorics, Computability and Logic, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Combinatorics, Computability and Logic (DMTCS'01), Springer-Verlag, 2001, 33-46.
  18. On the number of graphs and h-hypergraphs with bounded diameter, Discrete Mathematics, 235(2001), 291-299.
  19. The number of h-strongly connected digraphs with small diameter, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 24(2001), 305-311.
  20. Extremal properties of the chromatic polynomials of connected 3-chromatic graphs, Matematicki Vesnik, 53, 3-4(2001), 111-116.
  21. A cascade version of Dantzig's inductive algorithm for matrices over semilattice-ordered semigroups, Multiple Valued Logic, 6, 1-2(2001), 217-228.
  22. On the number of large h-hypergraphs with a fixed diameter, Discrete Mathematics 223(2000), 287-297.
  23. Some extremal properties of the degree distance of a graph, Discrete Applied Mathematics 98 (1999), 159-163.
  24. On words containing all short subwords, Theoretical Computer Science 197 (1998), 235-240.
  25. A threshold property concerning words containing all short factors, Bulletin of the EATCS no.64 (1998), 166-170.
  26. Chromatic coefficients of linear uniform hypergraphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, Vol.72, No.2 (1998), 229-235.
  27. Optimum extendible prefix codes, Journal of Universal Computer Science Vol.3, No.11 (1997), 1167-1179 (cu C.S.Calude).
  28. Maximum chromatic polynomial of 3-chromatic blocks, Discrete Mathematics 172 (1997), 131-139.
  29. Optimum Huffman forests, Journal of Universal Computer Science Vol.3, No.7 (1997), 813-820.
  30. On the number of trees having k edges in common with a graph of bounded degree, Discrete Mathematics 169 (1997), 283-286.
  31. On the asymptotic average length of a maximum common subsequence for words over a finite alphabet, Theoretical Computer Science 164 (1996), 277-285.
  32. An asymptotic formula for the number of graphs having small diameter, Discrete Mathematics 156 (1996), 219-228.
  33. The number of digraphs with small diameter, Australasian J. Combinatorics 14 (1996), 221-227.
  34. Negative cycles in complete signed graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 68 (1996), 145-152 (cu D.R.Popescu).
  35. Bonferroni inequalities and negative cycles in large complete signed graphs, Europ. J. Combinatorics 17 (1996), 479-483 (cu D.R.Popescu).
  36. On the number of irreducible coverings by edges of complete bipartite graphs, Discrete Mathematics 150 (1996), 453-456.
  37. Maximum chromatic polynomials of 2-connected graphs, J. Graph Theory 4, 18 (1994), 329-336.
  38. On the sum of all distances in chromatic blocks, J. Graph Theory 1, 18 (1994), 83-102.
  39. On the number of subtrees for almost all graphs, Random Structures and Algorithms 1, 5 (1994), 205-213.
  40. Minimum spanning hypertrees, Discrete Applied Mathematics 54 (1994), 67-76 (cu M.Zimand).
  41. On the number of graphs having small diameter, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 2, 39 (1994), 171-177.
  42. Ordered h-hypertrees, Discrete Mathematics 105 (1992), 241-248.
  43. On the number of colorings of p-connected hypergraphs, An. Univ. Bucuresti, Mat.-Inf. 3, 39-40 (1990-1991), 98-101.
  44. Almost all digraphs have a kernel, Discrete Mathematics 84(1990), 181-192; reprinted in: Random Graphs '87, Ed. by M.Karoński, J.Jaworski and A.Ruciński, J.Wiley, 1990, 325-340.
  45. Maximal chromatic polynomials of connected planar graphs, J. Graph Theory, 1, 14 (1990), 101-110.
  46. On distances in chromatic graphs, Quart. J. Math. Oxford (2) 40(1989), 475-480 (cu R.A.Melter).
  47. Decomposition theorems for the number of perfect matchings in hexagonal graphs, Rostock. Math. Kolloq. 38 (1989), 15-24.
  48. Decomposition theorems for calculating the number of Kekulé structures in coronoids fused via perinaphthyl units, Comm. Math. Chem. (MATCH) 24(1989), 289-309 (cu A.T.Balaban).
  49. Alternating 6-cycles in perfect matchings of graphs representing condensed benzenoid hydrocarbons, Discrete Appl. Math. 19(1988), 5-16; reprinted in: Applications of graphs in physics and chemistry, North-Holland, 1989 (cu A.T.Balaban).
  50. On 3-colorings of bipartite p-threshold graphs, J. Graph Theory 3, 11 (1987), 327-338.
  51. Algebraic expressions for Kekulé structure counts of non-branched regularly cata-condensed benzenoid hydrocarbons, Comm. Math. Chem. (MATCH), 22 (1987), 77-100 (cu C.Artemi, A.T.Balaban).
  52. Graphical Eulerian numbers and chromatic generating functions, Discrete Mathematics 66 (1987), 315-318.
  53. Hypertrees and Bonferroni inequalities, J. Combinatorial Theory 2, B41 (1986), 209-217.
  54. The number of paths and circuits for almost all complete digraphs, An. Univ. Bucuresti, Mat. 35 (1986), 72-78.
  55. On hypergraph colourings, Quart. J. Math. Oxford(2) 37 (1986), 239-243.
  56. On the number of paths and cycles for almost all graphs and digraphs, Combinatorica 1, 6 (1986), 73-79.
  57. Chemical graphs. XLI. Numbers of conjugated circuits and Kekulé structures for zigzag catafusenes and (j, k) hexes; Generalized Fibonacci numbers, Comm. Math. Chem. (MATCH) 17 (1985), 91-120 (cu A.T.Balaban).
  58. A Hamiltonian connectivity property of regular graphs with forbidden subgraphs, Quart. J. Math. Oxford (2) 35 (1984), 507-512.
  59. A Hamiltonian property of regular graphs, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., 6, 29 (1984), 499-505.
  60. Colorings and irreducible coverings by cliques of graphs and hypergraphs, An. Univ. Galati Metal. 2 (7), 2 (1984), 15-20.
  61. On the Boolean metric dimension of a graph, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 5, 29 (1984), 407-415 (cu R.A.Melter).
  62. Digital metrics: A graph-theoretical approach, Pattern Recognition Letters 2 (1984), 159-163 (cu F.Harary, R.A.Melter).
  63. Metric bases in digital geometry, Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 25 (1984), 113-121 (cu R.A.Melter).
  64. On Hamiltonian-connected regular graphs, J. Graph Theory 7 (1983), 429-436.
  65. An upper bound for the shortest Hamiltonian path in the symmetric Euclidean case, RAIRO Rech. Opérat. 3, 17(1983), 297-306.
  66. Algebraic expressions for the number of Kekulé structures of isoarithmic cata-condensed benzenoid polycyclic hydrocarbons, Comm. Math. Chem. (MATCH) 14 (1983), 155-182 (cu A.T.Balaban).
  67. Path generated digital metrics, Pattern Recogn. Lett. 1 (1983), 151-154 (cu R.A.Melter).
  68. Isometric embeddability for graphs, Ars Combinatoria 12 (1981), 111-115 (cu R.A.Melter).
  69. Boolean distance for graphs, Discrete Mathematics 39 (1982), 123-127 (cu F.Harary, R.A.Melter, U.N.Peled).
  70. On the chromatic number of almost all graphs, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie (N.S.) 25 (73)(1981), 321-323.
  71. The maximum number of cliques and of coverings by cliques of complete chromatic hypergraphs, Discrete Mathematics 37 (1981), 263-277 (in French).
  72. Remarks on distances in graphs, An. Stiin. Univ. "Alex. I. Cuza", Iasi, Sect. I Mat. 2, 27 (1981), 407-410 (cu R.A.Melter).
  73. Asymptotic estimations of the number of cliques of uniform hypergraphs, Calcolo 1, 18 (1981), 1-17 (in French).
  74. On the number of connected h-hypergraphs, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 2, 26 (1981), 331-337.
  75. Almost all graphs are h-connected, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 7, 25 (1980), 1125-1130 (in French).
  76. Some properties of irreducible coverings by cliques of complete multipartite graphs, J. Combinatorial Theory 2, B28 (1980), 127-141.
  77. The maximum number of edge-colorings of a graph, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 5, 24 (1979), 811-816 (in French).
  78. On a Zarankiewicz's theorem, St. Cerc. Mat. 3, 31 (1979), 353-358 (in Romanian).
  79. The minimum number of colorings of a k-chromatic hypergraph, Discrete Mathematics 2, 25 (1979), 179-188 (in French).
  80. On the cycles in k-chromatic graphs and hypergraphs, Calcolo 1, 15 (1978), 1-15 (in French).
  81. A general formula for the asymptotic number of labeled connected graphs and digraphs, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 4, 23 (1978), 617-623.
  82. On the longest cycles in chromatic graphs, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie (N.S.) 3-4, 21 (69)(1977), 433-439 (in French).
  83. Some extremal properties of uniform hypergraphs, St. Cerc. Mat. 5, 28 (1976), 625-632 (in Romanian).
  84. On the number of negative cycles of a complete signed graph, Math. Sci. Humaines 14, 53 (1976), 63-67 (in French).
  85. The maximum number of colorings of a Hamiltonian graph, Discrete Mathematics 16 (1976), 353-359 (in French).
  86. An algorithm for determining a Hamiltonian path by using the minimum spanning tree of a graph, RAIRO Rech. Opérat. V3, 9 (1975), 5-12 (in French).
  87. The minimum reduction of a graph to a union of cliques, Discrete Mathematics 10 (1974), 173-179 (in French).
  88. A combinatorial algorithm for solving the permanent-type problems, Calcolo 3, 11 (1974), 329-339 (in French).
  89. Inequalities concerning uniform hypergraphs, Cah. Centre Et. Rech. Opérat. 3, 15 (1973), 355-362 (in French).
  90. Note on a characterisation of graphs having a maximum inbalance degree, Math. Sci. Humaines 42 (1973), 37-40 (in French).
  91. A combinatorial algorithm for solving covering problems, IEEE Trans. Computers 2, C-22 (1973), 218-220.
  92. The number of labeled k-cyclic connected graphs, Calcolo 1-2, 9(1972), 71-74 (in French).
  93. A matrix method for determining all pairs of compatible states of a sequential machine, IEEE Trans. Computers 5, C-21 (1972), 502-503.
  94. The maximum number of 3-colorings of a connected graph, Discrete Mathematics 1, 4 (1972), 351-356 (in French).
  95. A characterisation of minimum k-chromatic graphs without isolated vertices, RAIRO R1, 6 (1972), 88-91 (in French).
  96. A method for minimizing the number of states for a restricted class of incompletely specified sequential machines, Math. Systems Theory 1, 6 (1972), 1-2.
  97. Ordered algebraic structures in the theory of graphs, St. Cerc. Mat. 3, 24 (1972), 469-476 (in Romanian).
  98. The minimum number of graph colorings, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math. 274 (1972), 539-542 (in French).
  99. The maximum number of graph colorings, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math. 272 (1971), 1301-1303 (in French).
  100. On the number of maximal cliques of a graph and some problems about perfect graphs, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 7, 16 (1971), 1115-1126 (in French).
  101. An inequality for the point-arboricity of a graph, An. Stiin. Univ. "Alex. I. Cuza", Iasi, Sect. I Mat. (N.S.) 2, 17(1971), 287-289.
  102. The number of subarborescences of a given arborescence, An. Univ. Bucuresti, Mat. 1, 20 (1971), 141-145 (in French).
  103. The number of labeled connected k-chromatic graphs having a minimum number of edges, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math. 273 (1971), 1124-1126 (in French).
  104. A method for determining the transitive closure of a finite graph. II. The solution of the problem in two steps, An. Stiin. Univ. "Alex. I. Cuza", Iasi, Sect. I Mat. (N.S.) 1, 16 (1970), 199-203 (in French).
  105. A proof of Dilworth theorem and its application to a problem of graph covering, Calcolo 3-4, 7 (1970), 289-294 (in French).
  106. A modified matrix algorithm for determining the complete connection matrix of a switching network, IEEE Trans. Computers 1, C19 (1970), 78-79.
  107. An evaluation of the chromatic number of a finite graph, Studia Sci. Math. Hung. 3-4 (1969), 55-58 (in French).
  108. On the minimum tests for symmetric Boolean functions, Calcolo 1, 6 (1969), 59-68 (in French).
  109. An algorithm for the synthesis of Boolean symmetric functions, St. Cerc. Mat. 4, 21 (1969), 675-681 (in Romanian).
  110. An algorithm for determining the chromatic number of a finite graph, Econom. Comput. Econom. Cybernet. Stud. Res. (Bucharest) 1 (1969), 69-81.
  111. Recent researches in the theory of Boolean matrices, St.Cercet. Calc. Econ. Ciber. Econ. (Bucharest) 1 (1969), 23-33 (in Romanian).
  112. An equivalence theorem of (1-k) multipoles, An. Univ. Bucuresti, Mat. 1, 17 (1968), 105-107 (in Romanian).
  113. Vertex elimination theorems in the network theory, An. Stiin. Univ. "Al. I. Cuza", Iasi, Sect. I Mat. (N.S.) 2, 14 (1968), 467-472 (in French).
  114. A method of analysis of contact multipoles, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci.Math. Roumanie (N.S.) 2, 12 (60)(1968), 153-157 (in French).
  115. On B. Roy's matrix algorithm, RAIRO, 7 (1968), 87-91 (in French).
  116. On the problem of coloring the generalized graphs, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math. 267 (1968), 250-252 (in French).
  117. On the problem of synthesis of Mealy sequential automata, St. Cerc. Mat. 5, 20(1968), 763-770 (in Romanian).
  118. On the synthesis of Boolean functions by disjunctive networks, St. Cerc. Mat. 2, 20(1968), 267-282 (in Romanian).
  119. An algorithm for determining the shortest distances between vertices of a network, RFIRO 5(1967), 133-139 (in French).
  120. A method for finding the transitive closure of a finite graph, RFIRO 4(1967), 33-37 (in French).
  121. On a problem concerning partitions having a minimum number of classes, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math. 265(1967), 645-648 (in French).
  122. On some combinatorial problems in the classification theory, St. Cerc. Mat. 9, 19(1967), 1385-1393 (in Romanian).
  123. Some properties of the characteristic function of a multipole, St. Cerc. Mat. 6, 19(1967), 927-934 (in Romanian).
  124. On a matrix method which occurs in the theory of nets, St. Cerc. Mat. 1, 19(1967), 105-118 (in Romanian).
  125. On the matrix methods in network theory, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math. 263(1966), 826-829 (in French).
  126. A method for the determination of the path of least length between two vertices of a finite graph, An. Univ. Bucuresti, Mat. 2, 15(1966), 91-104 (in Romanian).
  127. On some simplification theorems of contact multipoles, An. Univ. Bucuresti, Mat. 1, 15(1966), 155-160 (in Romanian).
  128. A method for determining the conductibilities of a multipole, St. Cerc. Mat. 17(1965), 1109-1115 (in Romanian).
  129. Some extremal results concerning the number of graph and hypergraph colorings, Combinatorics and Graph Theory, Banach Center Publ. , 25, PWN Pol. Sci. Publ. , Warsaw, 1989, 187-194.
  130. On the number of trees having k edges in common with a caterpillar of moderate degrees, Ann. Discrete Mathematics 28(1985), 305-310.
  131. New results in combinatorics and graph theory, C. Iacob (ed.). Mathematics, Today and Tomorrow, Ed. Academiei, Bucharest, 1985, 250-260 (in Romanian)[invited paper].
  132. The graphs which correspond to pathgenerated digital metrics, Proc. WG'84 (Intern. Workshop on Graphtheoretic Concepts in Comp. Sci. , June 13-15, 1984, Berlin), Universitütsverlag Rudolf Trauner, Linz, 278-288 (cu R. A. Melter).
  133. Asymptotic estimations for the number of cliques of uniform hypergraphs, Studies on graphs and discrete programming (P. Hansen, ed.), Annals of Discrete Mathematics, 11(1981), 345-358.
  134. Extremal problems concerning the number of vertex colorings of a finite graph, B. Roy(ed.). Combinatorial Programming: Methods and Applications, Proc. NATO Adv. Study Inst. Versailles, Sept. 2-13, 1974, D. Reidel, Dordrecht-Boston, 1975, 327-336 [invited paper] (in French).
  135. A method for minimizing the number of states for a restricted class of incompletely specified sequential machines, Proc. Int. Seminar Appl. Aspects Automata Theory, Varna(Bulgaria), 1971, 90-117.
  136. Combinatorial methods in the theory of finite automata, in Gr. C. Moisil (ed.). Logique, Automatique, Informatique, Ed. Academiei, Bucharest, 1971, 269-423 (in French).
  137. Discrepancies between metric dimension and partition dimension of a connected graph, Discrete Mathematics, vol.308, 22(2008), 5026-5031.
  138. On the Ramsey numbers for paths and generalized Jahangir graphs Js,m, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math.Roumanie, Tome 51(90), 3(2008), 177-182 (cu K.Ali si E.T.Baskoro).
  139. The Ramsey numbers of large cycles versus odd wheels, Graphs and Combinatorics, vol.24, 1(2008), 53-58 (cu Surahmat si E.T.Baskoro).
  140. On the number of words containing the factor (aba)k, Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol.155, 11(2007), 1506-1511.
  141. On vertex-magic total labeling of some wheel related graphs, Utilitas Mathematica, 73(2007), 97-104 (cu T.Rahim si Slamin).
  142. On the partition dimension and connected partition dimensions of wheels, Ars Combin., 84(2007), 311-317 (cu I.Javaid si Slamin).
  143. On the metric dimension of the Jahangir graph, Bull. Math. SSMR, 50(98), 4(2007), 371-376 (cu I.Javaid).

Lucrari diverse

  1. The 11th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad, Gazeta Matematica 99(1994), 244-248 (in Romanian).
  2. The 34th International Mathematical Olympiad, Gazeta Matematica 98(1993), 285-296 (cu M. Becheanu).
  3. The 10th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad, Gazeta Matematica 98(1993), 158-161 (in Romanian).
  4. The 33rd International Mathematical Olympiad, Gazeta Matematica 97(1992), 299-307 (in Romanian, cu M. Becheanu).
  5. The 9th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad, Gazeta Matematica 97(1992), 235-238 (in Romanian, cu M. Becheanu).
  6. The 32nd International Mathematical Olympiad, Gazeta Matematica 97(1992), 3-13 (in Romanian, cu M. Becheanu).
  7. The 31st International Mathematical Olympiad, Gazeta Matematica 96(1991), 41-53 (in Romanian, cu M. Becheanu).
  8. The 7th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad, Gazeta Matematica 96(1991), 161-169 (in Romanian).
  9. An application of Eulerian cycles in graphs to solving a problem proposed at IMO 1988, Gazeta Matematica 94(1989), 203-205 (in Romanian).
  10. Problems proposed at the competition during the national winter school of mathematics 1987, Gazeta Matematica, 92(1987), 142-143 (in Romanian).
  11. On the chromatic uniqueness of some classes of graphs, Gazeta Matematica (PMMMI) 3(1987), 142-143.
  12. The 27th International Mathematical Olympiad, Gazeta Matematica 92(1987), 97-105 (in Romanian).
  13. The 26th International Mathematical Olympiad, Gazeta Matematica 91(1986), 97-104 (in Romanian).
  14. On a diofantine equation, Gazeta Matematica 90(1985), 237-238 (in Romanian).
  15. Chemical graphs. XL. Three relations between the Fibonacci sequence and the numbers of Kekulé structures for non-branched cata-condensed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Croatica Chemica Acta 3, 57(1984), 391-404 (cu A. T. Balaban).
  16. The 24th International Mathematical Olympiad, Gazeta Matematica 89(1984), 5-13 (in Romanian).
  17. A problem of Ramsey type in the plane, Revista Matematica Timisoara 14(1983), 3-6 (in Romanian).
  18. A problem of geometric probability in the space, Gazeta Matematica 87(1982), 50-53 (in Romanian).
  19. Teaching the notion of flow in a network, Gazeta Matematica (PMMMI) 1(1980), 6-11;2(1980), 51-57 (in Romanian).
  20. Problems proposed at the 20th International Mathematical Olympiad, Bucharest, 1978, Gazeta Matematica 85(1980), 52-54 (in Romanian).
  21. The four color problem, Gazeta Matematica 81(1976), 81-83 (in Romanian).
  22. Elements of graph theory, Gazeta Matematica 79(1974), 129-137 (in Romanian).
  23. Classes of Boolean functions, Gazeta Matematica 77(1972), 385-393 (in Romanian).
  24. Principles of counting, Gazeta Matematica 76(1971), 258-262; 386-397 (in Romanian).
  25. Elements of mathematical logic, Gazeta Matematica Ser. A 76(1971), 102-107, 144-151, 182-191, 225-232 (in Romanian).
  26. Notions of combinatorics (Möbius function, permutation groups, method of Pölya), Gazeta Matematica Ser. A 75(1970), 335-346, 420-432, 469-477 (in Romanian).
  27. Sieve formulas with applications to counting problems, Gazeta Matematica Ser. A 74(1969), 382-391 (in Romanian).
  28. Some applications of algebra to mathematical logic, Gazeta Matematica 73(1968), 456-460 (in Romanian).
  29. On the number of large h-hypergraphs with a fixed diameter, Fifth Czech-Slovak International Symposium on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Algorithms and Applications, Center for Discrete Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science and Aplications, Praga, 6-11 iulie 1998.
  30. Minimum Spanning Hypertrees, Colloquium SALODAYS in Theoretical Computer Science, Universitatea din Bucuresti, Romania, 1992.
  31. Average Complexity of Some Graph Problems, PROCOMP' 89, Central Institute for Informatics, Bucuresti, Romania, 1989.
  32. Decomposition Theorems for the Number of Perfect Matchings in Hexagonal Graphs, International Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Wustrow, Germany, 1988.
  33. Extremal Results Concerning the Number of Graph and Hypergraph Colorings, Semester of Combinatorics, Stefan Banach Mathematical Center, Warszaw, Poland, 1987.
  34. Almost All Digraphs Have a Kernel, Random Graphs'87, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, 1987.
  35. Romanian Results in Graph Theory, Computer Center Anniversary Symposium, Bucharest University, Romania, 1987.
  36. New Results in Combinatorics and Graph Theory, Symposium "Mathematics, Today and Tomorrow", Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania, 1983.
  37. The Number of Labeled k-Cyclic Connected Graphs, The 3rd Congress of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Varna, Bulgaria, 1972.
  38. An Algorithm for Minimizing the Number of States for a Class of Incompletely Specified Sequential Machines, International Congress of Logic, Philosophy and Metodology of Science, Bucharest, Romania, 1971.
  39. On the Minimum Tests for Symmetric Boolean Functions, International Symposium IFAC "Hazards in Switching Circuits", Bucharest, Romania, 1968.
  40. A Method of Analysis of Contact Multipoles and its Realization by Computer Technique, International Symposium "Computational Techniques and Computers", Bucharest, Romania, 1967.

Actualizat: 12 martie 2009

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