English Version

Prof.dr. Popescu Elena-Liliana


Data si locul nasterii: 20 iulie 1948, Turnu Magurele, jud. Teleorman.

Educatia: Absolventa in 1970 a Facultatii de Matematica, Universitatea Bucuresti.
Teza de doctorat: "Studiul unor clase de inele si module. Contributii la studiul algebrei grupale peste un inel absolut plat comutativ", 1981.
Cursuri predate: Masini de calcul; Logica matematica; Geoinformatica; L'informatique; Elemente de calcul numeric si de programare; Bazele informaticii; Algoritmi fundamentali; Programare procedurala.
Alte activitati: Participare in cadrul seminarului Institutului de Matematica al Academiei de "Reprezentari de grupuri, teoria numerelor si functii algebrice".
Domenii de interes stiintific: Reprezentari de grupuri peste anumite clase de inele; Teoria valuarii; Logica matematica; Teoria algoritmilor.

 Domeniu personal

Lista de lucrari

  1. O demonstratie a unei teoreme a lui Steinitz, Studii si Cercetari Matematice, tom 24, Nr.1, (1972), p.123-126.
  2. A class of primary rings, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., tome XVII, Nr.8 (1973), p.1245-1247.
  3. A characterization of Π-reducible rings, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl., tome XXII, Nr.4 (1977), p.537-540.
  4. Representation of a finite group over Commutative regular Rings, Rev. Roum. Math. pures et Appl., tome XXVI, Nr.(1981), p.1023-1030. (in colaborare cu M.Vraciu)
  5. Teorema Bourbaki-Jacobson pentru inele regulate, Studii si Cercetari Matematice, tom 36, Nr.4 (1984), p.334.
  6. R-Frobenius Algebras, Rev. Roum.Math. Pures et Appl., tome XXX (1985) p.547-557.
  7. On Galois Theory of permitted Extensions of Commutative and von Neumann regular Rings, Bull. Math. Soc. Mat., Vol.301 (1986), p.345-352.
  8. On a class of intermediate Subfields, Studii si Cercetari Matematice, tom 39, Nr.2 (1987), p.156-162.
  9. Sur la dèfinition des prolongements rèsiduels transcendants d'une valuation sur un corps K a K(X), Bull. Math. de la Soc. Sci. Math. de la R.S.R., tome 33 (81), Nr.3 (1989), p.257-264. (in colaborare cu N.Popescu)
  10. On the residual transcendental extensions of a valuation, Key Polinomials and Augumented Valuation, Tsukuba Math. Journal (Japonia), tome 15, Nr.1 (1991), p.57-78. (in colaborare cu N.Popescu)
  11. A characterization of Generalized-Dedekind Domains, Bull. Math. de la Soc. Sci. Math de la Roumanie, tome 35 (83), Nr.1-2 (1991), p.139-141. (in colaborare cu N. Popescu)
  12. A generalization of Hensel's Lemma, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Apll., tome 38, Nr.9 (1993), p.802-805.
  13. On a paper of Peter Schenzel, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Apll., tome 40, Nr.5-6 (1995), p.521-525.
  14. On a Theorem of Samuel and Zariski, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Apll., tome 40, Nr.5-6 (1995), p.527-529.
  15. On the indecomposable Injective Modules over a Valuation Domain, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Apll., tome Nr.5-6 (1996), p.397-400.
  16. v-basis and fundamental basis of local fields, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Apll., tome XLV, Nr.4 (2000), p.671-680.
  17. Completion of the spectral extensions of p-adic valuation, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Apll, Vol.46, Nr.6 (2001). (in colaborare cu N.Popescu si C.Vraciu).
  18. Spectral extensions, Analele Univ. Buc., vol.LI, Nr.2 (2002), p.159-168.
  19. A new characterization of Generalized Dedekind domains, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl., Vol.48, Nr.5-6 (2003), p.535-536.
  20. On the continuity of the trace, Proceeding of the Romanian Academy, Series A, vol.5, Nr.2 (2004), p.117-122 (in colaborare cu V. Alexandru si N.Popescu).
  21. A new characterization of spectral extension of p-adic valuation, Proc. Conference in Math. Lahore, 18-20 mars 2004 (in colaborare cu N.Popescu).
  22. A basis of C(X,Cp) over C(X,Op), Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. Tome LI, 51 (2006), p.87-88. (in colaborare cu N.Popescu).
  23. The study of the spectral p-adic extension (va aparea in Proc. Rom. Acad.)
  24. Some compact subsets of Qp, (va aparea in Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Apll.).
  25. The localization Systems of a Prüfer Domain (va aparea in J.P.A.A). (in colaborare cu H.Marubayashi si N.Popescu)
  26. On the automorphism of the spectral completion of number fields (va aparea).


  1. Culegere de exercitii de programare, Tipografia Univ. Buc., 1971. (in colaborare cu un colectiv al catedrei) [27].
  2. Theory of Categories, Editura Academiei R.S.R., in colaborare cu Sijthoff et Noordhoff, Olanda, 1979. (in colaborare cu N.Popescu) [28].
  3. Exercitii de programare in limbajul FORTRAN IV, Tipografia Universitatii din Bucuresti, 1981 (in colaborare cu G.Ferent) [29].
  4. Bazele Informaticii, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2002 [30].
  5. Programare procedurala. Aplicatii. (va aparea la Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti) [31].
  6. Informatica, (va aparea) [32].


  1. M.Fontana, N.Popescu, "Sur un class de Prüfer avec groupe de classes de torsion", Comm. Alg., 23 (1975), p.4521-4533.
    Citeaza [11]
  2. C.Ionita, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Apll., Tome XXVII, Nr.8, p.831, 1982.
    Citeaza [21]
  3. C.Vraciu, Rev. Roum.Math. Pures et Apll., Tome 29 (1984), p.357.
    Citeaza [4]
  4. J.Golan, "Torsion Theories", Pitman Monographs and Surveys in Pure Math., 1986 (monografie)
    Citeaza [3]
  5. G.Karpilovsky, "Topics in Field Theory", North-Holland, Amsterdam, New York, Oxford, Tokyo, 1989 (monografie).
    Citeaza [8]
  6. N.Popescu, C.Vraciu, "On the extension of a valuation on a Field K to K(X)", I, Rend. Sem. Mat.Univ. Padova, Vol.85 (1992), p.151-168.
    Citeaza [9]
  7. N.Popescu, A.Zaharescu, "On the Structure of Irreducible Polynomials over local Fields", J. Number Theory, Vol.52, Nr.1 (1993), p.98-118.
    Citeaza [9]
  8. N.Popescu, A.Zaharescu, "On a class of valuations on K(X)", Ann. Sc. Univ. Ovidiu Constanta, Vol.2 (1994), p.120-136.
    Citeaza [9] si [10]
  9. M.Fontana, N.Popescu, "Sur une classe d'anneaux qui généralisent les aneaux de Dedekind", J.of Algebra, Vol.173, (1995), p.44-66.
    Citeaza [11]
  10. N.Popescu, C.Vraciu, "On the extension of a valuation on a Field K to K(X)", II, Rend. Sem. Mat, Univ. Padova, Vol.96 (1996), p.1-14.
    Citeaza [9], [10]
  11. S.Gabelli, "The Picard Group of a Generalized Dedekind Domain", (preprint)
    Citeaza [11]
  12. V.Alexandru, A.Popescu, N.Popescu, "On a completion of a r.t. extension of a local field", I, Math. Z., Vol.221 (1996), p.675-682.
    Citeaza [9], [10]
  13. M.Fontana, S.Gabelli, J. of Algebra, Vol.181, (1996), p.803-835.
    Citeaza [11]
  14. N.Popescu, A.Zaharescu, "Generalization of ramification groups for non necessary normal extention of p-adic field", Portugalia Math., Vol.54 (1997), p.73-83.
    Citeaza [9], [10]
  15. S.Gabelli, "A class of Prüfer domains with nice divisorial ideals", Proc. Sec. Int. Cong. Commutative Ring Theory, (Fes 1995), p.313-318, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl.Math, Nr.185, Marcel Dekker, 1997.
    Citeaza [11]
  16. V.Alexandru, A.Popescu, N.Popescu, "On a completion of a r.t. extension of a local field", II, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova, (1998).
    Citeaza [9], [10]
  17. V.Alexandru, N.Popescu, A.Zaharescu, "On the Closed subfields of Cp", J. Number Theory, Vol.68 (1998), p.131-150.
    Citeaza [9], [10]
  18. N.Popescu, A.Zaharescu, "On the roots of a class of lifting de torsion" polynomials", Fachbereich Math. Univ. Hagen, Band 63 (1998), p.586-600.
    Citeaza [9], [10]
  19. R.Wisbauer, "Fundation of Module and Ring Theory", Gordon and Breach, Philadelphia, 1991 (monografie).
    Citeaza [6]
  20. M.Fontana, "Prüfer Domains", J.A. Huckaba, I.J. Papick, Prüfer Domains, Marcel Dekker, 1997 (monografie).
    Citeaza [11]
  21. S.K. Khanduja, J.Saha, "On a generalization of Eisenstein's irreducibility criterion", Mathematika, Vol.44, (1997), p.37-41.
    Citeaza [9]
  22. M.Fontana, Comm. Algebra, Vol.25 (1997), p.3997.
    Citeaza [11]
  23. S.Gabelli, N.Popescu, "Invertible and divizorial ideals of generalized Dedekind domains", J. Pure and Appl. Alg., Vol.135, Nr.3 (1999), p.237-251.
    Citeaza [11]
  24. M.Fontana, S.Gabelli, "Prüfer domains with Class Group generated by the class of invertible maximal ideals", Comm. Algebra, Vol.25 (1997), p.3993-4008.
    Citeaza [11]
  25. S.Khanduja, J.Saha, Proc. Edimburg Math.Soc., Vol.42 (1999), p.469-480.
    Citeaza [9], [10], [12]
  26. A.Popescu, Mathematical Reports, Vol.2 (52), 2000, p.189-194.
    Citeaza [9], [10]
  27. B.C.Kang, M.H.Park, "On Mockor's question", Journal of Algebra, Vol.216 (1999), no.2, p.481-510.
    Citeaza [11]
  28. V.Pasol, A.Popescu, N.Popescu, Math. Z., Vol.238 (2001), p.101-114.
    Citeaza [17]
  29. A.Popescu, N.Popescu, A.Zaharescu, "Trace Series on Qk", Result in Math., 43 (2003), nr.3-4, p.331-341.
    Citeaza [19]
  30. A.Popescu, N.Popescu, A.Zaharescu, "The Galois Action on plane Compacts", J. of Algebra 270 (2003), p.238-248.
    Citeaza [17]
  31. C.Ionita, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Apll., Tome XXVII, Nr.1, p.43, 1982.
    Citeaza [28]
  32. I.C.Baianu, Math.Model, Th. 7, p.1513, 1987.
    Citeaza [28]
  33. C.Vraciu, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Apll., Tome XXIX, 27, Nr.4, p.357, 1984.
    Citeaza [28]
  34. D.Daianu, B.Crstici, "Global Lax-Aubin theorems for inverse functional convergener", Procedings of the tymp. of Math. and its Appl, 1985, Timisoara, p.85-88.
    Citeaza [28]
  35. D.Daianu, "Categorii cu aproximare concreta", Ed. Orizonturi Universitare, Timisoara, 1999 (monografie).
    Citeaza [28]
  36. D.Daianu, "Stone duality for reght a-categories of lattices", Bull. for Appl and Comp. Math., Tehn .Univ. of Budapest, 1999, LXXXV-B, p.145-154.
    Citeaza [28]
  37. O.Ciucurel, E.Schwab, "Exercitii si probleme de algebra. Categorii si functori", Tipogr. Univ. Timisoara (1982).
    Citeaza [28]
  38. O.Ciucurel, E.Schwab, "Exercitii si probleme de algebra. Limite inductive si limite proiective", Tipogr. Univ. Timisoara (1983).
    Citeaza [28]
  39. O.Ciucurel, E.Schwab, "Introducere in teoria categoriilor", Editura Mirton (1999).
    Citeaza [28]
  40. E.Schwab, E.D.Schwab, "Structuri algebrice. Module. Metode omologice", Editura Crican (1997).
    Citeaza [28]
  41. M.Fontana, S.Gabelli, E.Houston, "UMT-domains and domains with Prüfer integral closure", Comm. Algebra, Vol.6 (1998), p.1017-1039.
    Citeaza [11]
  42. S.Gabelli, "Prüfer domains and localizing systems of ideals", Advances in Commutative Ring Theory (Fes 1997), p.391-409, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., Nr.205, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1999.
    Citeaza [11]
  43. Sudesh Khanduja, Jayanti Saha, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2) 42 (1999) no.3, p.469-480. (Mathematical Review).
    Citeaza [12]
  44. S.Gabelli, "On Nagata's Theorem for the class group II", Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry (Ferrara), p.117-142, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., Nr.206, Dekker, New York, 1999.
    Citeaza [11]
  45. Marco Fontana, James A. Huckaba, "Localizing Systems and Semistar Operations, Non Noetherian Commutative Ring Theory", Kluwer Academic Publisher (No.8), 169-197 (S.Chapman and S.Glaz, Eds.), 2000.
    Citeaza [11]
  46. Francis J. Rayner, Mathematical Review, 2000 m: 12013.
    Citeaza [12]
  47. S.Gabelli, F.Tartarone, "On the class group of integer-valued polynomial rings over Krull domains", J. Pure Appl. Algebra, Vol.149 (2000), p.47-67.
    Citeaza [11]
  48. P.J.Cahen, S.Gabelli, E.Houston, "Mori domains of integer-valued polynomials", J. Pure Appl. Algebra, Vol.153 (2000), p.1-15.
    Citeaza [11]
  49. Hans Heinrich Brungs, Gunter Torner, "On the number of injective indecomposable modules", J. Algebra 235 (2001), no.1, 113-130.
  50. Marco Fontana, Alan K. Loper, "A Krull-type theorem for the semistar integral closure of an integral domain", Arab Journal Science Eng., Vol.26 C (No.1), p.89-95 (Special Issue: "Commutative Algebra"), 2001.
    Citeaza [11]
  51. Dan Daianu, "Structure of additive a-categories", Bull. St. al Univ. "Politehnica" Timisoara, Tom 46 (60) 2, 2001, p.28-40.
    Citeaza [28]
  52. Marco Fontana, Evan G. Houston, "On integral domains whose overrings are Kaplansky ideal transforms", J. Pure Appl. Algebra, Vol.46, p.163, No.2, p.173-192 (2001).
    Citeaza [11]
  53. Marco Fontana, David E. Dobbs, "Inverse limits of integral domains arising from iterated Nagata composition", Math. Scand., 88 (No.1), p.17-40 (2001).
    Citeaza [11]
  54. Marco Fontana, Alan K. Loper, "Kronecker functions rings: a general approach", Dekker Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Algebra - D.D. Anderson and I. Papick Eds., Ideal theoretic methods in Commutative Algebra, Huckaba Conference, Columbia MO, Vol.220, p.189-205, 2001.
    Citeaza [11]
  55. Amnon Neeman, "Triangulated categories", Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2001. [PP79]
    Citeaza [28]
  56. S.Khanduja, K.W. Roggenkamp, N.Popescu, "On minimal pairs and residually transcendental extensions of valuations", Matematika, 49 (2002), p.93-106.
    Citeaza [9], [10]
  57. Marco Fontana, Nicolae Popescu, "Universal property of the Kaplansky ideal transform and affineness of open subsets", J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 173 (2002), p.121-134.
    Citeaza [11]
  58. Marco Fontana, Nicolae Popescu, "Nagata Transform and Localizing Systems", Comm. in Algebra, 30 (5), (2002), p.2297-2308..
    Citeaza [11]
  59. S.Gabelli, F.Tartarone, "Complete integral closure and the Noetherian property for the integer valued polynomial rings", Proceedings del Fourth International Conference on Commutative Ring Theory and Applications, Fes, Morocco, Giunio 2001, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., Dekker, NewYork (to apear).
    Citeaza [11]
  60. S.Andronescu, "Contributii la studiul completarii spectrale p-adice a numerelor algebrice" (2001).
    Citeaza [9], [10], [17]
  61. S.Gabelli, A.Guerrieri, "On the complete integral closure of the Rees Algebra", Ideal Theoretic Methods in Commutative Algebra (Columbia, MO, 1999), p.207-221, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., p.220, Dekker, New York, 2001.
    Citeaza [11]
  62. S.Gabelli, E.Houston, "Ideal Theory in Pullbacks, Non-Noetherian Commutative Ring Theory", Chapter 9, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
    Citeaza [11]
  63. A.Popescu, N.Popescu, A.Zaharescu, "Metric invariants over Henselian valued Fields", J. Of Algebra, 266 (1), (2003), p.14-26.
    Citeaza [10]
  64. C.Andronescu, "On convergent series in Qp", Mathematical Report, Vol.5 (55), Nr.1, (2003).
    Citeaza [12], [16], [17]
  65. V.Alexandru, N.Popescu, A.Zaharescu, "Good elements and metric invariants in BdR"; J. Math. Kyoto Univ., Tom 43, Nr.1 (2003), p.125-137.
    Citeaza [12], [16]
  66. A.Popescu, N.Popescu, A.Zaharescu, "On the spectral norm on algebraic numbers", Mathematische Nachtricten, vol.260/13, (2003), p.78-83.
    Citeaza [19]
  67. C.Andronescu, "On some subrings of Qp", Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl., Vol.48, Nr.4, (2003).
    Citeaza [12], [16], [17]
  68. A.Popescu, N.Popescu, A. Zaharescu, "Transcendental divisors and their critical functions", Manuscripta Math., 110 (4), (2003), p.527-541.
    Citeaza [17]
  69. C.Vraciu, "Residual transcendental valuations on the field K(X,σ)", Result. Math. 46, No.1-2 (2004), p.164-173.
    Citeaza [12], [16]
  70. Franz Viktor Kuhlmann, "Value Groups, Residue Fields and Bad Places of Rational Function Fields", Trans. Am. Math. Soc., vol.356, no.11, p.4559-4600 (2004).
    Citeaza [10]
  71. V.Alexandru, "On the transcendence of the trace function", Proc. Rom. Acad., series A, Vol.6, Nr.1 (2005)
    Citeaza [20]
  72. Alla Ditta Raza Choudary, A. Popescu, N. Popescu, "On the structure of compact subsets of Cp", Acta Arithmetica, 123. 3, 253-266 (2006).
    Citeaza [17], [18]
  73. Dumitru Busneag, Categories of Algebraic Logic, Editura Academiei Romane, 2006.
    Citeaza [28]
  74. M. Vajaitu, A.Zaharescu, "Non Archimedian Integration and applications", Editura Academiei, 2007.
    Citeaza [20]
  75. V.Alexandru, N.Popescu, A.Zaharescu, "Analytic Normal Basis Theorem" (to appear).
    Citeaza [20]
  76. V.Alexandru, N.Popescu, M.Vajaitu, A.Zaharescu, "The p-adic measure on the orbit of an element of Cp" (to appear).
    Citeaza [20]

Actualizat: 9 mai 2007

2002 - 2015 -- Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti
Str. Academiei nr. 14, sector 1, C.P. 010014, Bucuresti, Romania
Tel: (4-021) 314 2863, Fax: (4-021) 315 6990, secretariat  fmi.unibuc.ro