Prof.dr. Georgescu George
Data si locul nasterii: 4 aprilie 1946, comuna Capreni, jud.Gorj.
Educatia: Absolvent al Facultatii de Matematica, Universitatea Bucuresti, 1969.
Teza de doctorat: Teza de Doctorat "Algebre Lukasiewicz q-valente", 1972, cond.st. prof. Gr.C.Moisil.
Pozitii academice: Este profesor din 1991.
Cursuri predate: Teoria modelelor, Logica si combinatorica, Teoria modelelor pentru logici neclasice, Logici Fuzzy.
Domenii de interes stiintific: Logica algebrica, Teoria modelelor, Algebra universala.
Carti si manuale
- Lukasiewicz-Moisil algebras, V.Boicescu, A.Filipoiu, G.Georgescu, S.Rudeanu, North-Holland, 1991
Articole stiintifice
- On algebraic categories, G.Georgescu, D.Popescu, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl, 13, 337-342, 1968
- Le spectre maximal d'une algebre de Lukasiewicz, G.Georgescu, C.Vraciu, C.R. Acad. Sci, Paris, 268, 928-929, 1969
- N-valued centered Lukasiewicz algebras, G.Georgescu, C.Vraciu, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl, 14, 712-723, 1969
- Sur les algebres de Lukasiewicz centrées, G.Georgescu, C.Vraciu, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 268, 998-1000, 1969
- Sur les epimorphismes centrées des algebres des Lukasiewicz, G.Georgescu, C.Vraciu, C.R. Acad. Sci, Paris, 269, 4-6, 1969
- On the characterization of centered Lukasiewicz algebras, G.Georgescu, C.Vraciu, J. Algebra 16, 486-495, 1970
- Algebre Lukasiewicz monadice si algebre Boole monadice, G.Georgescu, C.Vraciu, Stud. Cerc. Mat. 23. 1025-1048, 1971
- La dualité des algebres de Post q-valentes, G.Georgescu, C.Vraciu, J. Algebra, 21, 74-86, 1972
- On a Gleason theorem, G.Georgescu, C.Vraciu, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 16, 371-374, 1971
- Caracterisation des catégories avec la propriété du théorème de prelongement, G.Georgescu, D.Licoiu, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 268, 1316-1319, 1969
- Sur les propriété topologique des structures ordonnées, G.Georgescu, B.Lungulescu, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 14, 1453-1456, 1969
- Sur la catégorie des systemes logiques, G.Georgescu, N.Rabanca, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 14, 489-493, 1969
- Les algèbres de Lukasiewicz centrées et axées, G.Georgescu, V.Boicescu, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures. Appl. 15, 675-681, 1970
- Algébres de Lukasiewicz complètes, G.Georgescu, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 269, 1181-1184, 1969
- Asupra unei scufundari injective pentru algebre Boole, G.Georgescu, Studii Cerc. Mat. 22, 1335-1342
- Anvelope injective in categoria monoizilor comutativi regulati, G.Georgescu, Studii Cerc. Mat. 23, 1971, 1049-1055
- Some remarks on the adjoint functors, G.Georgescu, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures. Appl. 16, 179-194, 1971
- The q-valued Lukasiewicz algebras-I, G.Georgescu, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures. Appl. 16, 195-209, 1971
- Algebras de Lukasiwicz de ordin q-II, G.Georgescu, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures. Appl. 16, 363-369, 1971
- The q -valued Lukasiewicz algebras-III, G.Georgescu, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures. Appl. 16, 1365-1390, 1971
- Les algèbres de Lukasiewicz q-valentes, G.Georgescu, Logique-Automatique-Informatique, Bucuresti 99-169, 1971
- Algèbres de Lukasiewicz monadiques et polyadiques, G.Georgescu, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 272, 416-419, 1971
- Representation des algèbres de Lukasiewicz q-valentes polyadiques, G.Georgescu, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 274, 944-946, 1972
- Obiecte injective si proiective in anumite categorii concrete, G.Georgescu, Studii Cerc. Mat. 25, 505-552, 1973
- An omitting types theorem for polyadic algebras, G.Georgescu, Bull Soc. Math. Roumanie, 18, 279-281, 1974
- Sur le forcing faible dans les algèbre polyadiques, G.Georgescu, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 280, 1975, 1257-1158
- Structures algèbiques introdites par forcing, G.Georgescu, Coll. de logique (Clermont-Ferrand, 1975), Editions CNRS, 221-224, 1977
- Forcing infinie en theorie des modeles boolèns, G.Georgescu, Rev. Roum. de Philos. et Logique, 19, 193-203, 1975
- Model completion in categories, G.Georgescu, I.Voiculescu, Rend. Acad. Naz. dei Lincei, LIX, 627-634, 1975
- Sisteme de inmagazinare si regasire a informatiei bazate pe logica q -valenta, G.Georgescu, St. Cerc. Mat. 28, 1976
- On the measures in polyadic algebras, G.Georgescu, Bull. Soc. Math. Roumanie. 20, 93-96, 1976
- Some remarks on the polyadic algebras, G.Georgescu, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl., 22, 641-678, 1977
- On the homogeneous-universal Lukasiewicz algebras, G.Georgescu, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 23, 29-32, 1978
- Extension of probabilities defined on polyadic algebras, G.Georgescu, Bull. Soc. Math. Roumanie. 22, 15-26, 1978
- Modal polyadic algebras, G.Georgescu, Bull. Soc. Math. Roumanie. 23, 49-64, 1979
- A representation theorem for tense polyadic algebras, G.Georgescu, Matematica, Cluj, 21, 131-138, 1979
- Generalized quantifiers on polyadic algebras, G.Georgescu, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 25, 1027-1032, 1980
- Asupra unei versiuni poliadice a teoremei de omitere a tipurilor, G.Georgescu, St. Cerc. Mat. 32, 505-515, 1980
- A representation theorem for polyadic Heyting algebras, G.Georgescu, Algebra Universalis, 14, 192-203, 1982
- Algebraic analysis of the topological logic L(I), G.Georgescu, Zeit. Math. Logik. Grundlag. Math. 28, 447-454, 1982
- Operatori monotoni in algebre poliadice, G.Georgescu, St. Cerc. Mat. 32, 505-515, 1982
- Une géneralisation du théorème d'omission des types dans les algèbres polyadiques, G.Georgescu, Ann. Sci. Univ. Clermont-Ferrand, 73, 67-74, 1982
- Chang's modal operators in algebraic logic, G.Georgescu, Studia Logica 43-48, 1983
- On the Popper-Chang probability functions in polyadic algebras, G.Georgescu, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 28, 583-585, 1983
- Algebraic analysis of the logic with the quantifiers-there exist uncountable many, G.Georgescu, Algebra Universalis, 19, 99-105, 1984
- F-multipliers and the localization of distributive lattices, G.Georgescu, Algebra Universalis 21, 181-197, 1985
- Eastern model-theory for boolean-valued theories, G.Georgescu, I.Voiculescu, Z. Math. Logic. Grundlag. Math. 31, 79-88, 1985
- Isomorphic sheaf representation for normal lattices, G.Georgescu, I.Voiculescu, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 45, 213-223, 1987
- Some sheaf constructions in distributive lattices, G.Georgescu, Bull. Soc. Math. Roumanie. 32, 299-303, 1988
- Some abstract maximal ideal-like spaces, G.Georgescu, I.Voiculescu, Algebra Universalis, 26, 90-102, 1989
- F-local distributive lattices, G.Georgescu, Math. Japonica 35, 909-916, 1990
- F-multipliers and the localization of distributive lattices II, G.Georgescu, Z. Math. Logik. Grundlag. Math. 37, 293-300, 1991
- Finite products of local maximal lattices, G.Georgescu, Math. Japonica, 37, 913-917, 1992
- Pierce sheaf and the duality of Lukasiewicz-Moisil algebras, G.Georgescu, Rep. Math. Logic, 26, 67-74, 1992
- Compact representation of centerless congruence modular algebras, G.Georgescu, St. Cerc. Mat. 44, 465-470, 1990
- Multiplicative Lattices and Idempotents Filters, G.Georgescu, Rev. ATM 1, 104-111, 1991
- Pierce representation of distributive lattices, G.Georgescu, Kobe Math. J. 10, 1-11, 1993
- The reticulation of a quantale, G.Georgescu, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 40, 7-8, 619-631, 1995
- Quantales, reticulation and some transfer properties, G.Georgescu, Analele Univ. Bucuresti LIV, 3-11, 1995
- Two sheaf constructions for MV-algebras, A.Filipoiu, G.Georgescu, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 40, 7-8, 599-618, 1995
- Projective Limits of MV-spaces, A.Di Nola, G.Georgescu, Order 13, 391-398, 1996
- On Values in Relatively Normal Lattices, A.Filipoiu, G.Georgescu, Discrete Mathematics 161, 87-100, 1996
- Pure Ideals of MV-algebras, V.Cavaccini, C.Cella, G.Georgescu, Math. Japonica 45, 303-311, 1997
- Maximal MV-algebras, A.Filipoiu, G.Georgescu, A.Lettieri, Mathware & Soft Computing 4, 53-62, 1997
- Convergence in MV-algebras, G.Georgescu, F.Liguori, G.Martini, Mathware & Soft Computing 4, 41-52, 1997
- Maximal Arithmetical Algebras, A.Filipoiu, G.Georgescu, Scientiae Mathematicae, Vol. 1, No. 1, 103-106, 1998
- Probabilities on Lukasiewicz-Moisil algebras, G.Georgescu, I.Leustean, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 18, 201-215, 1998
- Monadic and closure MV-algebras, G.Georgescu, A.Iorgulescu, I.Leustean, Multiple-Valued Logic 3, 235-257, 1998
- Conditional probabilities on Lukasiewicz-Moisil algebras, G.Georgescu, I.Leustean, Analele Universitatii Bucuresti 47, 55-64, 1998
- Convergence in perfect MV-algebras, G.Georgescu, I.Leustean, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 228, 96-111, 1998
- Perfect MV-algebras and l-rings, L.P.Belluce, A.Di Nola, G.Georgescu, J. of Appl. Non-Classical Logic, Vol. 9, 159-172, 1999
- Extending Probabilities to States on MV-Algebras, A.Di Nola, G.Georgescu, A.Lettieri, Annals of the K. Gödel Society, Vol. 3, 31-50, 1999
- Closed Ideals in MV-algebras, A.Di Nola, G.Georgescu, S. Sessa, Advances in Contemporary Logic and Computer Science, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol.235, 99-112, 1999
- Pseudo MV-Algebras; a Noncommutative Extensionm of MV-Algebras, G.Georgescu, A.Iorgulescu, Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Economic Informatics, Inforec Printing House, Bucharest, 1999
- Conditional States in n-valued Logic, A.Di Nola, G.Georgescu, A.Lettieri, D.Dubois et al. (eds.), "Fuzzy Sets, Logics and Reasoning about Knowledge", Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1999, 161-174
- States on Perfect MV-algebras, A.Di Nola, G.Georgescu, I.Leustean, "Discovering the World with Fuzzy Logic", Vilem Novak ed., Kluwer, 2000, 105-125
- A representation theorem for monadic Pavelka algebras, G.Georgescu, I.Leustean, J. of Universal Computer Science, 6, no. 1, 2000, 105-111
- Pseudo-MV algebras, G.Georgescu, a. Iorgulescu, Multiple-Valued Logic, 2001, Vol. 6, 95-135
- Boolean products of BL-algebras, A.Di Nola, G.Georgescu, L. Leustean, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 251, 2000, 106-131.