English Version

Prof.dr. Atanasiu Adrian


Data si locul nasterii: 21 decembrie 1946, Targoviste, Jud. Dambovita.

Educatia: Absolvent in 1970, Facultatea de Matematica, Universitatea Bucuresti.
Teza de doctorat: "C-gramatici, codificatori arborescenti", 1977.
Pozitii academice: La Facultatea de Matematica, Universitatea Bucuresti: 1970-1980 Asistent; 1980-1991 Lector; 1991-2000 Conferentiar. Din 2001 - profesor.
Cursuri predate: Translatori si automate; Codificare si criptografie; Construirea matematica a compilatoarelor.
Domenii de interes stiintific: Aplicatii ale limbajelor formale; Criptografie formala; Prelucrarea limbajului natural.

Membru, recenzor: Recenzor la Computing Review si ZBL.
Membru al Comitetului european Eurologo.

Pagina Web personala

Carti si manuale

  1. A.Atanasiu, C.Calude (eds.): SALODAYS in Theoretical Computer Science, Ed.Hyperion XXI Press, 1993 (174 pag.)
  2. A.Atanasiu: Cum se scrie un algoritm? Simplu, Ed.Agni, 1993 (192 pag)
  3. A.Atanasiu: Probleme date la concursuri de informatica in 1994, Ed.Petrion 1995 (176 pag)
  4. A.Atanasiu, R. Pintea: Probleme de informatica si programe Pascal, Ed.Petrion, 1996 (240 pag)
  5. A.Atanasiu: Bazele matematica in scrierea compilatoarelor, Colectia Gaudeamus, Ed.Olimp, 1997 (352 pag)
  6. A.Atanasiu: Dictionar de defintii, Ed.Petrion, 1998 (162 pag)
  7. A.Atanasiu: Poezia definitiilor rebusiste, Ed.Tehnica, 2000 (424 pag)
  8. A.Atanasiu: Probleme distractive de logica, Ed.Petrion, 2001 (70 pag)
  9. A.Atanasiu: Teoria codurilor corectoare de erori, Ed.Universitatii, 2001 (330 pag)
  10. A.Atanasiu: Logica si probleme ei, Ed.EduSoft, 2 volume 2006 (143 pag., 135 pag)
  11. A.Atanasiu: Arhitectura calculatorului, Ed.Infodata Cluj, 2006 (170 pag)
  12. A.Atanasiu: Limbaje formale si automate, Ed.InfoData Cluj, 2007 (174 pag)
  13. A.Atanasiu: Secret Sharing Schemes, Chapter Book in Informatics Security Handbook (I.Ian and C.Toma eds.), Ed.ASE, 2007 (60 pag)

Cursuri universitare

  1. A.Atanasiu: Probleme de structuri algebrice, 1972 (56 pag.)
  2. A.Atanasiu: Probleme de limbaje formale si tehnici de compilare, 1977 (102 pag.)
  3. A.Atanasiu: Limbaje formale si tehnici de compilare, Caiet de laborator, I (1978), II (1979), III (1980)
  4. A.Atanasiu: Sisteme informatice pentru unitati economice, 1983 (184 pag.)
  5. A.Atanasiu: Bazele informaticii pentru anul II, 1987 (218 pag.)
  6. A.Atanasiu, Al.Mateescu: Probleme de limbaje formale, 1990 (308 pag.)
  7. A.Atanasiu: Automate si translatori, 1994 (112 pag.)
  8. A.Atanasiu: Introducere in lingvistica computationala, 1998 (204 pag.)
  9. A.Atanasiu: Fundamentele algebrice ale informaticii, Ed.Universitatii Targoviste, 2001 (116 pag.)

Articole stiintfice

  1. A.Atanasiu: C-grammars and Tree-Codifications, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, vol. 15, nr.1, 1977, pp. 111-120
    (Recenzii: Mat.Rev.: 56 4250: 68A30 (94A10), ZblMath: 361.94011)
  2. A.Atanasiu: Tree-Codifications and Convolutional Codes, Fundamenta Informaticae III, 4(1980), pp. 401-418
    (Recenzii: ZblMath: 455.94025, MathRev.: 94B10 (94D05), cod: 82d:94042)
  3. A.Atanasiu: Algoritmi de detectare si corectare a erorilor in codificatori arborescenti, Ann. Univ. Bucuresti XXIX (1980), pp.3-14
    (Recenzii: ZblMath: 445.94010, MathRev.: 94B60, cod: 83i:94018)
  4. A.Atanasiu: An optimal C-grammar associated to a given C-grammar, Vortrage von der Thematishen Konferenz Knwwt, Dresda 1976, pp. 31-37
  5. A.Atanasiu: Automate finite cu repetitie, Proceedings of INFO Iasi '85, pp.240-248
  6. A.Atanasiu: Analizor sintactic top-down pentru gramatici senzitive de context, Proceedings of The First National Collocquium of Languages, Logic and Mathematical Linguistic, Brasov 1986, pp. 31-37
    (Recenzie: ZblMath: 518.53007)
  7. A.Atanasiu: Despre teorema Myhill-Nerode, Proceedings of Jubiliar Session of Computer Center of Bucharest University, 1987, pp. 92-94
  8. A.Atanasiu, V.Mitrana: Despre o structura de convergenta pentru serii formale de puteri, Proceedings of INFO Iasi '87, pp. 41-49
  9. A.Atanasiu, V.Mitrana: Automate AMC, Proceedings of The second National Collocquium of Languages, Logic and Mathematical Linguistic, Brasov, June 1988, pp. 1-6
    (Recenzii: ZblMath: 667.68090, MathRev.: pag.1745, cod: 96c:68001)
  10. A.Atanasiu, V.Mitrana: Gramatici modulare; putere generativa si proprietati de inchidere, Proceedings of The second National Collocquium of Languages, Logic and Mathematical Linguistic, Brasov, June 1988, pp 161-168
    (Recenzii: ZblMath: 667.68089, MathRev.: 68Q45 (68Q10); cod: 96c:68003)
  11. A.Atanasiu, V.Mitrana: The Modular Grammars, International Journal of Computer Math. 30, 1989, pp. 17-35
    (Recenzie: ZblMath: 683.68060)
  12. A.Atanasiu: Automate cu memorie coada, Ann. Univ. Bucuresti 2, 1989, pp. 3-5
    (Recenzii: ZblMath: 739.68067, MathRev.: 03D05 (68Q70; cod: 1 100 340)
  13. A.Atanasiu: Automate cu lista pushdown de stari, Proceedings of INFO Iasi '89, pp. 10-17
  14. A.Atanasiu: Derivari stangi in gramatici Chomsky de tip 0, Proceedings of INFO Iasi '89, pp. 18-22
  15. A.Atanasiu: Gsm si Codificatori, Proceedings of The third National Collocquium of Languages, Logic and Mathematical Linguistic, Brasov, May 1991, pp 1-8
    (Recenzii: ZblMath: 960.47712, MathRev.: 94A60; cod: 1 265 738)
  16. A.Atanasiu: Despre o problema de vindere a secretelor, Proceedings of The third National Collocquium of Languages, Logic and Mathematical Linguistic, Brasov, May 1991, pp 9-15
    (Recenzie: ZblMath: 960.47711)
  17. A.Atanasiu: A class of Coders based on gsm, Acta Informatica, 29, 779-791, 1992
    (Recenzii: ZblMath: 790.94012, MathRev.: 94A60 (68Q45); cod: 94b:94016)
  18. A.Atanasiu: {0,1} - Bitotal Grammars, SALODAYS in Theoretical Computer Science (A.Atanasiu, C.Calude, eds), 1992
  19. A.Atanasiu, V.Mihalache: Derivation graphs for csg, SALODAYS in Theoretical Computer Science (A.Atanasiu, C.Calude eds), 1992
  20. M. Andrasiu, A.Atanasiu, Gh. Paun, A.Salomaa: A new cryptosystem based on Formal Language Theory, Bull. Math. de la Soc. Sci. de Roumanie, 36(84), 1, 1992 pp. 3-16
    (Recenzii: ZblMath: 795.94013, MathRev.: 94A60 (68Q45); cod: 96c:94004)
  21. A.Atanasiu, V.Mitrana: Substitution on Words and Languages, Development in Theoretical Computer Science, Turku 1993 (A.Salomaa ed.), pp. 51-59
    (Recenzie: MathRev.: 68-07; cod: 95c:68012)
  22. A.Atanasiu: Gramatici dependente de context {0,1}-bitotale, Studii si cercetari matematice, tom. 45, 1 (1993), pp. 3-10
  23. A.Atanasiu, V.Mitrana: About Parallel substitution on words and Languages, An. Univ. Al.I.Cuza Iasi, Inf. 2, 37-43 (1993)
    (Recenzii: ZblMath: 840.68065, MathRev.: 68R15; cod: 96c:68101)
  24. A.Atanasiu, V.Mitrana: Parallel substitution on words and Languages, Proceedings of the 9-th Romanian Symposium on Computer Science (V.Felea, G.Ciobanu eds.), Iasi, nov. 1993, pp. 24-30
    (Recenzii: ZblMath: 786.68049, MathRev.: 68Q45; cod: 94j:68148)
  25. A.Atanasiu, V.Mihalache: About Derivations in context-sensitive grammars, Report no.4, Computer Science Dept. Faculty of Math. University of Bucharest
  26. A.Atanasiu, R. Gramatovici: Learning from examples, Mathematical linguistics and related topics (Gh.Paun ed.), Ed. Academiei 1995, pp.10-23
    (Recenzii: MathRev.: 68Q45 (68T05); cod: 1 479 203)
  27. A.Atanasiu: Substitution with words and languages; Application to Cryptography, Mathematical aspects of natural and Formal languages (Gh.Paun ed.), World Scientific vol.43 (1994), pp. 1-12
    (Recenzie: Comp Rev.: 35(1994), 9411-0803)
  28. A.Atanasiu: About Encryption using Formal Methods: Substitution on Words and Languages, Annals of the Bucharest University, vol. XLII-XLIII (1994), pp.68-75
    (Recenzii: ZblMath: 823.68034, MathRev.: 94A60; cod: 1 307 005)
  29. A.Atanasiu, V.Mitrana: Formal Cryptation Systems, Proceedings of COMP - Sec '94 Conference, Techincal Military Academy, Bucuresti, June 1994
  30. A.Atanasiu: On the free crossovering operation, Annals of Bucharest University, XLV, 1(1996), pp. 3-9
    (Recenzie: MathRev.: 92D20; cod: 1.429.444)
  31. A.Atanasiu: Substitution on words and languages: Separable encryption systems, Jucan T. (ed.) et al., Romanian symposium on computer science. 10th symposium, ROSYCS '96, Iasi, Romania, May 30-31, 1996. Also in Proceedings. Iasi: "A.I. Cuza" University of Iasi, Dept. of Computer Science, 97-106 (1996)
  32. A.Atanasiu: Local splicing grammar systems, Annals of Bucharest University, Nr. 2, Seria Informatica, XVI (1997), pp. 29-38.
  33. A.Atanasiu, V.Mitrana: Separable Encryption Systems; Multi-Agents systems, (Gh.Paun and A.Salomaa eds.), Gordon and Breach, London, 1998, pp. 29-36.
  34. A.Atanasiu: Translation Devices, Annals of Bucharest University XLVII,1, (1998), pp. 3-14
  35. A.Atanasiu: A Mathematical Model of Evolutionary Sistems, Annals of Iasi University, Inf. 7, 19-32 (1998)
    (Recenzie: MathRev.: 1 687 298; cod: 92D15)
  36. A.Atanasiu, V.Mitrana: Distributed Encryption Systems, Proceedings of ROSYCS '98, Iasi, 28-30 mai 1998, pp. 79-92.
  37. A.Atanasiu, V.Mitrana: On the Error-Tolerant Closure of Languages, Annals of Bucharest University XLVII, 2 (1998), pp. 5-14
  38. A.Atanasiu, C.Martin-Vide, V.Mitrana: On the Sentence Valuations of Words, Turku Center for Computer Science, TUCS Technical Report, No. 224, dec. 1998.
  39. A.Atanasiu, C.Martin-Vide, V.Mitrana: On the Sentence Valuations in a Semiring, Abstracts of the Third International Colloquium on Words Languages and Combinatorics ICALW'2000, Kyoto Sangyo University, March, 14-18, 2000; pp.97-98; also in Journal of Logic, Languages and Information.
  40. A.Atanasiu: Oracles for Binary Words, Recent Topics in Mathematical and Computational Linguistics (Carlos Martin-Vide and Gh.Paun eds), The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest (2000), pp. 1-10.
  41. A.Atanasiu: Trellis Grammar Systems, Where Mathematics, Computer Science, Linguistics and Biology Meet. Kluwer, Dordrecht, C.Martin-Vide, V.Mitrana, eds. (2000), 69-82.
  42. A.Atanasiu: P-systems and Arithmetic Calculus, Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics, Universitat Rovira i Virgili Tarragona (Spania) 14/00 (2000).
  43. A.Atanasiu: Arithmetic with membranes, ROMJIST 4 (2001), nr.1-2, pp.5-20
  44. A.Atanasiu, C.Martin-Vide: Recursive Calculus with membranes, Fundamenta Informaticae 49 (2001), 1-15
  45. A.Atanasiu, C.Martin-Vide, A.Mateescu: On the injectivity of Parikh matrix mapping, (2000) Fundamenta Informaticae 49 (2001), 166-180
  46. A.Atanasiu, C.Martin-Vide, A.Mateescu: Codifiable languages and Parikh matrix mapping, Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol.7, nr.9 (2001), pp.783-793
  47. A.Atanasiu, C.Martin - Vide: P-systems and context-free languages, E.Alba, F.Fernandez, J.A.Gomez, F.Herrera, J.I.Hidalgo, J.Lanchares, J.J.Merelo et J.M.Sanchez, eds., Actas del Primer Congreso Espanol de Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (AEB2):341-346. Centro Universitario de Merida, Merida, 2002
  48. A.Atanasiu: Authentication of messages using P-systems, Gh.Paun, Grzegorz Rozenberg, A.Salomaa, Claudio Zandron (eds.), Membrane Computing, Intern. Workshop, WMC-CdeA 2002, August 2002, pp.33-42, LNCS 2597
  49. A.Atanasiu, C.Martin-Vide: The construction of correct texts using an algebraic constraint level, ROMJIST 5 (2003), nr.1-2, 19-31
  50. A.Atanasiu, C.Martin-Vide, V.Mitrana: On the sentence valuation in a semiring (II), Information Sciences 151 (2003), 107-124
  51. A.Atanasiu, Mihaela Malita: A New (Old) Letter "a" in Romanian Alphabet; a computational point of view, Ann. Univ. Buc. Informatica, LII (2003), 55-66
  52. A.Atanasiu, K.G.Subramanian, K.Rangarajan, P.S.P.Wang: Finite Array Automata and Regular Array Grammars, in Formal Models, Languages and Applications (K.Subramanian, M.Mukund eds.), World Scientific MPAI Series, 2007, pp.1-16
  53. A.Atanasiu: Binary Amiable Words, Intern. J. of Foundations of Computer Science, vol. 18 (2), 2007, pp.387-400

Actualizat: 9 iulie 2007

2002 - 2015 -- Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti
Str. Academiei nr. 14, sector 1, C.P. 010014, Bucuresti, Romania
Tel: (4-021) 314 2863, Fax: (4-021) 315 6990, secretariat  fmi.unibuc.ro