English Version

Prof.dr. Stefan Dragos


Data si locul nasterii: Nascut in Pucioasa la 7 martie 1961.

Educatia: A absolvit Facultatea de Matematica a Universitatii Bucuresti, sectia de 5 ani, in anul 1986.
Pozitii academice: A fost asistent in perioada 1990-1996, lector 1996-1999, iar din 1999 este conferentiar la Facultatea de Matematica a Universitatii din Bucuresti.
Teza de doctorat: A sustinut doctoratul in anul 1994 cu teza ''Teoria inelelor graduate si a algebrelor Hopf. Metode omologice'' la Universitatea din Bucuresti.
Cursuri predate: A tinut cursuri si seminarii de Algebra, Teoria Reprezentarilor Grupurilor, Teoria Algebrelor Hopf si a Algebrelor Lie, Teoria Inelelor Graduate, Bazele geometriei necomutative, Algebre si coalgebre.
Domenii de interes stiintific: Algebra necomutativa (Algebre Hopf, Inele graduate, Algebra omologica).

Articole stiintifice

  1. The uniqueness of integrals for Hopf algebras. A homological approach, Commun. Algebra 23 (1994), 1657-1652.
  2. Extending modules for Hopf Galois extensions (cu G.Militaru), Commun. Algebra, 22 (1994), 5657-5678.
  3. Cohomology of Hopf algebras and Clifford's extension problem, J. Algebra 182 (1996), 165-182.
  4. Hochschild cohomology of Hopf Galois extensions, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 103 (1995), 221-233.
  5. Decompositions of Hochschild homology, Commun. Algebra 24 (1996), 1695-1706.
  6. When is the category MC a braided category? (cu F.Panaite), Rev. Roum. Math. Pure et Appl. 42 (1997), 107-119.
  7. Hopf Subalgebras of Pointed Hopf Algebras and Applications, Proceedings AMS, 125 (1997), 3191-3193.
  8. The set of types of n-dimensional semisimple and cosemisimple Hopf algebras is finite, J. Algebra 193 (1997), 571-590.
  9. On the classification of pointed Hopf algebras, An.St. Univ. Constanta, 4 (1996), 186-191.
  10. Cogalois extensions via strongly graded fields, Commun. Algebra, 7 (1999), 5687-5702.
  11. Hochschild cohomology and the coradical filtration of pointed Hopf algebras (cu F.Van Oystaeyen), J. Algebra 210 (1998), 535-556.
  12. Hopf algebras of low dimension, J. Algebra 211 (1999), 343-361.
  13. The Wedderburn-Malcev theorem for comodule algebras (cu F.Van Oystaeyen), Commun. Algebra, 27(8) (1999), 3569-3581.
  14. Deformation cohomology of Yetter-Drinfeld modules (cu F.Panaite), Commun. Algebra, 30 (2002), 331-345.
  15. Descent theory and Amitsur cohomology for triples (cu C.Menini), J. Algebra, 266 (2003), no.1, 261-304.
  16. Formally smooth and hereditary coalgebras (cu D.Llena, P.Jara si L.Merino), Algebr. Represent. Theory 8 (2005), 363-374.
  17. A Monoidal Approach to Splitting Morphisms of Bialgebras (cu A.Ardizzoni, C.Menini), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 359 (2007), 991-1044.
  18. Hilbert's Theorem 90 for Hopf-Galois extensions (cu L.Merino si P.Jara), Commun. Algebra 34 (2006), 4055-4064.
  19. Cotensor Coalgebras in Monoidal Categories (cu A.Ardizzoni, C.Menini), Commun. Algebra 35 (2007), 25-70.
  20. Hochschild Cohomology And "Smoothness" In Monoidal Categories (cu A.Ardizzoni, C.Menini), J. Pure Appl. Algebra 208 (2007), 297-330.
  21. Hopf-cyclic homology and relative cyclic homology of Hopf-Galois extensions (cu P.Jara), Proc. London Math. Soc. 93 (2006), 138-174.
  22. Weak Projections onto a Braided Hopf Algebra, (cu A.Ardizzoni, C.Menini), J. Algebra 318 (2007), 180-201.
  23. (Co)cyclic (co)homology of bialgebroids: An approach via (co)monads (cu G.Bohm), arXiv:0705.3190, va apare in Commun. Math. Phys.
  24. PBW deformations of braided symmetric algebras and a Milnor-Moore type theorem for braided bialgebras, (cu A.Ardizzoni si C.Menini), arXiv:math/0604181.
  25. New examples of (co)cyclic objects arising associated to a (co)monad (cu G.Bohm), arXiv:0801.0033.
  26. Cyclic homology of centrally Hopf-Galois extensions (cu A.Makhlouf), lucrare in curs de finalizare.
  27. On the classification of twisted tensor products (cu P.Jara, J.Lopez si G.Navarro), lucrare in curs de finalizare.
  28. Homological properties of twisted tensor products (cu P.Jara, J.Lopez), lucrare in curs de elaborare.

Actualizat: 21 ianuarie 2008

2002 - 2015 -- Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti
Str. Academiei nr. 14, sector 1, C.P. 010014, Bucuresti, Romania
Tel: (4-021) 314 2863, Fax: (4-021) 315 6990, secretariat  fmi.unibuc.ro