English Version

Conf.dr. Dumitrescu Tiberiu


Data si locul nasterii: 16 august 1958, Ploiesti, judetul Prahova.

Educatia: A absolvit Facultatea de Matematica a Universitatii din Bucuresti in 1983.
Teza de doctorat: Doctor in matematica din 1995 cu teza "Algebra Locala in caracteristica p > 0" la Universitatea Bucuresti.
Pozitii academice: A fost cercetator stiintific la Institutul de Tehnica de Calcul si Informatica Bucuresti intre 1983-1990. A fost asistent in perioada 1990-1996, lector in perioada 1996-2003 si este conferentiar din 2003.
Cursuri predate: A predat cursuri si seminarii de Algebra, Algebra liniara, Teoria modulelor, Proprietati aritmetice ale inelelor, Algebra Comutativa, Algebra Locala, Reprezentari ale Algebrelor.
Domenii de interes stiintific: Algebra Comutativa, Algebra Locala, Omologia Algebrelor Comutative, Proprietati Aritmetice ale Inelelor, Teoria Multiplicativa a Idealelor.

A fost visiting scholar la Technical University Essen, Germania (1997), University of Iowa, SUA (2000) si North Dakota State University, SUA (2005).
A tinut in calitate de autor sau coautor peste 20 comunicari la conferinte de specialitate din tara si strainatate.
Are peste peste 30 de citari facute de peste 15 autori straini.
Recenzent la Mathematical Reviews din 1995 si la Zentralblatt fur Mathematik din 1999.

Carti si manuale

  1. Local Algebras, Tipografia Universitatii Bucuresti, 1993 (cu A.Brezuleanu, N.Radu).

Articole stiintifice

  1. A remark on Going-Down, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. de la R.S.R., 30, 1986, p.213-216.
  2. On a theorem of N. Radu and M. Andre, Stud. Cerc. Math., 46 (4), 1994, p.445-447.
  3. Regularity and flatness for ring homomorfisms, Analele Universitatii "Ovidius", Constanta, 2, 1994, p.80-83 (cu N.Radu).
  4. Reducedness, Formal Smoothness and Approximation in characteristic p, Comm. Algebra, 23, 1995, p.1787-1795.
  5. On a theorem of A. Grothendieck, Stud. Cerc. Mat., 48 (5-6), 1996, (cu N.Radu).
  6. Regularity and finite flat dimension in characteristic p, Comm. Algebra 24 (10), 1996, p.3387-3401.
  7. A direct proof for a flatness property of Dedekind domains, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, 39(1996), 117-119.
  8. Some factorization properties of composite domains A+XB[X] and A+XB[[X]], Comm. Algebra, 28(3) (2000), 1125-1139 (cu N.Radu, S.I. Al-Salihi si T.Shah).
  9. On some examples of atomic domains and of G-rings, Comm. Algebra, 28(3) (2000), 1115-1123.
  10. Domains whose overrings satisfy ACCP, Commun. Algebra 28 (2000), 4403-4409 (cu T.Shah si M.Zafrullah).
  11. A note on composite domains A+XB[X] and A+XB[[X]], Math. Reports 2 (2000), 175-182 (cu S.I. Al-Salihi).
  12. Almost GCD domains with a finiteness condition, J. Algebra 245 (2001), 161-181 (cu Y.Lequain, J.Mott and M.Zafrullah).
  13. Lcm-splitting sets in some ring extensions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 130 (2001), 1639-1644 (cu M.Zafrullah).
  14. On a theorem of N. Radu and M. Andre (II), Math. Reports 3 (2001), 159-161.
  15. A two-dimensional domain whose integral closure is not t-linked, An. Univ. Ovidius Constantza, Ser. Mat., 9 (2001), 55-57.
  16. Primes that become primal in a pullback, Internat. J. Comm Rings 1 (2002), 201-213 (cu N.Radu si M.Zafrullah).
  17. S-Noetherian rings, Commun. Algebra 30 (2002), 4407-4416 (cu D.D. Anderson).
  18. Condensed domains, Canad. Math. Bull. 46 (2003), 3-13 (cu D.D. Anderson).
  19. Ascending nets of Pruefer v-multiplication domains, Comm. Algebra 31 (2003), 1633-1642 (cu R.Moldovan).
  20. Condensed local domains which are not strongly condensed, Math. Reports 5(55), (2003), 205-209 (cu D.D.Anderson).
  21. Quasi-Schreier domains, Math. Reports 5(55), no.3, (2003), 121-126 (cu R.Moldovan).
  22. Almost splitting sets and AGCD domains, Comm. Algebra 32 (2004), 147-158 (cu D.D. Anderson si M.Zafrullah).
  23. t-splitting sets in integral domains, J.Pure Appl. Algebra 187 (2004), 71-86 (cu G.W. Chang si M.Zafrullah).
  24. Half-Condensed domains, Houston J. Math. 31 (2005) (cu D.D. Anderson).
  25. T-splitting multiplicative sets of ideals in integral domains, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 197 (2005), 239-248 (cu G.W. Chang si M.Zafrullah).
  26. The half-factorial property and domains of the form A+xB[x], va aparea in Houston Journal of Mathematics (cu J. Coykendall si M.Zafrullah).
  27. Integral domains having nonzero elements with infinitely many prime divisors, trimisa spre publicare (cu J. Coykendall).
  28. Quasi-Schreier domains II, trimisa spre publicare (cu D.D. Anderson si M.Zafrullah).

Ultima actualizare: 26 octombrie 2005

2002 - 2015 -- Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti
Str. Academiei nr. 14, sector 1, C.P. 010014, Bucuresti, Romania
Tel: (4-021) 314 2863, Fax: (4-021) 315 6990, secretariat  fmi.unibuc.ro