Publicatii periodice donate in anul 2003
Donatie: Georgescu Adelina
Scripta Scientiarum Mathematicarum
Societas topologiae systematum subtilium et applicationum moldaviae
Prefata (267 KB) |
Buletin stiintific
Seria Matematica si Informatica Universitatea din Pitesti
Prefata (53 KB) |
Donatie: Calude Cristian
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
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ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
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ACM Transactions on Database Systems
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ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
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ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
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ACM Transactions on Information Systems
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ACM Computing Surveys
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ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
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ACM Transactions on Graphics
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Communications of the ACM
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Donatie: Paun Gheorghe
Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics
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Computer Science Journal of Moldova
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Bulletin of the European Association...
Prefata (106 KB) |
Computing and Informatics
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International Journal of Computer Mathematics
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Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences
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Grammars - A Journal of Mathematical Research on Formal and Natural Languages
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Fundamenta Informaticae
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International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science
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Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications
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Donatie: Tomescu Ioan
Mathematics Competitions
Journal of the World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions
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Donatie: Dumitrescu Monica
Survey Methodology
A Journal published by Statistics Canada
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Donatie: Tigoiu Sanda
International journal of Plasticity
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Donatie: Turbatu Stelian
The Hyperion Scientific Journal
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Donatie: Catedra de Mecanica
Journal of Applied Mechanics
Transactions of the ASME
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Donatie: Program TEMPUS
Journal of Differential Equations
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