English Version



Donatii,   Cumparatura,   Schimb de publicatii

Intrari pe luna Noiembrie, anul 2005



Donatie: Georgescu George

Fundations of Algebraic Geometry
Andre Weil


Quantales and their applications
Kimmo I. Rosenthal


Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics vol.XXV
Acesta este un pdf: Prefata
 (121 KB)


Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics vol.XIII Part I


Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics vol.XIII Part II


Contemporary Mathematics
Stephen McAdam


Lattices, Semigroups, and Universal Algebra
Jorge Almeida, Gabriela Bordalo, Philip Dwinger
Acesta este un pdf: Prefata
 (38 KB)


Introduction to the theory of algebraic functions of one variable
Claude Chevalley
Acesta este un pdf: Prefata
 (91 KB)


An introduction to the Analytic Theory of Numbers
Raymond Ayoub


Derivates, nuclei and dimensions on the frame of torsion theories
Jonathan S.Golan, Harold Simmons


Donatie: Calude Cristian

Computational Geometry (SCG 03)


Computational Geometry (SCG 01)


Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing


Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms


Donatie: Constantinescu Corneliu

Advanced Integration Theory
C.Constantinescu, W.Filter, K.Weber


Donatie: Sorin Stupariu

Curves and Surfaces for CAGD
Gerald Farin


Donatie: Vlada Marin

Conferinta Nationala de Invatamant Virtual, C.N.I.V.-2005
Ion Chitescu, H.Georgescu, V.Preda, I.Vaduva, I.Tomescu, M.Vlada, G.Pripoae


Donatie: Solomon Marcus

32th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science







Schimb de publicatii

Mathematics and the Conditions of Learning
J.B. Biggs, B.A., Ph.D.



2002 - 2015 -- Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti
Str. Academiei nr. 14, sector 1, C.P. 010014, Bucuresti, Romania
Tel: (4-021) 314 2863, Fax: (4-021) 315 6990, secretariat  fmi.unibuc.ro