Schimb de publicatii
Intrari pe luna Octombrie, anul 2003
Donatie: Georgescu Adelina
Haos, fractali si aplicatii
Constanta-Dana Constantinescu
Prefata (351 KB) |
CAIM 2002
Lucrarile sectiei a 7-a
Prefata (45 KB) |
Donatie: Busneag Dumitru
Probleme de logica si teoria multimilor
D.Busneag, Fl.Chirtes, D.Piciu
Prefata (29 KB) |
Donatie: Enachescu Denis
Elements of Statistical Learning, Applications in Data Mining
Enachesc Denis
Prefata (96 KB) |
Donatie: George Stoica
Introduction to Mathematical Finance
Prefata (44 KB) |
Introduction to Game Theory
Stef Tijs
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Donatie: Nicolae Liviu Dan
Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Genetic Analysis
Kenneth Lange
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The Bootstrap and Edgeworth Expansion
Peter Hall
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An Introduction to Integration and Measure Theory
Ole A. Nielsen
Prefata (251 KB) |
Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics
Warren J.Ewens, Gregory R.Grant
Prefata (0 KB) |
Smoothing Techniques
Wolfgang Hardle
Prefata (72 KB) |
Mathematical Statistics
Peter J.Bickel, Kjell A. Doksum
Prefata (119 KB) |
Modern Probability Theory and Its Applications
Emanuel Parzen
Prefata (94 KB) |
Donatie: Guiasu Silviu
Quantum Mechanics
Silviu Guiasu
Prefata (52 KB) |
Relative Logic for Intelligence-Based Systems
Silviu Guiasu
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Donatie: Soare Nicolae
Metoda transformarilor geometrice
N.Soare, A.M.Panait, L.Preda, I.Soare
Prefata (29 KB) |
Donatie: Rotomeza Vasile
Nou sistem de coordonate infiniti mici noi
Vasile Rotomeza
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Probleme vechi nerezolvate
Vasile Rotomeza
Prefata (41 KB) |
Probleme vechi nerezolvate partea a III-a
Vasile Rotomeza
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Sus Cumparatura
Ioan Serdean
Prefata (169 KB) |
Geometrie diferentiala
I.-E.Hirica, L.Nicolescu, S.Leiko, G.Pripoae
Prefata (41 KB) |
Delphi 5
Steve Teixeira, Xavier Pacheco
Prefata (157 KB) |
Dictionar de calculatoare
Prefata (115 KB) |
Ken Henderson
Prefata (53 KB) |
Adobe Premiere 6.0
Prefata (53 KB) |
LINUX - Administrarea programului Sendmail
Craig Hunt
Prefata (300 KB) |
Proceduri stocate in SQL Server. XML, HTML
Ken Henderson
Prefata (106 KB) |
Servicii WEB cu Java
Steve G., Simeon S., Toufic B., Doug D., Glen D., Yuichi N., Ryo N.
Prefata (253 KB) |
Microsoft.NET Framework
Jeffrey Richter
Prefata (59 KB) |
C++ pentru... amici!
Stephen Randy Davis
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Algoritmi euristici
Octavian Basca, Leon Livovschi
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Programarea calculatoarelor. Descrierea algoritmilor si fundamentele limbajului C/C++
Iosif Ignat, Claudia-Lavinia Ignat
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Initiere in programarea orientata pe obiecte din perspectiva C++ si JAVA
Dorin Bocu
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Limbajele C si C++ pentru incepatori
Liviu Negrescu
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Programarea in C++ Builder
Mihai Oltean, Crina Grosan
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Programarea interfetelor cu Visual Basic 6.0
Kovacs Sandor
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Utilizarea sistemului SQL Server
Robert Dollinger
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Inteligenta artificiala - demonstrarea automata a teoremelor
Doina Tatar
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Inteligenta artificiala - aplicatii in prelucrarea limbajului natural
Doina Tatar
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Programare in inteligenta artificiala LISP si PROLOG
Horia Pop, Gabriela Serban
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Initiere in modelarea obiect a sistemelor soft utilizand UML
Dorin Bocu
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Principiile inteligentei artificiale
D. Dumitrescu
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Performantele inteligentei artificiale
Titu I. Bajenescu
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Modelare stochastica si simulare
Fl. Gorunescu, A. Prodan
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Analiza matematica culegere de probleme
Irinel Radomir, Andreea Fulga
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Sistemul nostru solar
Cristina Blaga
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Capitole speciale de teoria geometrica a functiilor de mai multe variabile complexe
Paula Curt
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Matematici superioare, Biostatistica si Informatica
M. Gorunescu, Fl. Gorunescu, A. Prodan
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