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Publicatii donate de: Vaida Florin


Introduction to Computational Biology
Michael S. Waterman


Linear Statistical Inference and its Applications
C.Radhakrishna Rao


Statistical Methods in Cancer Research, vol.I
N.E.Breslow, N.E.Day


Statistical Methods in Cancer Research, vol.II
N.E.Breslow, N.E.Day


Bioinformatics. A Practical Guide...
Andreas D. Baxevanis, B.F. Francis Ouellette


Biological Sequence Analysis
R.Durbin, S.Eddy, A.Krogh, G.Mitchison


Expert C Programming. Deep C Secrets
Peter Van der Linden


Statistics. Making Sense of Data
William F. Stout, Kenneth J. Travers, John Marden


Theory and Application of the Linear Model
Franklin A. Graybill


Statistical Methods
George W. Snedecor, William G. Cochran


The New S Language A Programming Environment for Data Analysis and Graphics
Richard A. Becker, John M. Chambers, Allan R. Wilks


Statistical Models Based on Counting Processes
Per K. Andersen, Ornulf Borgan, Richard D. Gill, Niels Keiding


Fundamentals of Statistical Exponential Families
Lawrence D. Brown


Mathematical Methods of Statistics
Harald Cramer


Markov Chains and Stochastic Stability
S.P.Meyn, R.L.Tweedie


Linear and Nonlinear Models for the Analysis of Repeated Measurements
Edward F. Vonesh Vernon M.Chinchilli


The Elements of Statistical Learning
Trevor Hastie Robert Tibshirani Jerome Friedman


Elements of Large-Sample Theory
E.L. Lehmann


An Intermediate Course in Probability
Allan Gut


Model Selection and Inference
Kenneth P. Burnham David R. Anderson


The EM Algorithm and Extensions
Geoffrey J. McLachlan Thriyambakam Krishnan


Numerical Analysis Second Edition
Kendall E.Atkinson


Bayesian Data Analysis
Andrew Gelman, John B.Carlin, Hal S.Stern, Donald B.Rubin


2002 - 2015 -- Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti
Str. Academiei nr. 14, sector 1, C.P. 010014, Bucuresti, Romania
Tel: (4-021) 314 2863, Fax: (4-021) 315 6990, secretariat  fmi.unibuc.ro