English Version

Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti

Seria Matematica


Annals of the University of Bucharest (mathematical series), ISSN 2067-9009 is a mathematical research journal, published by the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. This journal continues Analele Universitatii din Bucuresti-Matematica, founded in 1952. Annals of the University of Bucharest (mathematical series) aims at publishing high level original research papers and surveys, in all areas of pure and applied mathematics. The papers published in this journal are abstracted in Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt Math. The journal consists of one yearly volume divided in 2 issues. Contributions should be in English and should be sent to one of the members of the Editorial Board or to one of the Editorial Secretaries.

Information for authors. LaTex template.


Str. Academiei 14
010014 Bucharest, Romania

Contact: annalsub  fmi.unibuc.ro

ISSN 2067-9009

Seria Matematica     Scurt Istoric


CABIRIA ANDREIAN-CAZACU (University of Bucharest, Cabiria.Andreian@imar.ro) • VIOREL BARBU (University of Iasi, vb41@uaic.ro) • LUCIAN BEZNEA ("Simion Stoilow" Inst.of Math., Lucian.Beznea@imar.ro) • HAIM BREZIS (The State University of New Jersey, brezis@math.rutgers.edu) • STEFAAN CAENEPEEL (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, scaenepe@vub.ac.be) • ION CHITESCU (University of Bucharest, ionchitescu@yahoo.com) • PHILIPPE CIARLET (City University of Hong Kong, MAPGC@cityu.edu.hk) • DOINA CIORANESCU (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, cioran@ann.jussieu.fr) • NICOLAIE D. CRISTESCU (University of Bucharest, cristesc@ufl.edu) • ROMULUS CRISTESCU (University of Bucharest, romuluscristescu@yahoo.com) • IOAN CUCULESCU (University of Bucharest, icucul@fmi.unibuc.ro) • NICOLAE DINCULEANU (University of Florida, nd@math.ufl.edu) • VIOREL IFTIMIE(University of Bucharest, viftimie@fmi.unibuc.ro) • GEORGE GEORGESCU (University of Buchares​t, georgescu@fmi.unibuc.ro) •  PALTIN IONESCU (University of Bucharest, Paltin.Ionescu@imar.ro) • MARIUS IOSIFESCU ("Gh. Mihoc-C. Iacob" Inst. of Math. Statist. and Appl. Math, miosifes@acad.ro) • YVON MADAY (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, maday@ann.jussieu.fr) • GERARD MAUGIN (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, gerard.maugin@upmc.fr) • JEAN MAWHIN (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Jean.Mawhin@uclouvain.be) • PETRU MIRONESCU (Université de Lyon, mironescu@math.univ-lyon1.fr) • CONSTANTIN NASTASESCU (University of Bucharest, constantin_nastasescu@yahoo.com) • LIVIU ORNEA (University of Bucharest, lornea@gta.math.unibuc.ro) • DORIN POPESCU (University of Bucharest, Dorin.Popescu@imar.ro) • VASILE PREDA (University of Bucharest, preda@fmi.unibuc.ro) • ROGER TEMAM (Indiana University, temam@indiana.edu) • IOAN TOMESCU (University of Bucharest, ioan@fmi.unibuc.ro)


RADU MICULESCU, University of Bucharest, miculesc@yahoo.com
MIHAI-SORIN STUPARIU, University of Bucharest, stupariu@fmi.unibuc.ro







Anul LV — 2006 Nr.1


Proceedings of 30-th "Caius Iacob" Conference on Fluid Mechanics and its Technical Application dedicated to Professor Lazar Dragos on his 75-th birthday
November 25-26, 2005

 Lori BADEA - Domain decomposition method for fixed-point problems

 Fadila BENTALHA, Isabelle GRUIAS, Dan POLISEVSKI - Asymptotic thermal flow around a highly conductive suspension

 Horia I. ENE - On the Stokes problem with slip boundary condition

 Constantin FETECAU, Jurgen ZIEREP - Some exact solutions for the motion of a second grade fluid due to an oscillating sphere

 Stelian ION, Dorel HOMENTCOVSCHI - Fundamental Solutions of Oscillatory Compressible Stokes Equations

 Gheorghe JUNCU - A numerical study of laminar flow past two circular cylinders in-line at low Reynolds numbers

 Mirela KOHR - Boundary value problems for the Stokes resolvent equations

 Emil LUNGU, Alin POHOATA - Finite element-boundary element approach of MHD Pipe Flow

 Mircea LUPU, Stefan NEDELCU, Adrian POSTELNICU - Mathematical Models and Optimizations of Naval Sail Systems

 Dorin MARINESCU - On the Approximation of the Solutions of a Kinetic Model of Fermions

 Nicu POP, Titus PETRILA - Finite Element Discretization of Some Variational Inequalities Arising in Contact Problems with Friction

 Ruxandra STAVRE - Incompressible flow of the molten powder in meniscus zone of continuous casting mold

 Victor TIGOIU - Existence / Non-existence of Acceleration Waves in Third Grade Fluids

2002 - 2015 -- Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica, Universitatea din Bucuresti
Str. Academiei nr. 14, sector 1, C.P. 010014, Bucuresti, Romania
Tel: (4-021) 314 2863, Fax: (4-021) 315 6990, secretariat  fmi.unibuc.ro